Guilford Polling Result on Australian Ballot Public Issue

Polling results from Tuesday’s Town Meeting Australian Ballot; given no contests for town offices, we’re leaving that report to the Town Office, which will post those results on the site. So this immediate result report is confined to the public issue question on the FFEH Ordinance:

(Passed) Yes: To Disapprove 252

(Defeated) No: To Approve: 180

Selectboard Candidate Interview – Tim Wessel

Wessel Family

We continue our series of interviews with candidates for Selectboard, this time with Tim Wessel, the only incumbent and a three-year seat candidate.

Give us a brief biography – who are you? What do you do?

Hi, I’m Tim! I’m a father to a 29 year old AND a 13 month old, which is crazy and strange and pretty darned wonderful too. I work for myself running Vermont Films, a video production company here in Brattleboro, and I spend my work life shooting and editing films for many different clients, both local and national. Many people saw my appearance on House Hunters on HGTV a few years back, and I also work in production for that show about once a month, usually traveling to do so. My wife and I just celebrated our second wedding anniversary, and the first birthday of our son.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – February 19

It’s the last regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectrboard before elections in March, and the agenda is a light one.

The board will talk liquor and drugs, finances, an exemption to the plastic bag ordinance, and will review their goals and progress. They also pay attention when you bring up that other item not on the agenda, during public participation.

Guilford Play Auditions Feb 9 & 12


Guilford Center Stage announces open auditions for its spring production of Alice, a musical play directed by Richard Epstein. There will be two sessions of auditions: Saturday, February 9, from 10 am to 1 pm, and Tuesday, February 12, from 6:30 to 8:30 pm, at the Broad Brook Community Center in Guilford.

Brattleboro Smart Parking Update

Brattleboro is adding new convenience features to the parking system in response to the expressed wishes of the public. The number one concern raised last year during the Parking Survey was the need to accept credit and debit cards. Once the transition is complete this new equipment will allow the public to pay for parking in Brattleboro using a credit/debit card, using an app on their Smartphone, and even with traditional coinage. 

Verandah Porche’s Play in Guilford Nov. 24 & 25

Broad Brook Anthology, a Play for Voices by Guilford poet, Verandah Porche, will be this year’s final production of Guilford Center Stage. The production is in association with Monteverdi Artists Collaborative. There will be two performances this weekend: Saturday, Nov. 24 at 6:30 pm, and Sunday the 25th at 4:00 pm, at Guilford Center Meeting House. General admission as $10 at the door.

The work, based on recollections of Guilford elders, was first performed in 2011, as part of the Town of Guilford’s 250th anniversary, and includes projected photographs by Jeff Woodward, and music by Don McLean.

Angels we have heard on high…

In the Catholic Church, three angels are mentioned by name in scriptures: Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael.In Anglican and Episcopal tradition, there are four in the calendar: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel. Coptic Orthodox tradition venerates seven: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Suriel, Sarathiel, Zadkiel, and Aniel. For Eastern Orthodox Churches there are eight: Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, Uriel, Selaphiel, Jegudiel, Barachiel, and Jeremiel. The Book of Enoch mentions seven: Uriel, Raguel, Sariel, Jeramiel, Izekiel, Hanael, and Kepharel.

Open Studio Thursday Nights (Families Welcome)

The Drawing Studio at 28 Williams Street hosts an ongoing Thursday Night Open Studio from 5 to 8pm. Each week is a different theme: Animals, Shoes, Mythical Creatures, Your Neighborhood, etc..). Bring a friend, a sister, your kids. All drawing materials provided and the Open Studio is supported by your donations.
Please email Jason at or visit the link for more info!