The Stage for Change and Thoughts Going Forward – Brattleboro Taxes

I think everyone, including the Select and School Boards, recognizes that Brattleboro has a major property tax problem coupled with an imminent economic crisis. I think the Town needs to take aggressive steps toward a functional solution.

As the former head of the BUHS Board and its Finance Committee for 10 years, I/we faced a budget crisis every year. We recognized that there was an advocate for every budget dollar – and then some. I remember the public debate, scrutiny and pain we faced when we cut programs or tried to implement cost savings through change. We can no longer afford this brutal, slow process.

You Break It You Buy It

Since the Selectboard supervened in the matter of the skatepark location, reversing their previous commitment, annulling the vote of town meeting, backing-up their resolve by forming a skatepark search committee, all in the name of a solution, I’ll take this as the price of progress. But a few lingering questions continue to puzzle me.

That there are no skaters on the committee, although peculiar, this is not my primary concern. There is a stalwart member of BASIC, and a longtime Rec. Advocate aboard, this brings some consolation in that regard. But I do find it bizarre; would a golf course be sited without a golfer, or outdoor musical venue without the ear of a musician?

Kudos to Kruz

I don’t think I ever agreed with anything U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, (R-Texas) has said. But this time he hit the nail on the head:

“Friday, December 20, 2013 3:55 pm WASHINGTON, D.C. —,”Today I voted against the National Defense Authorization Act. I am deeply concerned that Congress still has not prohibited President Obama’s ability to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens arrested on American soil without trial or due process.

Brattleboro Fiscal Policies

Of course I have been reading the latest opinion letters about Brattleboro finances and taxes. I agree there is a fair bit of sentiment being expressed about this issue, with most of it against higher property taxes.

There is, however, another side of the story. The major reason for tax increases coming over the next two years is that Representative Town Meeting approved the bonding of the Police & Fire Station improvements, which bonds may reach about $14.1 Million. The full weight of this bonding will be phased into our tax rates over two years’ time, because of the Selectboard’s decision to apply for the bonds in two stages: $5 Million initially to fund the planning phases of the project, and the rest the following year.

The Coming Storm.. Brattleboro Taxes

I am watching the discussions about the budget, growing obligations, new expenses and concomitant higher taxes, with concern. The lack of public input over the continued escalation of property taxes is confounding. The fact that Brattleboro continues to pursue this path, given the current economic situation and future portended, seems like trying to deny the coming tsunami. While income sensitivity is a panacea for some, the property tax bite has moved beyond unreasonable into unsustainable. The fact is, Vermont has the third highest tax burden in the nation and Brattleboro has one of the highest tax burdens in the State.

Sanders to Vote ‘No’ on Defense Authorization Bill

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 – The Senate set a vote for late tonight on a Department of Defense bill that would authorize $625 billion for the military. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said he will vote “no” and issued the following statement:

“At a time when the United States has a $17.2 trillion national debt and when we spend almost as much on defense as the rest of the world combined, the time is long overdue for us to take a hard look at the waste, cost overruns and financial mismanagement that have plagued the huge Defense Department for years.

Vermont Wins $37 Million for Universal Pre-School

WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 – Vermont today won a $37 million federal grant for a statewide, pre-kindergarten program at public schools.

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), a member of the Senate education committee, worked closely with federal officials and Gov. Peter Shumlin’s administration to secure the grant for early childhood education.

Sanders said, “Psychologists tell us that, in terms of human development, the most important years are birth through four years of age. Yet, in terms of early childhood education, our nation does a very inadequate job in making quality pre-kindergarten education available to working families. This major federal grant will significantly improve early childhood education in our state and better prepare our kids for school and the challenges and opportunities of life. I am very appreciative that the Department of Education provided Vermont with this major grant.”

Welch Lauds Rutland’s Record Breaking Blood Drive

Rutland, VT. (December 18th, 2013)- Rep. Peter Welch issued the following statement after it was reported that Rutland’s Gift of Life Marathon blood drive collected 2,337 pints of blood, beating the national record for a single community in one day.

“In the end, it wasn’t even close. Yesterday, Rutland showed Vermont and the nation that it has heart — big time heart. And it demonstrated what a community can accomplish when its residents work together on a shared goal,” said Welch.

Sanders Statement on Court Ruling Against NSA

WASHINGTON, Dec. 16 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement today after a federal judge declared that the bulk collection of Americans’ telephone records by the National Security Agency is likely to violate the Constitution’s ban on unreasonable searches and probably is not effective in fighting terrorism:

“I applaud the D.C. District Court’s ruling today on the NSA surveillance program. In my view, the NSA is out of control and operating in an unconstitutional manner. Today’s ruling is an important first step toward reining in this agency but we must go further. I will be working as hard as I can to pass the strongest legislation possible to end the abuses by the NSA and other intelligence agencies.”

