Brattleboro November 2024 General Election Information

Below and attached is information that might be helpful to know for the November 5, 2024 General Election.

Fill Out Your Ballot
All active registered voters in Vermont were automatically mailed a ballot in early October. Please make sure to follow the instructions provided with your ballot, including: 

Signing the certificate envelopeand ensuring your ballot is insidethe certificate envelope.
Using ablack pen to mark your ballot.
Do NOT use a markeras it can bleed through to the back of your ballot, requiring a replacement ballot.
If you have not received your ballot, or if you have any questions about your ballot, please contact the Town Clerk’s Office at 802-251-8157. Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.

No End In Sight

It has been a year of continuous warfare in the Middle East. The spark that started the conflagration happened when Hamas killed 1200 Jews in a bold and ruthless attack. Many of the hostages they took a year ago have either died or not been heard from and families of the hostages are living in a constant state of frustration.

Israel responded to the attack predictably and over 41,000 Palestinians have been killed and much of Gaza has been destroyed. The Israeli bombing of Gaza continues and over 1.9 million people (90% of the population) have been displaced from homes that no longer exist. Famine and disease are daily reminders of just how hopeless the situation is for Palestinians.

Most of the leaders of the civilized world have been calling for a cease fire in Gaza but their pleas and diplomatic efforts are falling on deaf ears.

It has been impossible to craft a deal acceptable to Hamas and the Netanyahu government.

Write-in Candidate, Cris Ericson for U.S. Senator, Discusses Medicare For All

U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders has promoted a Medicare for All bill starting in 2017, re-introduced in May 2024, and it has not passed.

Write-in candidate, Cris Ericson for U.S. Senator, discusses Bernie’s bill and how she would amend it so it will pass.

The big hang up is money, honey. Where does money come from? It doesn’t come from the United States Senate, those fine folks just vote to spend it!

So, where does money really come from? Cris Ericson discusses the United States Treasury and how they manufacture money by the billions.

The Other Presidential Candidates

November election ballots arrived in the mail and there are some candidates that are lesser known. I know many of you are going to vote for one of the two major party candidates, but it doesn’t hurt to see what those other folks would like to do.  Here’s your guide to the other names and parties on the ballot, and issues they care about.

Claudia de la Cruz and Karina Garcia, Socialism & Liberation

“End Capitalism before it ends us. We will end the rule of the billionaires once and for all” is the big message of the “Vote Socialist” campaign site homepage.  Their plan:

A Unique Political Position

The selectboard of a small town is one of the most unique aspects of democracy. There are many similarities between a selectboard member and a state representative or senator as well as a federal politician, but I think the level of accountability on the most local of levels is unique.

I have only been in the selectboard position for six months and I am trying to understand what accountability means. We have meetings where the people who live in our community can come and face us directly and question and criticize us. They have access to us by phone, e-mail and perhaps, most importantly, on the street.

We do not travel somewhere to do our political business and we engage in our community on a daily basis. People learn to recognize us and feel comfortable engaging in conversation whenever they see us. This is about as pure as democracy gets.

November 5, 2024, General Election for Brattleboro Voters

Dear Brattleboro Voter,

You will be receiving an absentee ballot in the mail for the November 5, 2024, General Election. The State of Vermont will be mailing ballots during the week of September 23. The local Justice of the Peace ballot will be on the reverse side. 

If you have not received your ballot by October 7, please contact our office at 802-251-8157 or Otherwise, please wait for your ballot to arrive.

Are Federal Marijuana Laws One of the Reasons There Are So Many Unhoused, Unsheltered, Homeless People in Vermont?

Cris Ericson has a lot of questions about how cannabis marijuana is considered legal in Vermont but it is not legal under federal laws. She wanders the internet, showing viewers Vermont Statutes online and United States Codes online searching three words: cannabis, marijuana spelled with a j and marijuana spelled with an h.

