5 % Commuter Tax in Brattleboro for Non Residents

Commuter Tax in Brattleboro

Brattleboro is a hub for the economy in Windham country. The population is about 12, 000 and swells to some 30,000 during the day. Many people from outside the area and from New Hampshire enjoy working in Vermont, but they do not contribute to the local tax base.  I propose a 5%  commuter tax like they do in NYC or other places.  In a sense

This is already done in Vermont, at the ski slopes, the price of a lift ticket pays for town services.

It is time that there is a commuter tax in Brattleboro.


Papal Complicity Will Be Unmasked When US Is Indicted For Crimes Against Humanity

During the internationally empowered grand jury proceedings that will eventually investigate the astounding number of US crimes against humanity the Papacy will not escape attention for not only having been accessories after the fact, but also collaborators in innumerable cases of homicidal use of US Armed Forces and CIA on four continents


King Condemned US Wars Maintaining Predatory Capitalist Investments and Was Shot Dead

Was King’s death fortunate or necessary for investors? The violent history of the American empire is replete with stories of seemingly pointless assassinations always characterized by media as senseless acts of individuals acting on their own, assassinations that nevertheless brought investment opportunities for investors on Wall St. either by chance or plan? For crime prevention, indict, prosecute the beneficiaries!

Prosecutable US Crimes Against Humanity in Korea

While staring at the New York Times front page photo of the bat-winged nuclear-capable B-2 Stealth Bombers up in the blue sky on their first non-stop long-range mission from the US on their way to a practice sortie to end in a mock bombing drop of inert munitions on a range off South Korea’s coast, I ponder.

The thought that ‘enough is enough’ will apparently never arise in the mind-set of those commanding the first planet-encompassing space-age military, blown up now to an uncontrollable magnitude and fueled by an uninterrupted flow of trillions of dollars by ledger line pre-occupied elite of the speculative investment banking community; a community possibly still being led by multi-war promoting confidants of ninety-eight year old David Rockefeller.

Sanders Statement on Obama Cuts in Social Security, Veterans Benefits

LOS ANGELES, April 5 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today issued the following statement on President Obama’s proposal to cut benefits for Social Security recipients, disabled veterans and others:

“I am terribly disappointed and will do everything in my power to block President Obama’s proposal to cut benefits for Social Security recipients through a chained consumer price index. As chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, I also am especially concerned about the impact this change would have on disabled veterans and their survivors.

The Name of the Thieves Who Stole Our Future

While Senator Sanders may portray our Social Security programs as solvent, it really depends on your reading of what actually happened. The Social Security coffers as it stands today may very well be in the black – as best as in the black can be for a program that’s post Baby Boomer era.

With most of us Baby Boomers closer to our sunset than our sunrise the “contributions” we pay into Social Security is not the same as before. We are increasingly dependent on what the younger generations put into this Roosevelt-inspired retirement piggybank. Unfortunately, the population scale of our young folks shrink into the shadow of a huge and very needy Baby Boomer population.

Can Selectboard Members Be Voting Members of Committees? Brattleboro Charter Appears to Say No

At Tuesday’s meeting, the Brattleboro Selectboard appointed John Allen to the PFFP (Police Fire Facility Project) Oversight Committee.

To keep the number of votes on the committee an odd number and to prevent tie votes, the Selectboard authorized Mr. Allen to be the 9th voting member of that committee.  Did they make a mistake?

Interesting OP-ED

Martin Langeveld had a very interesting on Thursday March 28, 2013.

He started by taking BABB and the Reformer to task:

The board of Building a Better Brattleboro is proceeding with a request-for-proposals process for the River Garden without holding meetings for public input. “It’s time for Brattleboro to cut its losses and move on,” writes the Reformer editorial board with respect to the River Garden, urging the town to “figure out a way to add the River Garden back to its grand list and move on.”

Sanders Bill Would Break Up Big Banks

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 27 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said today he will introduce legislation to break up banks that have grown so big that the Justice Department has not pursued prosecutions for fear an indictment would harm the financial system.

The 10 largest banks in the United States are bigger now than before a taxpayer bailout following the 2008 financial crisis. At the time Congress, over Sanders’ objection, approved a $700 billion bank rescue because of concerns by some that the financial institutions were too big to fail. Another $16 trillion from the Federal Reserve propped up financial institutions.

