Rep. Welch Unveils College Affordability Legislation

Montpelier, VT. (September 16th, 2013)- Joined by higher education leaders from across Vermont, Representative Peter Welch announced legislation this morning at the Community College of Vermont in Montpelier that addresses the nation’s sky rocketing college costs. Across the nation, college costs have risen 1,120 percent over the last 30 years, with outstanding student debt now at $1.2 trillion.

“A college education, the gateway to the American middle class, is slipping further and further from the reach of working families. Federal loans and grants are a lifeline for college students. But students continue to lose ground because financial aid increases are being eaten up by college tuition increases,” Welch said. “This legislation creates a partnership between the federal government and our college administrators to cut unnecessary federal regulatory costs and encourage cost saving innovations.”

Sanders Statement on the Federal Reserve

BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 15 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today issued the following statement after Lawrence Summers withdrew from consideration to succeed Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve chairman:

“I applaud Larry Summers for withdrawing his name from consideration. The truth is that it was unlikely he would have been confirmed by the Senate. What the American people want now is a Fed chairman prepared to stand up to the greed, recklessness and illegal behavior on Wall Street, not a Wall Street insider whose deregulation efforts helped pave the way for a horrendous financial crisis and the worst economic downturn in the country since the Great Depression. The Fed now must help develop policies which create millions of decent-paying jobs and rebuild the middle class.”

Sanders Says Senate Must Not Give in on House-Planned Cuts for Seniors, Children

BURLINGTON, Vt., Sept. 15 – U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said today that the Senate must call the bluff of House Republicans demanding deeper cuts in Head Start, Meals on Wheels and other programs for working families.

A proposal set for a House vote this week includes the deeper spending cuts in a continuing resolution to keep the government from shutting down after the new fiscal year begins Oct. 1. The proposal would lock in across-the-board cuts known as sequestration but carve out an exception for the Pentagon, which would get a $20-billion boost.

Plight of the West River Beaver Community

For well over a decade now I’ve enjoyed regular strolls along the West River Trail just past the Marina. The trail is written up in the Audubon Society due to the wide variety of wild birds. In the spring, and early Summer the path is often crossed by turtles off to lay their eggs, until recently a very common sight. Unfortunately I only saw two turtles this year, and both had been run over by the utility trucks working on the I-91 bridge. Over the last few years (probably for a number of reasons) there seems to be a lot less animal , and insect life. Hurricane Irene ,while not entirely, certainly had a hand in the lower numbers of wild life.

Leahy Against Missile Interceptor Site in Vermont

September 12, 2013

“I’ve always felt that the multiple billions spent on missile defense are a monumental waste of money, on technologically challenged systems, and I am emphatically against putting one of these sites in Vermont.”

# # # # #

[Text of letter to Senator Leahy, below:]

Crazy, Loony, Kooky

A lot of really crazy, loony, kooky individuals have a hard time accepting the official government explanation of the events of 9/11. (I count myself among them). We are called “Conspiracy Theorists” and that’s supposed to be the end of it.

Works pretty well!

But many sane, intelligent patriotic Americans have no trouble accepting the government’s theory that a group of young disaffected Arab men conspired with a disaffected scion of a wealthy Arab family, suffering from kidney disease and living in an elaborate cave in Afghanistan, to defy the nation’s defense systems and allow 4 hijacked airliners to dance around our skies for a few hours until they managed to crash 3 of them into iconic structures, killing thousands.

Well, that’s a “Conspiracy Theory”, too!


Has anybody noticed the decline of this once great station?

For years, I’ve enjoyed its Progressive Talk format.

I still enjoy Live & Local in the morning, and Thom Hartmann in the afternoon, but the evening and weekend programming has hit the bottom. When the Red Sox are not playing, all they seem to offer is Dead Air.

Dear Brattleboro Cyclists and Skaters

I’m going to try to contain my ranting (just imagine extra expletives as you read and you should get the gist) about the cyclists and skaters I have had the unfortunate experiences of this week.

To the skater who decided I was in his right of way as I drove south on Main St, intending to turn onto High St: No, actually, skating down the middle of the lane is actually not your prerogative. You don’t get to give me attitude, you need to get your helmetless self out of the way of my car.

Here We Go Again

To Senators : Pat Leahy and Bernard Sanders and Representative: Peter Welch

First off I want to make it perfectly clear that I am against supporting death directly or indirectly, regardless of who did it. However, the elephant in the room, the huge issue here that NO ONE wants to acknowledge is …

Did Assad’s forces do it?

