Brattleboro Area Hospice to Host 6th Death Cafe in Wilmington

Brattleboro Area Hospice will host it’s 6th Death Café in Wilmington. This free event will be held on Wednesday, March 25, 2-4 pm at Dot’s Restaurant at 3 West Main St.

Part of an international movement that started in Europe (, the Death Cafe is dedicated to taking death out of the closet in order to discuss it publicly.

Season’s First Sugar Supper this Saturday in Guilford

Broad Brook Grange’s annual Sugar on Snow Supper will be held Saturday, March 7, at the Grange hall in Guilford Center. Always the first sugar supper of the season in Windham County, the meal features ham, baked beans, deviled eggs, cole slaw, potato salad, rolls, pickles, homemade donuts, and Guilford maple sugar on Guilford snow.

There will be three seatings: at 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 pm.  At each seating, a half-gallon of Guilford maple syrup will be raffled.

Guilford Pre-Town Meeting Thursday

Broad Brook Grange will hold its annual Pre-Town Meeting on Thursday, February 26, 7:00 pm at the Grange hall. 

This is the only opportunity for voters to hear details of the articles which will be presented at the Town and School District Meetings, and to meet and discuss issues with the selectboard and school board all in one evening, in advance of Town Meeting.  

In addition, candidates for town and school board offices are urged to attend to introduce themselves to the voters.  State law prevents any “campaigning” by candidates at Town Meeting, when an Australian ballot is used, as in this instance.  So this is the only time before the vote for the public to meet and hear the candidates all at once.  

Three-Minute Siren Test Scheduled for Area Vt., N.H., and Mass. Towns Saturday, November 1 at Noon

On Saturday, November 1 at Noon, state and local public safety agencies will conduct an audible sounding of the 37 sirens located within the Vermont Yankee ten-mile emergency planning zone. The pole-mounted sirens are located in the Vermont towns of Brattleboro, Dummerston, Guilford and Vernon, and in the New Hampshire towns of Chesterfield, Hinsdale, Richmond, Swanzey and Winchester. In Massachusetts the sirens are located in Gill, Colrain, Leyden, Bernardston and Northfield.

The three-minute siren testing is being conducted by the Vermont, New Hampshire and Massachusetts state public safety agencies in compliance with the regulations of the Federal Emergency Management Agency to ensure the effectiveness of the public notification system.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast Invitation (RSVP)

“Vermont Yankee Decommissioning: Unanswered Questions”                                          

The next “Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast” is planned for Friday, September 19,  2014 at the Gibson Aiken Center, downstairs, hosted by Senior Meals. Doors open at 7:30am.

Clay Turnbull from the (based in Brattleboro) will be discussing some of the issues currently in play at Vermont Yankee.  “We are actually a long way from decommissioning the plant.  What should happen with VY’s high-level nuclear waste presently stored in an elevated, water-filled pool?  Entergy does not yet have approval to build a second dry cask storage facility.  The site is going to be decommissioned, the question is — to what standards?”

Green River Covered Bridge Closed

The Green River Covered Bridge, Guilford, Vermont, will remain closed to ALL traffic through October 22, 2014 for construction. For more information and updates, please refer to the Town of Guilford’s website:

Any questions or comments should be directed to Guilford Town Administrator Katie Buckley

Town-Wide Tag Sale, Silent Auction & Bake Sale

The best darn tag sale, ever, happens next weekend in Marlboro center.  7/26 Saturday 9-3

Great bargains on Used Clothing, Furniture, Books, Toys, Housewares & more. Bake Sale, Cafe and Silent Auction. Two buildings full of stuff! And on Sunday from 11-2, everything is free!

Car Keys Lost In/On West River

While tubing Monday 6/16, discovered their absence about halfway between the Dummerston Covered bridge and the remnants of the old railroad bridge (near the Irving station on Route 30).  2 car keys (for upstream and downstream cars) were double-bagged together inside 2 ziplok bags.  

If you’re swimming or kayaking in this area or downstream and see something floating (or underwater) please grab them and reply to this article…replacement keys are expensive these days, so waterlogged or not, there’ll be a reward!  Don’t divulge details of exactly what you found in your reply, though, save that for private followup for identification.

Home Energy Audit Open House, Solarize Putney, and Heat Pump information

Putney Cares Inc and the NeighborWorks H.E.A.T Squad to host a Home Energy Audit Open House on June 28, 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 54 Kimball Hill Rd Putney VT.

Come learn about home energy audits, Solarize Putney, and cold climate heat pumps and hybrid heat pump water heaters so you can save money and be more comfortable all year round.

Mike Raymond, VT Home Performance with ENERGY STAR auditor, will walk us through an energy audit of the Activities Barn including live blower door testing and infra-red imaging. He will also discuss how homeowners can save money and be healthier and more comfortable once improvements are made.

Guilford Plant and Bake Sale

The Guilford Historical Society will hold its annual plant and bake sale on Saturday, May 17 , from 10:00 am until 2:00 pm, rain or shine. The sale will take place in the algiers section of guilford at Richmond’s Garage at the corner of US Route 5 (the Coolidge highway) and the Guilford Center Road, one mile south of exit 1 of I-91 and opposite the Guilford Country Store.

