Merciless US NATO UN Genocide in Somalia Brought Nairobi Shopping Mall Blowback!

Equivalent shock for Kenyans as 9/11 was for Americans. Background of these two massacres are pathetically similar. Both were blowback on US genocidal foreign policy. Osama bin Laden in his 2002 Letter to Americans, included “attacks on Muslims in Somalia” in his list of reasons for the al Qaeda 9/11 attack. Synopsis, chronology of US genocide in Somalia given. Every American should consider his or her possible involvement.


Trucker’s Strike : Just-In-Time

For over 10 years I designed and sold Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory control systems. Payment for these systems was justified by reducing the carrying costs of inventory. JIT meant only having on hand (in the warehouse) what you needed to meet sales and nothing more. If you added shelf life to the equation it was further complicated. The best JIT inventory control systems were typically found at our giant grocery stores chains. Hurricane Katrina and other natural disasters clearly demonstrated the principles of JIT and just how vulnerable the public is to a disruption in the flow of goods. Usually 3 days was all it took to go from fully stocked grocery store shelves to empty. Guess who is the backbone of this distribution system?

Looking For The Next Brattleboro Town Manager

The Brattleboro Selectboard is working at a steady pace to hire a new Town Manager for Brattleboro. The list of applicants has been narrowed over the last month or so, and we’re approaching time for final interviews and a decision. We could be welcoming someone on board within a month.

What skills and attributes do we want in our next Town Manager? What could we do without?

The Brattleboro team that our new Town Manager would be joining is at the top of their proverbial game, having dealt with major infrastructure improvements, fires, floods, and FEMA in recent years. They are very capable, well-trained, and will be an excellent resource for whomever is hired. It takes a bit of the pressure off the new recruit.

The Government May Shut Down – Do We Care?

The government may shut down in a few days.

Unlike previous almost-shut-downs, this time no one seems to care.

Perhaps The White House and Congress have cried “wolf” too many times. It could be that the fear has worn off. (“Yawn.”)

Perchance we’ve been taken to the edge of the fiscal cliff too many times. It’s possible that we used to worry that we could go over, but now the edge doesn’t bother us. (“Oh, you again.”)

Food Stamps

Kudos to the Tea Party and other Republicans in the House for their heroic efforts to limit food stamps.

They are a waste of money, and really don’t help anybody. The poor are poor before they receive food stamps, and they are still poor afterwards, though they might be a bit less hungry.

Besides, a lot of them squander the aid on unhealthy food like milk and bread.

We can learn a lot from India which has a lot of poor people. They don’t provide a lot of assistance, relying instead on the magic of the free market to solve the problem. (Chris Hedges)

For example, in Mumbai, a whole new hierarchy of entrepreneurial enterprisers has sprung up.

Plight of the West River Beaver Community

For well over a decade now I’ve enjoyed regular strolls along the West River Trail just past the Marina. The trail is written up in the Audubon Society due to the wide variety of wild birds. In the spring, and early Summer the path is often crossed by turtles off to lay their eggs, until recently a very common sight. Unfortunately I only saw two turtles this year, and both had been run over by the utility trucks working on the I-91 bridge. Over the last few years (probably for a number of reasons) there seems to be a lot less animal , and insect life. Hurricane Irene ,while not entirely, certainly had a hand in the lower numbers of wild life.

Crazy, Loony, Kooky

A lot of really crazy, loony, kooky individuals have a hard time accepting the official government explanation of the events of 9/11. (I count myself among them). We are called “Conspiracy Theorists” and that’s supposed to be the end of it.

Works pretty well!

But many sane, intelligent patriotic Americans have no trouble accepting the government’s theory that a group of young disaffected Arab men conspired with a disaffected scion of a wealthy Arab family, suffering from kidney disease and living in an elaborate cave in Afghanistan, to defy the nation’s defense systems and allow 4 hijacked airliners to dance around our skies for a few hours until they managed to crash 3 of them into iconic structures, killing thousands.

Well, that’s a “Conspiracy Theory”, too!


Has anybody noticed the decline of this once great station?

For years, I’ve enjoyed its Progressive Talk format.

I still enjoy Live & Local in the morning, and Thom Hartmann in the afternoon, but the evening and weekend programming has hit the bottom. When the Red Sox are not playing, all they seem to offer is Dead Air.

