Vermont Labor Relations Board – In Opposition to Confirmation

An open letter to Senators White & Balint,

It is my understanding that the appointment of Karen O’Neill as a “neutral” on the Vermont Labor Relations Board is pending confirmation by Senate. I am writing in opposition to that appointment.

The applicable law states that “‘Nominees with neutral backgrounds’ means individuals in high standing not connected with any labor organization or management position, and who can be reasonably considered to be able to serve as an impartial individual.” 3 V.S.A. § 921 (B)

The Mystery of 9/11

I have solved the mystery of 9/11: Lee Harvey Oswald did it!

Getting back to reality…

“United States is overwhelmingly and increasingly in the hands of a very narrow sector of corporate wealth, private wealth and power. They have counterparts elsewhere who agree with them and who interact with them and that’s who rules the world.” – Noam Chomsky

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Ballot Results

At Representative Town Meeting today, March 25, the body voted through Australian Ballot on Article 11:

“To see if the Town will authorize the following capital purchase for the Fire Department: The purchase of an aerial ladder truck at an estimated cost of $950,000, and will authorize the issuance of notes and/or bonds in the aggregate principal amount not to exceed $500,000 at a rate of interest not to exceed 5% per annum for a term of 10 years to pay a portion of the cost of said aerial ladder truck. The vote on this article shall be by Australian Ballot as required by law. The question to be voted upon is as follows:

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting District 1 & 3 Caucuses

Brattleboro Districts 1 & 3 will caucus just prior to Representative Town Meeting on Saturday, March 24 at Brattleboro Area Middle School beginning at 8:00 AM in the Mulitpurpose Room. Representative Town Meeting begins at 8:30 AM.  District 1 will be accepting nominations to fill and appoint six town meeting member seats for 1 year. District 3 will be accepting nominations to fill and appoint six town meeting member seats for 1 year.

Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Informational Forum and District Caucuses – Public Invited

Brattleboro Town Selectboard will hold a pre-town meeting information forum on Wednesday, March 14 at Academy School beginning at 7:00 PM. Representative Town Meeting articles will be discussed, including the budget, and the bond issue. At 6:30 p.m., town meeting members of each district will be available to meet with constituents to offer residents an opportunity to share their views and discuss articles to be voted on at the annual meeting. Also, at that time, all three districts will be accepting nominations to fill town meeting member vacancies for 1 year.

Early Voting At Brattleboro Town Clerk’s Office

This is a friendly reminder that early voting is currently available at the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s office. Office hours for the Brattleboro Town Clerk’s office are 8:30AM – 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. In addition to regular hours, the office will open Saturday, March 3, from 9AM to noon for early voting and will be closed Tuesday, March 6, election day.