Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – Aug 3, 2023

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: The house located within the project limits at 85 Vernon Street has been demolished.

Testing was completed on the waterline installation under the VT 142 corridor this past week. The installation of underdrain and closed drainage work will continue to progress. The embankment elevation will also continue to be brought closer to final grade.

Construction Update Brattleboro – Hinsdale Bridge – July 27

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: The house located within the project limits at 85 Vernon Street is scheduled for demolition as early as Tuesday, August 1st. This work is being coordinated with Brattleboro DPW and the police department.

Work was completed on the waterline installation under the VT 142 corridor this past week. The installation of underdrain and closed drainage work will continue to progress. The embankment elevation will also continue to be brought closer to final grade.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – July 20

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: Work continues to progress on waterline and drainage installation from north to south along the VT 142 corridor. Ledge removal along the north end of the project with hydraulic hammers has become necessary to advance this work and will continue until elevations above the ledge line can be achieved. The raising of drainage structures will continue as grade of the highway is increased.

The layout and formwork for the northern MSE wall moment slabs will continue this week as the contractor prepares for concrete. The moment slabs will hold the railings and become the sidewalk. It is anticipated that these locations will be ready for concrete in the coming weeks.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – July 13

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: The Vermont side of the construction site held up well during the rain event this past Monday. Work was able to continue on the waterline, drainage, and embankment installations along the VT 142 corridor and these operations are scheduled to continue into next week.

In addition, fine grading operations have begun and will continue for the placement of northern MSE wall moment slabs. Once grading is complete; waterproof membrane, formwork, and reinforcing steel can all be installed for the 30 foot slabs.

Route 30 Feedback

The road crews are doing a great job overall, given the weather we’ve been having, but now that the Route 30 reclamation project is about to the halfway point or so, I have some feedback from the point of view of a road user.

1. Stickney Brook was the wrong “break point”

They’ve paved a base coat all the way to the Stickney Brook bridge. It would have been better for RT 30 users to have Rt 30 paved with a base coat to the Dummerston covered bridge, another mile down the road.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – July 7, 2023

CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: A 12” gate valve for the water main is being installed to allow tying the new water line built for the project into the existing line without having to shut off the water to 28 Vernon Street.

Backfill material, membrane, filter fabric and underdrain are being placed for the southern Mechanically Stabilized Earth (MSE) wall. This operation will continue into next week along with the placement of drainage structures and embankment material in the road corridor.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – June 30

Due to heavy rains overnight Monday and into Tuesday, regular operations this week were interrupted with some emergency repair work on drainage at the Royal Road and VT 142 intersection and adjacent railroad tracks. Permanent repairs to the intersection, existing drainage, and the tracks have been made and with the final clean up of some environmental impacts along the river, this issue will be fully addressed.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge

DETOUR INFORMATION: The truck detour route from VT 142 will be up Cotton Mill Hill Road, left onto South Main Street, continuing onto Fairground Road, and finally back Canal Street. Cars detouring from VT 142 should proceed up Cotton Mill Hill Rd. and make a right hand turn onto South Main St. A turnaround has been constructed south of Cotton Mill Hill Rd. on VT 142 to allow vehicles to safely navigate this corridor. A three-way stop configuration has been implemented at the Cotton Mill Hill Rd. and VT 142 intersection.

VT 142 Royal Road Weekend Work Scheduled

The installation of a 30″ Reinforced Concrete Pipe (RCP) under the railroad tracks adjacent to the intersection of Vermont Route 142 and Royal Road in Brattleboro will necessitate the contractor work 24 hours a day over the weekend beginning Friday, June 23rd and ending on Sunday, June 25th. Residents in the vicinity of the project should be advised that site lighting and construction noise will come from this location overnight on both Friday and Saturday nights. Train traffic will be suspended during this weekend closure period and is scheduled to resume again on Monday morning at 8 a.m.

Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – Construction Update

The contractor will continue to work on installing new drainage systems as well as removing existing pipes and structures. Backfill of this work has begun on the southern end of VT 142 and progresses north. This fill placement is the beginning of the embankment work needed to raise the road to meet the new bridge alignment. Work on the southern MSE wall continues this week with panel placement and related backfill. Abutment A’s backwall is still in the process of being formed up with rebar being placed.

Construction Update Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge

The contractor will finish removing pavement and concrete roadway this week and will continue to work on installing new drainage systems as well as removing existing pipes and structures. Backfill of this work will begin on the southern end of VT 142 and progress north. Work on the southern MSE wall continues this week with panel placement and related backfill.

