Chairman Sanders on Veterans Day

BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 10 – U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs’ Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) issued the following statement on Tuesday’s observance of Veterans Day:

“The truth is that we can never truly repay the debt that we owe to those men and women who put their lives on the line to defend our country. Since World War II, more than 500,000 Americans have lost their lives in war. Millions more have come home wounded in body and spirit. As a nation, we have a moral obligation to provide for the wounded and their families and ensure that all veterans receive every benefit they have earned and deserve.

Sanders Calls on FCC to Guarantee Open Internet, Welcomes Support from President Obama on Net Neutrality

BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 10 – Welcoming President Barack Obama’s support for net neutrality, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) today urged the Federal Communications Commission to protect free and open access to the Internet.

In a l, Sanders said the commission should act decisively. “As you know, President Barack Obama has made a strong statement on net neutrality and the importance of preserving a free and open Internet. I strongly agree with him and so do the American people,” Sanders wrote to Wheeler.

The Reasons Why I Hope Scott Milne Will Ask For A Full Re-Count of the 2014 Vermont Vote For Governor

Heres’  why I  think Scott Milne should demand a re-count of the 2014 Election Results; and I’d like to see  a total forensic exam of all the results, not just the Governor’s race, but the majority of people in Vermont are just concerned with the outcome of the Governor’s race.

The Vermont vote totals reported at 100%  show 193,087 votes for all votes for Governor candidates, and 191,504 for all votes for Representative to Congress candidates. The difference is 193,087 – (minus) 191,504 = (equals) 1,583 fewer people seem to have voted for the first item on the ballot.

Open Letter of Complaint To The F.B.I., Federal Bureau of Investigation: Vote Fraud!

I can’t believe my eyes!  They have done it again!  In 2010 it was clear as a bell, they had an “unoffical” vote count, and then on the “official” vote count that followed, they cut my votes for Governor and for U.S. Senate right in half.

This time, The results  of total votes at 96.365 counted were for me, Cris Ericson for U.S. Congress 3,605 votes at 1.89%.  Today at 100% of the votes counted, my votes have been reduced to 2,750 at 1.44% coming in 3rd out of 6 candidates.

The Sad Truth About Modern Politics Is You Have To Start Campaign Fundraising For The Next Race The Day After The Current Election!

Frisky Fringe Candidate Seeks Fundraiser For 2016
Campaign Fundraiser Need Now for 2016 Race!

This is like moving Christmas sales up before Thanksgiving. Yes, the candidate who came in last place for Governor of Vermont, and 3rd place for Representative to Congress, wants to lure some  kind folk to explore the money trail, and bring home the wagon train full of cash to promote her 2016 run.

How do you raise campaign funds?  If you are an  attorney or lawyer, this is what you need to learn before contacting the candidate. Remember, they didn’t teach you everything in law school.

Sanders Proposes ‘Democracy Day’ Legislation Calls for Election Day Holiday

BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 7 – After Tuesday’s extremely low voter turnout, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced today that he will introduce to make Election Day a national holiday.

“In America, we should be celebrating our democracy and doing everything possible to make it easier for people to participate in the political process. Election Day should be a national holiday so that everyone has the time and opportunity to vote. While this would not be a cure-all, it would indicate a national commitment to create a more vibrant democracy,” said Sanders, who was not on the ballot on Tuesday.

VT 2014 Election Analysis From The Fringe

Progressives Make Gains Respectable Showing For Liberty Union Socialists;
Radical-Capitalist Libertarians Fall Flat, By David Van Deusen

Thus far, one of the more interesting aspects of the 2014 Vermont election was the relative strength of the Progressive Party & and the respectable showings of the Vermont Liberty Union Party. The Democratic Party, in a year that saw record low turnout (43.7%), had a net loss of eleven in the VT House, and two in the VT Senate (and a surprisingly close contest for Governor). Even so, and even with voting patterns seemingly favoring the right, the Democrats retained a commanding lead in both the VT House and VT Senate. And while the Republicans made some gains (small in the big political scheme of things) the further left also did better than traditional election logic would seem to allow for.

Guess Who’s Cyber Bullying Now? As A Candidate and a Vermont Voter, I’m Furious & I Hope You Read This!



The Vermont – NEA, the union of Vermont educators, has displayed a gross and horrendous act of cyber bullying and dis-information by telling their taxpayer paid teachers and other educators who to vote for, and who NOT to vote for!

Man-made Global Warming is Worsening

BURLINGTON, Vt., Nov. 1 – A United Nations panel on Sunday is set to issue a major report detailing what a draft called “the likelihood of severe, pervasive and irreversible impacts” of global warming.

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said the new report from the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is expected to make the strongest case yet for decisive action to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

“The scientific community across the world is sounding the alarm. Climate change is real and it will have devastating consequences around the globe unless we act boldly and decisively,” said Sanders, a member of the Senate environment and energy committees.