The sale will feature plants that are all moderately priced and that have been locally raised. There will also be a variety of baked goods from some of the finest cooks in the Guilford area. Pies, cookies, and other delicacies will be offered.

Mother’s Day Brunch Sunday in Guilford

BROAD BROOK GRANGE will present its 18th annual Mother’s Day Brunch on Sunday, May 11, from 7:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Grange hall in Guilford Center.  The proceeds from the event will allow for continued renovations of the historic building.

The all-you-can-eat brunch features eggs and omelets, any style, made to order.  Also on the menu are  pancakes, French toast, sausage, bacon and home fries, with Guilford maple syrup.  Other treats include home-baked coffee cakes and other baked goods, fresh fruit salad, and bread for toasting.  A selection of juices  will be available, along with coffee, teas and milk.

The Old Country Fiddler

Historic Fiddle Program, Sunday, May 4, 2014, 2:00 PM at the Broad Brook Grange

Presenting Adam Boyce of West Windsor As Charles Ross Taggart Vermont’s Traveling Fiddler

Taggart of Topsham VT, toured the US , starting in 1894, for 40 years as a “musical humorist.” Adam Boyce portrays Taggart around the end of his career, with live fiddle playing, and telling of the traveling fiddler’s recollections and observations of life on the road in that era. Boyce himself is an accomplished fiddler and composer of over 100 fiddle tunes.

Newfane Yoga Opening Monday, April 7!

Newfane Yoga is opening Monday, April 7. Join us for our first vinyasa flow class @ 6pm. Your first class is only $5. We’re located right next to the Newfane Cafe & Creamery.

Please visit for the full class schedule. We’re excited to bring yoga to Newfane and Windham County.

Guilford “Spring Fling”

For winter-weary folks, a special event for Guilford residents of all ages will be held Saturday evening, April 5, at the historic Broad Brook Grange Hall at 3940 Guilford Center Road. The event is a Spring Fling, offering dancing to the music of a local band, open mic time, games of all sorts, refreshments and connecting with neighbors and friends for fun and entertainment. The event is scheduled to begin at 6 p.m., with live music until at least 8 p.m., followed by an open jam and open mic. Admission will be by donations, with the aim of covering the cost of the band, heating the Grange Hall for the evening, and other associated expenses.

Brattleboro Area Community Solar

PUTNEY, V.T. – (March 25, 2014) Putney based SunFarm Community Solar in conjunction with Vermont’s largest utility, Green Mountain Power (GMP), and the nation’s leading community solar developer, Clean Energy Collective (CEC), are brining a community-owned solar array to residents in the Brattleboro area. It is the second in a progression of community solar facilities planned for Vermont, making community solar available to some 70 percent of the state’s electricity customers.

Dummerston Community Center Spring Tag Sale!

The much-anticipated Spring Tag Sale happens this Saturday, March 22nd from 9:00 AM until noon at the Dummerston Community Center, in scenic West Dummerston village. Items for sale include books, toys, games, kitchenware, clothing, footwear, and miscellaneous treasures. The sale will benefit the Center’s operating and maintenance costs. The Center is handicapped accessible. For information call 254-9212 or 254-2415.

Townshend Death Cafe

Are you curious about Death Café’s but haven’t been able to attend? Your next opportunity has arrived—once again we’ll be hosting a Café, this time in Townshend! We’ll gather on Tuesday, April 1st, 6 – 7:30pm @ the Townshend Dam Diner, 5929 Route 30, W. Townshend, 2 miles north of Townshend Dam. Event and munchies are free and everyone is welcome, but RSVP’s are a must!

Healing Retreat March 28-30 in Putney

During this three-day retreat, allow yourself to experience simple and profound ways to awaken your body’s innate healing ability. Learn general principles in health and vitality (how we nourish it and how it gets blocked.) Engage in simple, active exercises to help transform and revitalize your energy. Experience relaxing guided meditations to open your heart and deepen your capacity for more peace.

Thomas Garbarino, M.Ac., Dipl.Ac. (NCCAOM) is a certified practitioner of Classical Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Chinese Dietary Therapy, and Medical Qigong (energetic healing). He also teaches Daoist and Buddhist Qigong meditation and classical Yang Family Taiji Quan (Tai Chi Chuan).

Guilford Pre-Town Meeting Feb. 20

Broad Brook Grange will hold its annual Guilford Pre-Town Meeting on Thursday, February 20, 7:00 pm at the Grange hall. 

This is the only opportunity for voters to hear details of the articles which will be presented at the Town and School District Meetings, and to meet and discuss issues with the selectboard and school board all in one evening, in advance of Town Meeting.  

In addition, candidates for town and school board offices are urged to attend to introduce themselves to the voters.  State law prevents any “campaigning” by candidates at Town Meeting, when an Australian ballot is used, as in this instance.  So this is the only time before the vote for the public to meet and hear the candidates all at once.