Brattleboro Hinsdale Bridge Construction Update – June 2

DETOUR INFORMATION: The truck detour route from VT 142 will be up Cotton Mill Hill Road, left onto South Main Street, continuing onto Fairground Road, and finally back to Canal Street. Cars detouring from VT 142 should proceed up Cotton Mill Hill Rd. and make a right hand turn onto South Main St. A turnaround has been constructed just south of Cotton Mill Hill Rd. on VT 142 to allow vehicles with significant turning radius from the north to approach Cotton Mill Hill Rd. from the south. A three-way stop configuration will also be implemented at the Cotton Mill Hill Rd. and VT 142 intersection. Motorists are advised to watch for trucks turning and reduce speed in this area.

Vermont Route 142 in Brattleboro Closed

The 90 day closure of Vermont Route 142 has begun as of today, May, 30th, 2023 and is anticipated to be completed August 28, 2023. During the closure the contractor will be working on bringing the road grade up to meet the new alignment and tie-in for the Vermont/New Hampshire Route 119 bridge over the Connecticut River.

The location of the closure is approximately 1000 feet south of the current intersection of VT 142 and VT/NH 119. Access to both Royal Road from the southern approach and to 28 Vernon Street from the north will be maintained and flaggers will be present to assist local motorists with access to these locations as needed.

Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge Construction Update May 26, 2023

TRAFFIC IMPACT: The planned closure for Vermont Route 142 is scheduled to be implemented on Tuesday morning, May 30, 2023 at 7 a.m. Until then, intermittent flagging operations and single lane closures will be encountered during working hours from the intersection with Royal Road and north, allowing for the entering/exiting of construction equipment to the work zones.

VT 142 will be closed for 90 days beginning north of the access to Royal Road to just south of the access to 28 Vernon Street. Flaggers will be present at both ends of the closure to assist construction vehicles into the work zone and to facilitate local traffic access to 28 Vernon Street as needed.

Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge Construction Update May 11

ONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES: Drainage work has begun across from Royal Road near to the Connecticut River. The northern MSE wall work continues with the placement of panels and panel straps and the southern MSE wall may begin as early as next week with related excavation and forming of the leveling pad. The gravel wetland construction continues and is awaiting the installation of a drainage structure in order to bring this work to completion.

Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge – Construction Update May 4, 2023

Installation of panels and panel straps for the northern MSE wall will continue next week. Excavation for the gravel wetland south of the bridge abutment is ongoing along with the installation of drainage structures. The last of the cofferdam sheets that were used for the gravel wetland have been removed. Form work has begun at Abutment A (the Vermont abutment) for the backwall and will continue into next week with a concrete placement tentative for the end of the week.

Pile driving operations are complete at Pier 2 as of last week. However, additional work on the temporary trestle access over the CT River will need to be completed to facilitate construction equipment and the intermittent pounding of diesel hammers will continue as a part of this operation into next week. Pier 1 piles remain to be driven later this season.

Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge- Construction Update April 27, 2023

The contractor has finished the leveling pad installation for the northern MSE wall and will begin to set panels and the panel straps. The covered retaining wall on the west side of VT 142 will be maintained as necessary until the location can be backfilled during the summer closure period. Excavation for the gravel wetland is ongoing and coinciding installation of drainage structures has begun.

Pile driving operations are anticipated to be finished at Pier 2 by the end of this week. Pier 1 piles will be driven later this season. Additional work on the temporary trestle access over the CT River will need to be completed to facilitate construction equipment and the intermittent pounding of diesel hammers will continue as a part of this operation.

Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge Construction Update – April 6, 2023

The contractor has finished the tree clearing operation. Covering the existing retaining wall on the west side of VT 142 is ongoing.

On the east side of VT 142, the north MSE wall near Abutment 1 work has begun and will continue next week. In addition, work is scheduled to begin on the gravel wetland located just to the south of Abutment 1 on Monday.

As noted before, pile driving operations will continue at Pier locations 2 and 1 and intermittent pounding of diesel pile hammers is anticipated through the Summer of 2023 with Saturday work anticipated from 7 AM – 7 PM.

Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridge Construction Update March 30

The contractor has begun working on environmental protections and controls on the west side of VT 142, preparing the retaining wall to be covered. They anticipate tree clearing operations to begin tomorrow. Tree removal will result in brief periods of full closure on VT 142 for the safety of the traveling public.

Work continues on the bridge abutment on the Vermont side where the MSE wall construction is scheduled to begin.