Sending a Message

There was much talk at the recent Representative Town Meeting about “sending a message” to the School board and Selectboard.

One clear message was that people are reaching a breaking point with tax increases. We heard repeated stories of fixed incomes, dropping salaries, and rising costs making it increasingly hard to get by in our hometown. 

Another clear message is that budgets were approved as presented. Attempts to cut budgets failed, and Representatives approved all expenditures.

Which message was sent, and which was heard?

Sanders to Postmaster General: Postal Service Must Keep Saturday Mail

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 26 – Citing a legal opinion by the Government Accountability Office, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today called on Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe to withdraw his plan to stop Saturday mail delivery.

Sanders said the opinion by the non-partisan GAO unambiguously declared that the Postal Service has no legal authority to end Saturday mail without the approval of Congress. In fact, Congress just last week passed a bill that restated the requirement for the Postal Service to maintain Saturday mail delivery.

Senate Sends Clear Message: Don’t Cut Social Security, Veterans’ Benefits

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 25 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said today that a Senate vote showed overwhelming opposition to President Barack Obama’s proposal to cut benefits for Social Security recipients and disabled veterans.

The Senate early Saturday passed a budget resolution that included Sanders’ amendment against switching to a so-called chained consumer price index which would cut cost-of-living adjustments by changing how inflation is measured.

“This is a strong signal that when push comes to shove the Senate is going to oppose any effort to balance the budget on the backs of seniors, disabled veterans and their survivors,” Sanders said after the vote.

If You Do Not Try…..

If you do not try then you fail.

I see the internet as a tool for colective problem solving. As a community the internet gives opportunity for the many great ideas to be seeded into the minds of all who wish to subscribe to finding solutions to many of the daily challenges we all face.

A term “Crowd Sourcing” seems appropriate to describe how I see this tool can become effective in finding solutions, such as the current financial crises our area is facing.

Why is Brattleboro Subsidizing Millionaires investors at the Brooks House?

is Brattleboro giving tax breaks to a group of millionaires who bought the
Brooks House and want to put in luxury apartments?  What if the project fails?  If the
project goes belly up, what is the financial guarantee to the town? Will the
town contiue to pay rent to Brooks house for the Harmony lot? Will the town
recoup the thousands of dollars it has already put into the Brooks house?

I encourage  taxpayers
to write to the Selectboard and oppose the subsidie for millionaires.

joe green

What Is A Homeowner Suppose To Do?

2012 will be remembered as an extraordinarily difficult year for Brattleboro residents. Since January the Vermont Legislature has voted out of committee to increase the state education tax rate by five cents; to increase the gas tax by two cents with another eight cent increase in the future; and to tax any drink containing sugar at one cent per ounce that will add thirty-three cents to the price of a liter.

At the local level property owners will be hit with a projected utility budget deficit of $600,000; the annual increase in the water and sewer rates for the new treatment plant; the increase in property taxes for the new fire and police station; the increase in the town operating budget; the increase in the town school budget; and the increase in the BUHS budget. Adding to the taxpayer’s misery is a town grand list that has flat-lined.

What is a homeowner suppose to do?

Representative Welch Introduces Two Bills to Boost Vermont Maple Industry

WASHINGTON, D.C. (Mar. 19, 2013) – With maple season in full swing, Rep. Peter Welch is pushing two bills to promote Vermont’s maple industry and make sugaring operations more energy efficient.

“Maple syrup and those who produce it are part of the fabric of Vermont,” Welch said. “Their trade goes back generations and is an important part of our economy as well as a key defining characteristic of our state brand. These investments in the maple industry will ensure it remains a strong part of Vermont’s economy and identity for generations to come.”

District 1 Caucuses Coming


Thanks to 5 new folks – Steve Cormier, Peter Diamondstone, Paula Melton, Lynn Russell, and Eric Strickland — who showed up last night to volunteer their services as Town Meeting Members for I year, and to 10 sitting reps who showed up to appoint them, District 1 now is only 4 slots away instead of 9 from its allotted representation. To remedy that shortfall [and contrary to last night’s announcement], District 1 will
again caucus at Academy School at 6:15 pm, Wednesday, March 20 – and if need be, at 8 a.m., March 23, in the BUHS gym, NE corner [enter gym, turn right], before TM begins at 8.30.

Spread the word, recruit your friends and show up to send our district into the meeting with its full representation.