Uncleared Sidewalks = Broken Bones

Humans are not like penguins. We are not designed to walk on the ice. My father, who is in his 70’s, was walking in his hometown. The sidwalk was not cleared, and he slipped and fell on his side with a sickening cracking and terrible pain.This simple fall resulted in 6 broken ribs. He is in much pain, can hardly move, and even breathing is hard for him.

On my street, here in Brattleboro, I have noticed that again and again and again, some people clear their sidewalks, and some do not. South Main should be passable all the way from one end to the other.

Right now, there is slush, and tonight, the slush may well freeze, bumpy and slippery.

What are the Benefits that Lawmakers Give to Themselves?

Sixteen Senators and what do you get? “Another day older and deeper in debt. Senators Sanders and Leahy don’t you call me cause I can’t go. I owe my soul to the company (stole).”

We spend a broken record’s worth of time in repetitive cadence about the vagaries of entitlements, the disabled, the plight of the elder poor, the kids, and then just your general poor people, not to mention the downtrodden middleclass.

Downsizing Brattleboro

Here’s what I got out of the budget discussion at Tuesday’s Selectboard meeting:  “We’re broke.  Must close library, sell parks.”  Now I know that they didn’t actually advocate for any of these draconian changes, but these items were mentioned, and somehow that became my takeaway from the meeting.  Unnecessary frills may have to be eliminated because important things like police and fire facilities must be built and next year we’ll need a new grader.

Welcome to the new reality, folks: Towns can no longer afford themselves.  

Presidents Day! USA Honors 12 Commanders-in Chief Prosecutable for Wrongful Deaths in 26 Nations

Eminent historian Prof. Noam Chomsky, has said over and over again, without provoking much negative outcry, “If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.” US Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson at the Nuremberg trials of Germans in 1945, felt obliged to point out that “these laws are not meant only for Germans, but for the citizens of all nations.” Why do Americans not get it?

Eminent historian Prof. Noam Chomsky of M.I.T., various times voted world’s most famous intellectual in international polls, has said over and over again, without provoking much negative outcry, “If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged.”

Police Indifference

Every morning, my room-mate Jake and I go for a walk.

Sometimes, we witness behavior that seems suspicious. For example, a carful of people pulls up to a house, a person gets out, knocks on the door and is admitted. Within about a minute, the person exits, gets in the car, and the gang drives away.

When we see this happening frequently, it appears that something is going on. Maybe they’re borrowing a few eggs for breakfast, but I think it’s drugs.

After a few days, this seems to stop happening, only to begin again in a few weeks.

In the World of Outlawed Hemp the Trees Must Die

Was hemp, not marijuana, the real target? As a member of the cannabis sativa family, it is the botanical cousin of marijuana. Harmless, yet extremely valuable as a ready source of natural, biomass fiber, it paid a dear price for being competitive in the fiber products market of the 1930’s, and it brought its cousin marijuana down with it.

When corporate DuPont sought to diversify out of explosive munitions in 1910 it turned its attention to the textile fibers market. By the early Thirties, DuPont had significant investment in synthetic fiber research and development. Nylon was introduced in 1938 as the “first true synthetic fiber created wholly out of chemicals.”

Lest We Forget

My original film “deceptions” has now become part of a Deceptions Trilogy. That first film was released in 2010 and the second, deceptionsTwo, “Lest We Forget” was uploaded to my You Tube Channel last week and the third, deceptionsThree,”What Can I Do?,” is in gestation. This channel has now received over 180,000 views, not viral but very respectable.

My latest work, “Lest We Forget,” is a grim documentary that chronicles American war crimes and atrocities that compare if not EXCEED those carried out by Hitler and his fellow Nazi’s and the exaggerated hype that surrounds the War on Terror. Please take 28 minutes to watch these war clips and investigative reports. In 6 days well over 8,000 others have.

Towering Deceptions – Attack From Within and Without

At 5pm on September 11, 2001 World Trade Center Towers 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 were damaged but still standing. Nevertheless, earlier that morning the lower Manhattan skyline had changed forever. The smoke, fumes and dust of Towers 1 and 2 had already firmly established in American minds the smoke and mirrors affect designed and desired by the brainchildren of the attackers.

The two main objectives of any building demolition in populated areas are, one, to break up and pulverize the building into small manageable pieces of dust and debris, and, two, to put the building debris into its footprint. That’s why demolition experts can pull down buildings that stand close to other buildings without damaging them.

Maybe The Weather Ebbs and Flows Like It Has For Hundreds of Years….

If there’s one single thing we as humans absolutely know about the weather, it is that we don’t know the weather. I keep hearing this trendy-phrase: “the new normal,” which I find both annoying and silly because can anyone actually say what normal is on a grand scale regarding the weather? The word normal is so ambiguous as to render it meaningless in this context.

It is with a sense of gladness that more people are increasingly not buying into the theory of global warming and Climate Change. I have always been someone to question things – to question what I am told. It is encouraging that more people are questioning and doubting the notion of Climate Change/global warming for the dubious and flawed theory that it is.

On War-Promoting Media’s Snow Job and King’s Condemning US Wars for Predatory Investments

On War-Promoting Media’s Snow Job and King’s Condemning US Wars for Predatory Investments


Mainstream media vilification of King as a traitor followed his world shaking sermon “Beyond Vietnam – a Time to Break Silence.” Media calumny only halted with the assassination that would protect a safe return on trillions of dollars invested in wars from a charismatic leader determined to stop these massive crimes against humanity for overseas as he had led the halting of horrific unprosecutable racist crimes at home.


