Public Notice, Progressive Party

The Brattleboro Town Committee of the Progressive Party will meet on Monday, August 13, 2018 at 145 Green St, 4:30 pm. The purpose of the meeting are nominations for District 1 (Windham 2-1) House Representative. The public is welcome.

Brattleboro August 14 Primary Election Information

Below is information that might be helpful to know for August 14thPrimary elections.

Polling place for all three districts in Brattleboro is the Selectboard Meeting Room, second floor of the Municipal Center, 230 Main Street, Room 212, from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm.

The center rows of the parking lot at the Municipal Center will be reserved for voters on election day.  There are handicapped parking spaces close to the back entrance.

Corporate Deregulation

Trump is heading full steam toward neoliberal corporate deregulation. This leads to a breakdown of democracy, to increasing fundamentalism and violence, and to the rise of far-right political leaders, worldwide.

It is important that we see the broader connections that mainstream analyses generally ignore.

Windham 2-1 Forum on August 3 at 4:30 p.m. in the Hooker Dunham Lobby

The Brattleboro Town Democratic Committee will be holding a forum for candidates seeking nomination by the Democratic party to run for the Windham District 2-1 seat in the Vermont House of Representatives on Friday, August 3 at 4:30 p.m. at the Hooker-Dunham lobby.  There is no charge to attend.

At the event, citizens can bring questions about any matter which will be offered for time-limited responses.  The event is expected to last one hour, so attendees can step outside and enjoy Gallery Walk at 5:30 p.m.

Candidates Night: Library Edition – Live Stream

Dear Brattleboro Community,

We are pleased to share this live stream of our program tonight, for any of you who could not make it here in person! BCTV could not make it tonight, so this is all we will have. After it is over, it will stay on our Facebook page, where you will be able to find it under “videos.” Enjoy!

Robin Hood?

A report released on July 11, by the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) shows that the past three presidents have opted to send a combined $5.1 Trillion in tax cuts mostly to the nation’s richest. (That’s “Trillions” with a “T”.)
At a time when tens of millions of Americans are suffering from deprivation and poverty, the tax cuts rammed through by George W. Bush, extended in part by Barack Obama, and built upon by Trump “have mostly benefited those who are least in need of help.

Brattleboro Independent Candidates for Justice of the Peace Filing Deadline

The deadline for filing as an independent candidate for Justice of the Peace is rapidly approaching – Friday, August 17th.  The Town Clerk and current Chairman of the Board of Civil Authority urge you to consider becoming a candidate for Justice of the Peace (JP) on the November ballot.

While a historic back page in the election process and often the subject of humorous anecdote, JPs serve a vital role in the conduct of critical town responsibilities. A JP is a member of the Board of Civil Authority (BCA).  Along with the Selectboard members, and Town Clerk, they function as the Board of Elections by assisting in the maintenance of the voter checklist, determining key issues related to election day and voting, and serve as polling place officials on these days.

Early Voting in Brattleboro, Voter Registration and Town Clerk Hours

Early/absentee ballots for the Primary Election to be held on August 14, are now available in Vermont town clerks’ offices.  Anyone wishing to vote prior to August 14, may apply for an early/absentee ballot until 5:00 p.m. on Monday, August 13.   Early/absentee ballots may be voted in person in the clerk’s office, mailed to the voter by the clerk’s office, picked up by the voter or if a voter is in need can be delivered to the voter’s residence by two Justices of the Peace.

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast ~ Democratic Primary Candidates for Governor

It all started when a supporter recently asked that a “candidate [running in the Democratic primary for Governor]… speak at the Brattleboro Senior Center. . . . [and added] …. I understand for equity all candidates must receive the same invitation”

All of the candidates in the Democratic Primary for Governor:
James Ehlers, Christine Hallquist, Brenda Siegel and Ethan Sonneborn have agreed to attend a Candidates’ Forum at the Gibson-Aiken Center, Senior Meals, on Friday, July 6th at 8:00am (as always, “doors open” at 7:30am for informal networking).

Imperial Dreams

Donald Trump is the smartest man in the world (just ask him!).
And his goal is to become Emperor of Earth (because he’s the only one smart enough to do it).
The bad news is that he’s well on his way.