Dear Brattleboro Cyclists and Skaters

I’m going to try to contain my ranting (just imagine extra expletives as you read and you should get the gist) about the cyclists and skaters I have had the unfortunate experiences of this week.

To the skater who decided I was in his right of way as I drove south on Main St, intending to turn onto High St: No, actually, skating down the middle of the lane is actually not your prerogative. You don’t get to give me attitude, you need to get your helmetless self out of the way of my car.

Dream Anniversary Celebration Shrouds King’s ‘Beyond Vietnam’ Nightmare Sermon, His Martyrdom, Syrians

As US threatens Syria – 2013 ‘I Have a Dream’ anniversary. No mention of the 1967 King, condemner of America’s ‘atrocity wars’, who belatedly wanted to include the poor being slaughtered overseas for US investment profits in his dream of a just America. War investor owned conglomerate media promotes a patriotic war disinterested King, continues black out martyred King’s fiery condemnation of atrocity wars for investments.

Time To Say Goodbye

It’s time to say goodbye. For all the many people who have stood so strongly up against the big bad corporation cheer in full delight. Proudly many of them say what a wonderful thing they vainly say they helped to push the big bad corporation out of Vermont. Out of their area. They blew and they blew as hard and as long as they could. Feeling hopless and powerless as the bad bad business was standing it’s ground fighting to stay in business here in southern vermont.

You won. You won the war and now the doors are being closed as the days become numbered and the hours countable as to when it is official that the Vermont Yankess Nuclear Power plant makes ready to end this supply of costly electricity.

Critcal Eye Versus a Blind One

It is my opinion that directly telling people the truth does not work. The public is so naïve, so gullible, so committed to their belief in a principled country, with principled leaders, that even direct video quotes do not seem to matter. They watch their leaders lie repeatedly on video, yet they refuse to believe they saw them lie. It is simply unbelievable.

People do not want to look, confront or believe that they have been duped, that they are actually being manipulated by a tiny fraction of the world’s elite, the Old World Order, the ole boy network, the status quo, Club Elite. They do not want to face what answers to unanswered questions and unexplained coincidences might mean. Such an awareness might require them to look into the mirror and realize that their ignorance has contributed and enabled what, by any measure, is now an Evil Empire.

Pollution In Our Town

Looks like Cersosimo is big time making me cough. The factory is working 24/7 and now is making high pitched sound at night. Creates a sleepless resonant atmosphere for me.

Grossed Out On Main Street

I wonder who left a huge pile of partially formed excrement on Main Street Friday evening. I think it was near Fireworks. More importantly, though, it was in the middle of the sidewalk. It was presented to the town, I would guess, by either a big dog or a sick or inebriated human. Or by an individual with serious boundary issues.

I know about it because I stepped in it!

It fouled my almost brand new pair of shoes, which don’t feel new anymore. It caused a disgusting end to a pleasant evening out. And then, at home, I had to spend time and energy scrubbing the sole of the soiled shoe with a grout brush.

Dr. Strangelode, or…

…How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Spies

“Of Course this is a friendly call, Dimitri.”

I’ve been trying to sort out whether my dismay over the rising security state is based on a reverence for the constitution and respect for those who sacrificed greatly to establish a democracy, or whether it’s about something deeper, a primary human instinct. All people recognize, as artists and sages often point out, the essence of communication is trust.  If so, how can we not be appalled by the deception and venality, the corruptibility of government officials, and the gaming of the system. What we’re seeing is the emergence of a system of anti-checks and unbalances, designed to serve and protect those charged with supposedly protecting us.

Is Obama Lying or Ignorant?

Listening to President Obama’s statements about the NSA and spying on Americans over the past few weeks, I began wondering if he was outright lying to us, or if he was woefully ignorant of the subjects of which he spoke.

I’m not alone. if the President that he had no idea what is going on.   Some of the statements in question:

– the secret FISA court is “transparent” and that Congress has full oversight
– “We don’t have a domestic spying program.”
– “No one is listening to your phone calls.”

Medical Licensing of Marijuana a Form of Surveillance

Although I am known for being opposed to medicalization of marijuana as prescriptive necessary for use, this article is worth noting because Dr. Sanjay Gupta is making his mea culpa for being wrong about marijuana’s therapeutic value. Whether he’ll come around to understanding and accepting social use of marijuana remains to be seen.