Interesting Query On Money From The Net

“What shall we call “hard” non-fiat currencies?

I propose the following: Gold based currency and Oil based currency.

The Gold Based currency should be called the Trojan because its value is reckoned on a troy ounce of .999 fine gold

Vt House Notion to Kill School Boards Deserves Similar Fate

I eavesdropped on ibrattleboro’s excellent coverage of your town mtg, & was pleased to see the discussion about the ill-conceived proposal from the legislature to kill our local school boards.  I believe the Vt legislature originally met for much shorter sessions, and like so many institutions has grown bigger just because there was time available for it to do so. This proposal suggests they have too much time on their hands and are inventing fixes for things that ain’t broke.

Sure, we can always use improvements to our public education system, but abolishing our citizen school boards seems misguided, especially since they cost almost nothing to maintain (in Guilford, for example, just over $2,000 a year in a school budget of some $2 million!)

1% Local Options Tax Defeat Disappointing

While watching town meeting today many downtown merchants spoke about their opposition to the proposed  1% local options tax because it will send people to NH (as if those of us on the border towns don’t shop there already). I was very disappointed to hear little to no discussion about how NOT approving this tax continues to hammer those of us who pay property taxes in Brattleboro.

Downtown merchants shifted their focus to out-of-state visitors long ago. We have very few stores that provide necessities anymore: a drug store, a hardware store, an Elliot Street convenience store, the Co-op. The bike stores, specialty/gift stores, and even Sam’s non-clothing sections target specific hobbies or are for discretionary items.

Joan Bowman To Run For Vermont State Senate

Joan Bowman is excited to announce that she will be running for a seat in the Vermont State Senate, representing Windham County, as a Democrat.

“I am pleased to announce my candidacy and look forward to a spirited campaign that focuses on the issues that matter to residents of Windham County. Over the last six months I have had the pleasure of serving as a navigator for the Vermont Health Connect program. In this capacity I assisted hundreds of Vermonters in their efforts to finally get the affordable health care they deserve. As a Vermont State Senator I will work toward sensible solutions that pilot our region and state towards economic prosperity and social equity.”

Brattleboro 2014 Finance Committee Report

Here is the Finance Committee Report for this year.  


   Following are  most of the recommendations:

     The Town finances are being handled competently.

     The economy is very fragile.  

     Prime importance should be on making effective use of the $10 million development money that Entergy agreed to contribute to the region.  Without good jobs and increased incomes we’ll be forced to make significant changes in the way we live.

Brattleboro Town Meeting and Police/Fire Project


It is not a mystery that the Selectboard placed the sales tax but not the Police/Fire Facilities project on the March 4th ballot as a straw or nonbonding vote.  Were they on together both would have likely been voted down.  Thus the Selectboard gave us only one choice.  In the same way the P/F project itself was presented at Town Meeting as only one choice. Town Meeting Members were forced to accept it all even if only one piece, or none of it at all seemed necessary.  It was as if the administration believed that citizen input had no place in the development of the project.  Since the vote was taken any further questions have been dismissed with ‘it’s been voted on.’  Conversation over.

Retirement Planning for Civilization Collapse

I’m turning 50 this year, which means I have 15-20 years to retirement age — if all goes well.

Let’s look at the news and see if things are going well. Lost airplane, Crimea, oh wait, what’s this?  That might impact my retirement. You have my attention.

The article says collapses are a normal part of the cycle of civilization. Rome, for example. OK, we knew that. Nothing new there.

A Pet Peeve

Isn’t it odd that the breasts, the amazingly life-sustaining part of the human body, are referred to as “boobs”, the definitions of which are 1. “a foolish or stupid person”, and 2. “an embarrassing mistake.”

Thank You to Retailers and Restaurants who participated in the Responsible Beverage Service Trainings

To the Brattleboro Business Community,

The Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition (BAPC) would like
to thank the businesses that participated in the Responsible Beverage Service Trainings held in March co-sponsored by the Department of Liquor Control.

BAPC recognizes the important role that local retailers and restaurants play in preventing underage drinking. Thank you to the following businesses for participating in the training:

Commentary: “Knowledge Is Power”

Several years ago I advocated that courses in the humanities be offered and taught to those within Vermont who might have otherwise gone without the opportunities and benefits of these. For example: people living in poverty; people living homeless; persons incarcerated in jails, prisons or other institutions; people living in the throes of drug or alcohol addiction.