Special Legislative Session Part 2? Age Limit For Governor Candidates, Please!

Special Legislative Session Part Two??? Age limit for governor candidates, please!!! We need an age limit for governor candidates, in my personal opinion.

I sent State Attorney General TJ Donovan an email about the idea that little boy minor child Ethan Sonneborn, then age 13, apparently now age 14 if the correct birthdate for the child was given on the internet as May 24, 2004, should not be allowed on the ballot because State and Federal Laws prohibit a minor child age 14 and under from working a full time job, and the job of Governor of Vermont is a full time job.

Bernie Sanders Running for Senator

Bernie Sanders has announced his intention to run for Vermont Senator.

This young, new face may be unfamiliar to Vermonters, but readers may recall that he was one of the many candidates for President in 2016.

Gina Haspel Appointed to Head CIA By The Numbers

Gina Cheri Haspel=135 in English ordinal. She was nominated on 5/13. 5/13 in most of the world is expressed as 13/5 or 135. Central Intelligence Agency=135 in Reverse Reduction. Nominated on the 13th, CIA=13 in English Ordinal. Haspel=61 in English Ordinal. She is 61 years old. Born on 10/1. Haspel=101 in Reverse Ordinal. From her confirmation,May 17th, as head of the CIA to her birthday is 137 days. Government=137 in Reverse Ordinal. Authority=137 in English Ordinal. May 17th is the 137th day of the year.

The Testing of the Official Brattleboro Selectboard Emails

Selectboard Chair Kate O’Connor recently announced during a Selectboard meeting that she didn’t read emails sent to her official email account. 

I decided to send a few questions to Town Manager Peter Elwell about this April 26. When did O’Connor stop reading her emails? How many emails piled up as unread? How many of them were from citizens and how many were spam? Which other Selectboard members don’t read their official email accounts? And how should citizens contact board members so that they know their comments will be read?

Sara Coffey Running For State Representative for Vernon/Guilford

Sara Coffey, founder and Director of Vermont Performance Lab, has indicated her desire to be the next representative from Vernon and Guilford.

” I believe that it’s through coming together and listening to each other that we can find creative solutions to help keep our small rural communities strong, healthy and vibrant.”

Windham World Affairs Council Holds Talk on Iran Nuclear Deal on Eve of Trump’s Decision

On Friday, May 11, 2018 @7:00 pm the Windham World Affairs Council is presenting “Revisiting the Nuclear Agreement between Iran and the US, the JCPOA,” a major talk at a decisive moment for our country,  The talk, which is free and open to the public, will be held in the Sanctuary of the Centre Congregational Church, 193 Main St, Brattleboro, which has a large capacity and is handicapped-accessible.

WWAC announces this major talk at a decisive moment for our country as President Trump is getting ready to tell the world whether or not he will honor the agreement made by his predecessor with Iran and five other world powers and is also preparing for direct talks on denuclearization with North Korean leader Kim Jung-un.

Gov. Scott Wants To Issue Tax Penalties on Brattleboro for Providing Quality Education

The legislative session is wrapping up and the budget is still on the line. The threats coming out of Gov. Scott’s office are terrible.

-Gov. Scott has said all year that he wants to level funding and impose strict staff ratios at our public schools.
-Townships met and voted on their budgets through Vermont’s democratic process. In most cases, including in Brattleboro, they followed Scott’s budgetary directive.
-This wasn’t good enough for Gov. Scott. He is now threatening to FINE communities (Yes, fine. As in make them pay the state money through tax penalties.) for failing to meet his arbitrary staffing ratios.

Vermont Labor Relations Board – In Opposition to Confirmation

An open letter to Senators White & Balint,

It is my understanding that the appointment of Karen O’Neill as a “neutral” on the Vermont Labor Relations Board is pending confirmation by Senate. I am writing in opposition to that appointment.

The applicable law states that “‘Nominees with neutral backgrounds’ means individuals in high standing not connected with any labor organization or management position, and who can be reasonably considered to be able to serve as an impartial individual.” 3 V.S.A. § 921 (B)