The Remorseful Demand Nuremberg Principles Trial of Americans for Genocide

DESCRIPTION: 1/12/2014″Iraq: “Devastating” Dossier Alleging British War Crimes Lodged with the International Criminal Court.”  Americans reading this might be compelled to wonder when a headline will read: ‘Alleging US War Crimes.’ Nuremberg, Trial Chief Prosecutor Robert Jackson noted that the laws regarding genocide were not just for Germans  but for citizens of all nations. King held all Americans responsible not the gov. he dismissed 

America Betrayed Rev. Dr. King, Gagged His Condemning US Wars for Predatory Investments


On TV, the week-end before the MKJjr’ birthday holiday, see all the celebrities, black, white, asian, latino. They will come to praise King and bury again King’s condemnation of US atrocity “wars meant to maintain unjust predatory investments on three continents.” They will hail King to heaven, loudly, to drown out anyone whispering that King called their dirty government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world.”

Brattleboro’s Budget – Learning To Live With Less

The town of Brattleboro seems to be reaching a point where we can barely afford our expenses. Much like a person who has fallen behind, Brattleboro must now make decisions in a different way.

When there is money, something broken gets fixed. When there is money, it is easy to go to the store to get a new widget if the old one fails. It’s easy to go buy a new time-saving accessory like a snowblower, or install energy-saving devices like new windows or more efficient appliances. It’s not a problem if someone stops over for dinner, and it is easy to part with some extra food, beverage or even cash.

Which is More Corrupt – The Garden State or the Green Mountain State

New Jersey has been known for its culture of mobsters, hooligans, and political dirty tricks for many decades. When I was a kid, anytime the topic of New Jersey was discussed, my Dad would smile and say – “Yep, that’s where all the crooks are”. He always had a twinkle in his eye when he said that. Naturally, it made me want to move to New Jersey as soon as I was old enough. New Jersey sounded really cool, like a land of fun and excitement…especially, while growing up in the coal mine region of Pennsylvania.

ALDI First Impressions

I dropped by the new ALDI supermarket on Putney Road today. The place was buzzing with people checking out products and prices, and staff were getting used to working in a new building. I had two immediate impressions of the supermarket.

First, the prices were low. Very low. Other supermarkets in the area should be worried about losing people looking for lowest prices. ALDI means business and appears ready to compete.

How low? Can of black beans was 59 cents. Bottles of wine under $5. Chicken breasts for $2.69 a pound. Pineapples for $1.29 each. Milk was $2.29 a gallon. And so on. Anyone looking to pay less will be in here.

The Mammoth in the Room

Was it natural selection, maladaptation, or human greed that killed-off the woolly pachyderm? It’s not critical now because the species is gone, and I bring it up only as a metaphor to set the stage for this article.

I don’t like to explain an analogy in advance. There may be implications or reverberations from the imagery that might trump the reference. Suffice it to say, this great and noble beast, who roamed these very hills and valleys is no longer around to give direct evidence of what went wrong.

Which brings me to the topic at hand. Lately I’ve been wondering about the predicament of our elected officials. To whom are they ultimately accountable? Whether the scale is the local school board, or Congress, we see without any deep investigation, affinities to the establishment, or private interests, or the sitting administration, that conflict with those of the voter or constituents.

The Good With The Bad: 2013 in Review

If you asked me at any point during 2013 what kind of year I thought it was, I would have said lousy.  From a personal perspective it was trying to say the least.  Perhaps the brightest spot for me was fulfilling my 2012 New Year’s resolution of launching the new, improved iBrattleboro site on schedule in February 2013 thus marking the site’s 10th anniversary with a decided upgrade.  That felt good.   But personal issues aside, 2013 was an unusually mixed year with surprising news both good and bad.  First the bad.

The Boston Marathon bombing was a depressing incident through and through and while we may never know what really happened there, we can be sure that things like that will happen again. This year saw a continuation of random shootings, in malls, workplaces, and other typically safe places that seemed to pick up steam last year with the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy.  Perhaps in time we’ll become desensitized to such events but not yet.

You Break It You Buy It

Since the Selectboard supervened in the matter of the skatepark location, reversing their previous commitment, annulling the vote of town meeting, backing-up their resolve by forming a skatepark search committee, all in the name of a solution, I’ll take this as the price of progress. But a few lingering questions continue to puzzle me.

That there are no skaters on the committee, although peculiar, this is not my primary concern. There is a stalwart member of BASIC, and a longtime Rec. Advocate aboard, this brings some consolation in that regard. But I do find it bizarre; would a golf course be sited without a golfer, or outdoor musical venue without the ear of a musician?

Kudos to Kruz

I don’t think I ever agreed with anything U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, (R-Texas) has said. But this time he hit the nail on the head:

“Friday, December 20, 2013 3:55 pm WASHINGTON, D.C. —,”Today I voted against the National Defense Authorization Act. I am deeply concerned that Congress still has not prohibited President Obama’s ability to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens arrested on American soil without trial or due process.

Brattleboro Fiscal Policies

Of course I have been reading the latest opinion letters about Brattleboro finances and taxes. I agree there is a fair bit of sentiment being expressed about this issue, with most of it against higher property taxes.

There is, however, another side of the story. The major reason for tax increases coming over the next two years is that Representative Town Meeting approved the bonding of the Police & Fire Station improvements, which bonds may reach about $14.1 Million. The full weight of this bonding will be phased into our tax rates over two years’ time, because of the Selectboard’s decision to apply for the bonds in two stages: $5 Million initially to fund the planning phases of the project, and the rest the following year.