What I had been urging be established was for programs along the lines of the Clemente Course in the Humanities model (

Statement of Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Chairman, Senate Judiciary Committee, On CIA Interference with Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Investigation

I commend Chairman Feinstein for speaking so forcefully in defense of the indispensable role that Congress plays under our Constitution in overseeing the executive branch, and in particular the intelligence community. Chairman Feinstein described a troubling pattern of interference and intimidation by the CIA that raises serious questions about possible violations of the Constitution and our criminal laws. This only compounds the grave concerns I have had for years about the underlying conduct that the Senate Intelligence Committee has been investigating: the torture of detainees during the previous administration. I fully support Chairman Feinstein’s efforts to seek declassification of her committee’s report on the CIA detention and interrogation program.

Sanders: What the U.S. Health Care System Can Learn from Other Countries

WASHINGTON, March 11 – A Senate panel chaired by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) heard today that other major countries offer better health care at less cost than the United States.

“What this hearing is really about is two fundamental issues. First, the U.S., the wealthiest country on the planet, is the only major industrialized country in the world that does not guarantee health care as a right to its citizens. Should we consider joining the rest of the world? I’d argue we should,” Sanders said. “Second, the U.S. spends twice as much as other countries that have much better health outcomes. What can we learn from these countries?” asked Sanders, chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging.

Sanders Statement on Climate Change All-Nighter

WASHINGTON, March 10 – As part of an all-night Senate discussion on climate change, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement from remarks prepared for delivery later tonight:

“The scientific community has been extremely clear. Climate change is real. Climate change is man-made. And climate change is already causing severe damage in terms of draught, floods, forest fires, rising sea levels and extreme weather disturbances.

“Given that reality, I find it extremely disturbing that virtually all of my Republican colleagues continue to ignore the scientific evidence and refuse to support legislation which will address this planetary crisis.

Sanders, Other Senators to Speak All Night in Wake-Up Call to Congress on Global Warming

BURLINGTON, Vt., March 9 – In a dramatic gesture to urge action on climate change, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and other members of the Senate Climate Action Task Force will pull an all-nighter speaking on the Senate floor from Monday night through Tuesday morning.

“When I go home to Vermont, people ask me what world the United States Congress is living in,” said Sanders. “They understand that the overwhelming majority of scientists agree that climate change is real, it is caused by human activity and it is causing devastating damage all over the world. They want us to act and take bold measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

A House Divided – Medical Marijuana Muddles Marijuana Legalization

For years I have been warning marijuana advocates not to take the easy way out by using medical marijuana as a wedge to “soften up” public sentiment. Regrettably, many marijuana patients had this “we need our medicine now” mentality. Too many medical marijuana people were self-interested only in their needs. Some even stated to me it was more important to legalize marijuana for medical needs than it was to legalize it for all adults. The fact that millions of Americans were and are trapped in the criminal justice gulag did not matter to them, just as long as they got their meds.

As I feared, medical marijuana only muddles marijuana legalization. In the long run, the advent of pundits pushing the medical angle did so at the expense of the larger marijuana consumer population.

“Free to Good Home” Pets

Before releasing your pets via a “Free to good home” ad, please do some research on this problem and arrange a follow up plan so you can see that your beloved pets DO recieve the care and love they deserve.  You can begin by typing “Free to good home” in Google and see the extent of risk of doing this. has some great articles on this.

Brattleboro District Caucus, Pre-Town Meeting Informational Meeting

Brattleboro Town Selectboard will hold a pre-town meeting information forum on Wednesday, March 12 at Academy School beginning at 7:00 PM. Prior to the forum, each district will caucus begin at 6:30 PM. Town meeting members of each district will be available to meet with constituents to offer residents an opportunity to discuss articles to be voted on at the annual meeting.

Also, at that time, districts will be accepting nominations to fill town meeting member vacancies. Appointments are for one year. District 1 has 12 vacancies, District 2 has 13 vacancies and District 3 has 1 vacancy. Anyone interested in being considered for these positions should be present at Wednesday’s 6:30PM caucus. Classroom locations at Academy School for each caucus will be posted in the school lobby that evening.

Gendercide – The Social Pathology of Kneeling to the Man-God Mythos

Vermont is once again ranked as the least religious state in the country. Over half the people in our state are less likely to believe in God than the rest of the country. However, being the least religious state doesn’t stop the sectarian denominations from their power struggles for domain over man, land and beast. The upshot is that our state is a target for overt religious proselytizing.

Want to Warm Up Your Vermont Social Life Meeting New Friends?

Got the long winter blues? Want to make new friends in Vermont?Tired of meeting singles far away on the internet?

It is easy to meet people right here in Vermont who you might become personally interested in by volunteering for any political campaign.

For single people, Republican and Democratic campaign functions are a real “meet market”.

As an independent candidate, the best “meet market” I can offer you  is to ask you to volunteer to collect political campaign signatures for me.