Governor Peter Shumlin & His Annointed Public Service Board vs. Champ the Lake Champlain Monster

CHAMP, the LAKE CAMPLAIN MONSTER a sad political tale by Cris Ericson

Lake Champlain waters flow north, so if a natural gas pipeline, carrying entirely un-natural fracked gas, is built
 underneath Lake Champlain near Ticonderoga, then while they are building it there will be a great deal of upheaval of the lake water and underlying soil, a huge muddy mess, and the mud and debris will flow north to Burlington.

Vermont Voters Undecided! There is Time For One Last Debate With All SEVEN Candidates for Governor of VT!

Vermont voters are still undecided with no candidate recently polling at 50% or more for Governor of Vermont.  Of course the recent polls are corrupt because they don’t include the name of all SEVEN  candidates for governor of VT. The polls are created by major news media contractors and all major news media, television, radio and newspapers, are controlled by Corporations.  They don’t even want you to know the names of the “other” candidates the voters are “undecided” about.  This is how government continues to be of the corporations, by the corporations and for the corporations.   We need to break the deadlock of undecision in Vermont by allowing one more debate with all 7 candidates.

Representative to U.S. Congress Debate on Vermont PBS with all Six Candidates! Rare Democracy!

The majority of the candidates for Representative to Congress are opposed to a natural gas pipeline running underneath Lake Champlain in Vermont.   Matthew Andrews, Liberty Union Party candidate, announced good news of an upcoming Protest, and the majority of candidates clapped their hands in applause.

“Pirate Captain Cris Ericson” announced that because the U.S. Supreme Court wrote an Opinion declaring that Corporations are “persons” and because the U.S. Congress did not Impeach them, which the U.S. Congress had the legal right to do, then, that proved the U.S. Congress is in favor of Corporations being “persons” and she – Pirate Captain Cris Ericson, was going to “take back” America away from the control of Corporations and  give it back to We, the People.  She wore a Pirate hat to emphasize her point.

New Poll Results for VT U.S. Congress Candidates & Information for Thursday Oct. 23 VT U.S. Congress Debate

New POLL statistics for  candidates for  U.S. Representative to Congress  Oct. 22, 2014. Please keep in mind that the Republican and Democrat candidate have been invited to many debates which the other candidates were wrongfully excluded from. This is how corporations have taken control of America, because Corporations control newspapers, radio stations and television stations, and they only invite candidates who will do their bidding in Washington, D.C. to debates. It’s up to you to chose betewen government of, by and for the  Corporate “Person”, or government of, by and for we the people.

Cheshire-Grinning Wide-Mouthed Gift

If Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., and, indeed, the rest of this Congress had put more effort into single-payer health care as they did in the Affordable Care Act, our growing segment of the increasingly older population, and the future of health and medical science and services for us all would have been better served.In its stead, we watched helplessly as they plowed $12.5 billion dollars into “Obamacare” which is nothing less than a Cheshire-grinning wide mouthed gift of massive proportions to the insurance industries. And now, he wants to push through another $30 billion into expanding it yet more.

VA to Offer GI Bill Scholarships for Surviving Spouses

Sanders’ Veterans Bill Expanded Education Program

BURLINGTON, Vt., Oct. 21 – U.S. Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) announced today that the Department of Veterans Affairs will begin accepting applications for college scholarships for surviving spouses of service members who died in the line of duty. Sanders worked hard to get the provision in the recently-passed veterans bill. He urged all eligible spouses to take advantage of it.

Until the law was changed this summer, the Post 9/11 GI Bill had offered scholarships to children of those who died in the line of duty but not their widows or widowers. Now, eligible spouses may be entitled to full tuition for up to 36 months plus a stipend to cover the cost of housing, books and supplies.

Debate Politics Most Precious – Laughingstock

Humor is the best and worst of political hay. From Cris Ericson’s sparkling sequined farm dress and Ma Parker’s picnic floppy hat, to Peter Diamondstone’s too patriarchal horn-rimmed glasses, longbeard and grade-school shorts, to Bernard Peter’s pitchfork take-charge Duck Dynasty philosophy, to Emily Peyton’s grinning political dibs through gritted teeth, to Scott Milne’s making each point with a full left head swivel to Governor Shumlin, this lineup is richly deserving of national late-night talk show humor.VTDigger and the Reformer made short work of the “In case you missed it” reportage:

Don’t Let Billionaires Buy the Senate, Sanders Tells Labor Convention

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 15 – Speaking at a labor union convention here today, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said the future of American democracy is at stake.

“We are not living in a democracy when 60 percent of Americans are not voting, while billionaires like the Koch Brothers are spending hundreds of millions to buy the United States Senate. That’s called oligarchy, not democracy,” Sanders said.

The billionaires Charles and David Koch and other wealthy individuals are pumping hundreds of millions of dollars into this fall’s campaigns by taking advantage of a disastrous 2010 Supreme Court ruling and subsequent court decisions that gutted federal and state laws limiting campaign spending.