Vote Christopher I for King

After careful consultation with my cats and a mention to my family, I hereby throw my crown in the ring to become your next King.

I will be a youthful 60 years old when I ascend the thrown, so no worries there. My joints ache a bit and I need reading glasses but I can form complete sentences on my own that have some basis in truth.

One of the first things I plan to do, loyal subjects, is to make the White House a bit more fitting for a king. It needs a moat, for example, and perhaps an audio-animatronic dragon that spits fire and allows Taylor Swift to perform inside of it.

Brattleboro Selects BFD For Trash Collection

The Town of Brattleboro received four bids for the new trash collection and recycling service. At Tuesday’s meeting, the Selectboard chose the Brattleboro Fire Department to do the job.

“It’s been our experience in the last few months that having the fire department do everything in-house is more cost-effective for taxpayers,” said the Assistant Town Manager.

Brattleboro Doubles Down on Representative Town Meeting – Representatives to Elect Representatives

district 2 voting

In a close vote Tuesday, Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting representatives have decided to add a new layer to town government in what will surely represent a new era in governing the municipality.

“We felt that Brattleboro’s Representative Town Meeting is the best form of town meeting in the state of Vermont,” said one member. “If representatives are good for the general public, we thought we should use the system ourselves within Representative Town Meeting.”

Tech Giants Urged to Halt 5G ‘Conspiracy’ Theories

UK Telecom providers are facing calls from ministers to halt the spread of “crazed conspiracy theories” about 5G after mobile phone masts were set on fire and employees abused by people peddling “nonsense”.

Activists have been targeting the infrastructure being used by emergency services combating the coronavirus. Cabinet minister Michael Gove described ‘conspiracy’ theories blaming 5G for the spread of Covid-19 as “dangerous nonsense”.

Brattleboro Town Manager Statement on COVID-19 Rumors

I have been advised this morning that some rumors of significant COVID-19 impacts are circulating in Brattleboro.  Examples include “hospital staff have been instructed not to report to work” and “police officers are wearing masks whenever they are in public.”  These rumors are not true.  Please continue to monitor the situation on the Vermont Health Department’s website at  Please also continue to encourage members of the public to use that Health Department site as their source of reliable information about COVID-19 in Vermont.  The link to that site remains posted in the “News” section on the right side of the Town’s homepage.  The Health Department is updating the site at least daily and some days it is updated multiple times.

Extraterrestrial Life

The universe holds an enormous number of planets having conditions capable of supporting life. It’s mathematically more probable that some actually do have life than it is that humanity is the only one. Such life may or may not resemble us.

Here on Earth, life proliferates from the deepest depths of the oceans to the highest mountain peaks; from the icy poles to the hottest, dryest deserts. There’s life everywhere. However, high probability does not equal certainty, but its close.

Long Live The King!

The rumors are flying already:

1. Epstein is alive and well and living in Patagonia.

2. Epstein was murdered to keep him from revealing unspecified information about an unspecified person or people.

Conspiracy Theory – Elites

What you have to understand is that sometimes there are forces and events too big, too powerful, with so much at stake for other people or institutions, that you cannot do anything about them, not matter how evil or wrong they are and no matter how dedicated or sincere you are or how much evidence you have. That is simply one of the hard facts of life you have to face.

Moon Shot Anomaly

A NASA clip from Apollo 17 mission (1972) shows astronaut Eugene Cernan examining rocks in the Taurus-Littrow lunar valley. The reflection in his visor appears to show the person taking the picture. Cernan is standing next to a large rock outcropping with a small instrument sitting on the dusty lunar surface in front of him.
Attached are some close-ups:

Pictures of Bush?

Today, a friend sent me a set of photos taken on the day of President Kennedy’s assassination. I have seen them before.

The pictures depict the Texas Book Depository, and purport to show GHW Bush standing in front.


From the intro to “Armageddon”, a 1998 science fiction disaster film:

“At a time when the dinosaurs roamed a lush and fertile planet, a piece of rock just six miles wide changed all that.

It hit with the force of 10.000 nuclear weapons.

New Hat

I just got a new “Tinfoil Hat” and I’m itching to try it out. The Las Vegas incident seems like an ideal opportunity.