Contact: Michael Briggs (202) 224-5141

Another Low-Life Off the Street :)

It’s been very encouraging to read about all the recent arrests of people stealing things from cars in Brattleboro. Our officers seem to be going above and beyond to keep the community safe, and I can’t express my gratitude enough.

A few days ago, I was the victim of yet another theft in town, and the officer who handled my case showed exemplary professionalism and courtesy. Even though it didn’t happen to one of the wealthy elite, and he probably has a ton of things on his plate to deal with, he was very respectful, handled business, and brought resolution to the case within a matter of days. Thanks to his good work, there’s now yet another scumbag with a mile long rapsheet off our streets, and our community is a little safer.

Windham Region CEDS Released For 30 Day Public Comment Period

Southeastern Vermont Economic Development Strategies (SeVEDS) has completed its draft Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy for Southeastern Vermont’s Windham Region.

This process has been guided by a CEDS Committee comprising municipal and private sector representatives from throughout the Southeastern Vermont region. Prior to submitting the draft document to the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA), SeVEDS is required to allow for a 30-day public comment period.

Town Management and Performance Audits

I believe we need not a financial audit (we’ll get those by law), but a periodic audit of the effectiveness of management and the fulfillment by Town government of its objectives.

Therefore, I have recommended to my fellow members of the Finance Committee that we request such audits.

Every ten years or so, we should have an outside or third-party expert review very extensively whether our Town is being run using best practices or not. Particularly at the juncture of the current inter-regnum (between Town Managers), this could end up being a very effective way of reducing Town expenses.

A State of Collapse – The Threat of Being Functionally Obsolete

When you walk across the bridge to Hinsdale you feel the bridge vibrating underfoot. It is a sustained motion, that combined with the obviously “insufficient weight limits” might give the pedestrian pause to be concerned in what is an otherwise peaceful, scenic river view.

What the long-term overweight loads and steady shaking does to the bridge structure is another matter.

Who Needs Decriminalization and Medical Marijuana?

Let’s skip the medical marijuana dispensary syndrome and simply legalize marijuana for adult use in Vermont. The Vermont legislature, like other states have outdated themselves with the implementation of marijuana dispensaries. They are not sensible solutions to set guidelines to dispense marijuana to people as patients.Moreover, it sets the terrible precedent that marijuana is best prescribed. The guidelines enacted by the legislature border on the ridiculous. Setting limits on the number of “patients” allowed to receive a license, and setting limits on the list of ailments that physicians can prescribe for their patients literally defeats the purpose of using marijuana as a medicine for a broad spectrum of people.

Veterans’ Panel Advances Health Care, Jobs and Other Legislation

WASHINGTON, Nov. 19 – The Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs today advanced legislation to expand access to health care and dental care at the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The panel also approved a package of other bills, including measures to help veterans find jobs and shield veterans from benefit disruptions in the event of another government shutdown.

“I am proud that we are making good progress in improving and expanding health care and other benefits for the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect our country,” said Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the committee chairman.

Sanders Welcomes Postal Service Revenue Rebound

WASHINGTON, Nov. 15 – Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today welcomed news that the U.S. Postal Service reported an operating profit of $600 million for the 2013 fiscal year.

“During the last 12 months, the Postal Service made a profit of $600 million picking up and delivering mail and packages to every household and business in America. The amazing thing is that they did this without receiving one dime from the taxpayers of this country. This is great news for the American people and I commend the workers at the Postal Service for making this happen,” Sanders said.

Return To Humanity

Our inaction, our passivity, our naivety and the ease with which we can be manipulated has fueled the forces of fear, power, greed and suppression. Most U.S. citizens now walk around in self-induced comas, too ignorant to question, too afraid to ask and too numb to feel.

Is our government capable of killing its own people? Look … at what we have done to the environment and the poor for oil. Look … at the brutal dictators we have brought to power and continue to fund. Look … at the wars we have manufactured. The U.S. has become the 21st Century’s “Death Star.” We do not prevent war, we make war. We do not protect humanity and prevent atrocities, we kill people and commit atrocities whenever our multinationals are affected. Let’s-be-clear PROFIT defines our “national interests” and our foreign policy not free thinking and not free speech.

Rep. Welch Questions Agency Officials On Border Wait Times, Stressing Economic Impact On Vermont

Washington, D.C. (November 14th, 2013)— At a Congressional oversight hearing today, Rep. Peter Welch questioned agency officials in charge of border crossings about the NEXUS program that allows for expedited processing for Vermonters and Canadian visitors. Vermonters have contacted Rep. Welch to tell him that it can still take up to 30-45 minutes to get across the border even after they have paid out-of-pocket and gone through the trouble to get a NEXUS card. Rep. Welch emphasized that long wait times at the Canadian border do real economic harm to our state’s economy. :