The first and apparently only political candidate debate between former President Donald Trump and current Vice President Kamala Harris is coming up at 9 PM on Tuesday September 10, 2024 on ABC News Live. Will any of the questions posed to the 2024 candidates for President of the United States of America be about cannabis marijuana?

Voter Information for November 2024 Election

Please run the attached and below regarding voter information for the November 5 election.

The Vermont Secretary of State’s office will be mailing the November 5 General Election ballot to all active registered voters by late September. They will be pulling that list from the election database on or around September 3.

Cris Ericson Got At Least 5 Write-in Votes & Will Be A Write-in Candidate Nov. 5, 2024

Apparently I got at least 2 write-in votes on the Progressive primary election ballot somewhere in Vermont, one was my own vote for myself, and 3 write-in votes for me on the Republican ballot.

I was so disheartened that I emailed the DNCC and said I withdraw from being a remote correspondent. They had sent me a list of Illinois abortion providers for me to interview. in Burlington said they would air it. But, I threw the opportunity away because I was so worn out by Facebook abusing me.

Brattleboro Unofficial Primary Results

Please see attached for the “unofficial results” for Brattleboro’s State Primary election. These are the results from the ballot tallies, not including write-in votes, and not including other towns’ results for the Primary races.

Thanks to the amazing poll workers and the American Legion who made today possible! The day was smooth and safe!

Cris Ericson is Approved as a Virtual Correspondent for the DNC

I am very excited that I have been approved as a Virtual Correspondent for the DNC. I need to get hold of in Burlington, Vermont and BCTV and see what assistance I can possibly get from them
as well as someone to work alongside me, since it may be a lot of hours for 4 days.

Another person who likes to interview people would be a huge help, to sit side by side in my kitchen and do this, and it would be a huge help to have a technical expert to volunteer to help out.

Ice Cream with Democratic Candidate Amanda Ellis-Thurber On Sunday, August 11

Windham District 7 Democratic candidate Amanda Ellis-Thurber will host an old fashioned ice cream social on Sunday, August 11th between 5 and 7 PM at Lilac Ridge Farm, 264 Ames Hill Road.

On the menu are organic maple creemees, a special ice cream toppings bar—and answers to any of your remaining questions about Ellis-Thurber’s positions.

“I’ve so enjoyed all the conversations I’ve had with my neighbors in District 7 during this campaign for the state house. My aim is to listen to all the residents of our large and rural slice of Brattleboro, so that I can represent this neighborhood well in Montpelier,” Ellis-Thurber said.

Example of Social Media Banning My Posts

In response to the reader’s comment, have attached here one of many examples of Facebook banning a post of mine. What they do is circle it in red ink and then delete it, as if they have a person who has nothing to do all day but follow me around on the internet. Every post they ban is perfectly innocent and nice. It is pure harassment by Facebook.

“Social Media” Vicious Attacking Rooster Block-Block-Blocking Me!

Well, it’s that time again, people are voting on mail in ballots and the Vermont primary election is August 13, 2024 and instagram, twitter, tiktok and facebook are like a bunch of vicious attacking pecking roosters block, block, block, block, block, block, block, blocking me.

I have been banned from so much social media that in my sleep at night visions of notices, “you have violated community guidelines” run through my head. I am innocent. I am falsely accused.

Hope Restored

It seemed like the Democrats were facing a gamble that might not be worth taking. Could Joe Biden really beat Trump after so many of his party allies called for him to step down? The problems that he displayed were clearly not going away and they provided too much fuel for a vindictive opponent to burn a candidate at the stake.

Biden did something that Trump would never do. He looked at the situation objectively and listened to a lot of people and he put his own needs aside and made a decision that was best for the country. The real embodiment of what it means to be a mensch and a true patriot.

Now we have Kamala Harris as the heir apparent. I was never really excited about the possibility of a Harris run for president but when Biden made his announcement I felt a sudden sense of relief. I felt a level of hopefulness that I have not experienced from politics in a long time. This reaction surprised me.