The fact that this fundamental question continues to remain unaddressed by you is very telling. I wrote an open letter to all of you just a few days ago. This letter was also sent out to local news media. I got form letter responses back from every one of you. Not one ZERO, NADA NONE of you felt that this question needed to be addressed.

No Premise for New War: Move-On Protests Obama War-Mongering

How Horrible for us all that Obama looks more and more like Bush.   And don’t be distracted by the chemical weapons.  When he finally gets his incontrovertible “proof” that the Syrian government used poison gas, remember, Obama himself says it is a civil war. 

He has no humanitarian motive here: to die from poison is no worse than being blasted or burnt or bled by other kinds of weapons.  Obama’s plan will only lead to more war, more revenge, more poverty and wasted dollars at home thousands every second, more and more destroyed innocent lives. 

No one should be fooled by this new rush to war.  Don’t be fooled, and don’t be slienced, and don’t be morally castrated !   Show your heart ! Show yourself ! Show your guts ! 

Dream Anniversary Celebration Shrouds King’s ‘Beyond Vietnam’ Nightmare Sermon, His Martyrdom, Syrians

As US threatens Syria – 2013 ‘I Have a Dream’ anniversary. No mention of the 1967 King, condemner of America’s ‘atrocity wars’, who belatedly wanted to include the poor being slaughtered overseas for US investment profits in his dream of a just America. War investor owned conglomerate media promotes a patriotic war disinterested King, continues black out martyred King’s fiery condemnation of atrocity wars for investments.

Time To Say Goodbye

It’s time to say goodbye. For all the many people who have stood so strongly up against the big bad corporation cheer in full delight. Proudly many of them say what a wonderful thing they vainly say they helped to push the big bad corporation out of Vermont. Out of their area. They blew and they blew as hard and as long as they could. Feeling hopless and powerless as the bad bad business was standing it’s ground fighting to stay in business here in southern vermont.

You won. You won the war and now the doors are being closed as the days become numbered and the hours countable as to when it is official that the Vermont Yankess Nuclear Power plant makes ready to end this supply of costly electricity.

Syria – An Open Letter to the Editor

Submitted to: Burlington Free Press, Rutland Herald, Brattleboro Reformer, iBrattleboro

September 5, 2013

Senator Patrick Leahy
Senator Bernard Sanders
Representative Peter Welch

Assad is winning the war in Syria without the use of chemical weapons. Further he knows that using chemical weapons would invite foreign intervention into this war. This would be an extraordinarily stupid thing to do. Assad maybe many things but NO ONE has ever called him stupid.

Critcal Eye Versus a Blind One

It is my opinion that directly telling people the truth does not work. The public is so naïve, so gullible, so committed to their belief in a principled country, with principled leaders, that even direct video quotes do not seem to matter. They watch their leaders lie repeatedly on video, yet they refuse to believe they saw them lie. It is simply unbelievable.

People do not want to look, confront or believe that they have been duped, that they are actually being manipulated by a tiny fraction of the world’s elite, the Old World Order, the ole boy network, the status quo, Club Elite. They do not want to face what answers to unanswered questions and unexplained coincidences might mean. Such an awareness might require them to look into the mirror and realize that their ignorance has contributed and enabled what, by any measure, is now an Evil Empire.

Pollution In Our Town

Looks like Cersosimo is big time making me cough. The factory is working 24/7 and now is making high pitched sound at night. Creates a sleepless resonant atmosphere for me.

Rep. Welch Statement on Syria

Congressman Peter Welch made the following statement in response to President Obama’s remarks this afternoon on Syria:

“Congress has a clear Constitutional responsibility to authorize military action. Consistent with this profound responsibility, I have strongly advocated that President Obama send any plan for military intervention in Syria to Congress for review and authorization. I am pleased that he has now agreed to do so. I will be an active participant in the forthcoming debate and will be mindful throughout of the enormous sacrifice we ask every day of the men and women of America’s military and their families.”

Sanders Statement on Syria

WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 – Sen. Bernie Sanders issued the following statement today after President Barack Obama announced that he will ask Congress to authorize military strikes against Syria:

“The use of chemical weapons by the Assad dictatorship is inhumane and a violation of international law. However, at this point in time, I need to hear more from the president as to why he believes it is in the best interests of the United States to intervene in Syria’s bloody and complicated civil war. I look forward to the Senate debate that will be taking place in the very near future.”