Draining the Swamp

Every single claim Trump made to the American people that we would benefit from his “outsider” status and intentions to “drain the swap” in D.C. of corporate abuse, lobbyists and greed has been a lie. Under his leadership, the interests of Americans will be replaced with those of self-serving billionaires and corporations.


“Washington Republicans are plotting a war on seniors,” (Sen. Charles Schumer incoming Senate minority leader.)

President-elect Donald Trump reassured voters during his political campaign that he would protect Medicare, Social Security and other popular federal assistance programs.

However, in tapping Rep. Tom Price (R-Ga.) to be his Health and Human Services secretary, he has elevated
one of the most aggressive proponents of dramatically overhauling the government safety net for seniors and low-income Americans, a long-held conservative goal.

Post Election Blues

I was very wrong about this election.  I started saying “It’s going to be Hillary” back in June and I said it so many times, I started to believe it myself. Clinton had it in the bag, a done deal.  I couldn’t imagine a scenario in which Trump could win, given all the negative stories about him and the number of people who seemed to hate him.  And then Trump got out to an early lead and stayed there. I was confused at first, and almost as incredulous as the PBS News Hour staff at midnight on  Election Day — where were those big piles of Hillary votes that were going to drop in at the last minute to save the day?  They just weren’t there.  All the same, I bravely went to bed shortly after 1 AM thinking, when I wake up, maybe it’ll be different — or at least, I’ll be better able to deal with it. But, when I woke up very early the next morning, my partner in crime, who had stayed up to see the final results, muttered sleepily, “President Trump,” and I knew the unimaginable had happened.  Donald Trump, President of the United States.  Even now, it feels weird to type it.

Anomalies in the Presidential Election

The attached jpg file documents inexplicable anomalies between the presidential election results and exit polls, based on screen shots of news broadcasts taken election night by Jonathan Simon of Code Red.

According to the exit polls, which were conducted by Edison Research for the National Election Pool, a consortium of ABC News, The Associated Press, CBSNews, CNN, Fox News and NBC News, Clinton won four key battleground states (NC, PA, WI, and FL) in the 2016 Presidential Election that she went on to lose in the computerized vote counts.  With these states Clinton would have won the Electoral College with a count of 302 versus 205 for Trump.  Clinton also won the national exit poll by 3.2%, according to the exit polls, but only received a narrow lead in the reported vote count.

Paranoid? Selfish? Delusional?

I know I’m being paranoid; I think I’m being selfish; I’m probably being delusional.

Donald Trump, with his casual denial of climate change is putting the whole earth’s population in danger of extinction in less than a century.

Hillary Clinton, with her love of conflict and war is putting a significant portion of earth’s population in danger of extinction from the results of nuclear war in the immediate future.

Cracker Jacks

This election is like opening a box of Cracker Jacks.


God only knows what Trump might do.

I take that back, God doesn’t know, and neither does Trump.

In the contradictory and bizarre word salads Trump serves up he is liable to say just about anything. In his speeches and tweets, he often starts with “a lot of people say,” followed by looney tunes claims and ending with, “you can look it up on the Internet.

However, I don’t believe he’d lead us to war.

Who’s It Gonna Be?

With less than four days to go until Election Day, now seems like a good time to get our predictions in as to who the winner will be.  Which of the two dubious candidates placed before us for our consideration will be the next president?  

Will it be the evil Donald Trump, hated by the media and good people everywhere?  Or will it be the beleaguered anti-Trump Hillary Clinton?  I know who I think it will be and will post my prediction below.

Who do you think will win the American presidency — and why do you think that?

Road Side Marijuana Test, 300 Mile Race Track In Vermont, Two Teams!

U.S. Marijuana Party candidate, Cris Ericson, running for United States Senator, speaks for ten minutes on SAPA TV, Channel 10 in Springfield, Vermont on the subject of a fair marijuana roadside test and race track.


Thursday, November 3, 2016 11:06 PM Cris Ericson – Roadside Marijuana Testing

Friday, November 4, 2016 7:45 AM Cris Ericson – Roadside Marijuana Testing

Saturday, November 5, 2016 3:15 PM Cris Ericson – Roadside Marijuana Testing 

Clinton Emails

Here’s a .

The story points out a couple of times that it is not known what is in those emails.  Nor how many there are.   .

Should we assume that Abedin was sharing a computer with Weiner?  Given that Abedin was the closest advisor to the Secretary of State would she share a computer even with her husband?  If they had their own computers is it possible that Weiner knew his wife’s password and stole the emails?  Could he be the kind of guy that wanted something that he could use to blackmail for protection?

Election Event With Bernie Sanders Saturday

Pre Election Event with Bernie Sanders today, Saturday, 10/29

Doors open at 2:00.

Brattleboro Union High School, Fairground Rd.

Come meet local and statewide candidates including Sue Minter, David Zuckerman, Becca Balint, TJ Donovan, John Moran, Mike Mrowicki, David Deen and Mollie Burke and others.

WNYT Albany, New York Asks Questions of Vermont Candidates for United States Senator, Cris Ericson Responds

To: Eric Hoppel, WNYT News Director

Answers to questions by candidate Cris Ericsson for U.S. Senator for Vermont



2) What specific steps should be taken to fight ISIS?

Hi! I’m candidate Cris Ericson for United States Senator for Vermont.

First of all, this question presumes that a candidate would agree that steps should be taken to fight ISIS. WNYT presents no facts in evidence to support the basis for this presumption. Just who do you think ISIS is? This is not a football game, where someone declares the team colors and says, “go, fight, win team, go, fight, win!”.

Election Season Snapshot – The Long Strange Trip Winds Down

Every now and again, I like to take a step back and see where we are.  So here, three weeks from the presidential elections, are some of the news stories that define our present situation.  Is it a good situation?  I’ll leave that for you to judge.

First, the elections:  Trump made a run at it but as I wrote on a piece of paper on June 10 of this year and still see daily on my dresser, “It’s going to be Hillary.”  In short, it’s all over but the shouting, but boy are they shouting, daily from the headlines.  We happened to catch the 5 o’clock hour on the car radio yesterday afternoon and every newscast led off with a Trump story, strongly anti-Trump at that (not that he doesn’t give people plenty of ammo).

Watch the U.S. Senate Debate Live, Sit in the Audience in Burlington, Vermont!

Oct. 13th and I go outside and find one of my campaign signs has been stolen.

Yesterday, I painted a new one; but I do miss the confiscated one, it was entirely a different design.

The new sign says, “1776 – 1936 Marijuana was Legal.”

Vermonters! Watch the U.S. Senate candidates live, sit in the audience Tuesday October 18th @ 5:25

Election Forum at Channel 17 Town Meeting TV in Burlington’s Old North End, Tuesday October 18th @ 5:25

Media Bias

Once again, the NY Times has been unfair to The Donald, by reporting the facts.

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Mr. Trump says. “You can do anything.”

Mr. Trump then elaborated and added, “Grab them by the pussy.”

“I apologize if anyone was offended,” Trump. (One of those “if anyone was offended” apologies: as though he does not actually admit that he did anything wrong, except that in the eye of the beholder it might have been interpreted as offensive.)

Mr. First Lady

If Hillary Clinton is elected, America will have broken a glass ceiling with their choice of the first female president.

Her husband will have broken a different glass ceiling. Since the beginning of our country, no man has been allowed to become First Lady.

This historic event will send a message to the world that men, too, can be a hostess to diplomats and world leaders at special dinners.