A Nuremberg Trial for US Funding Slaughter of Syrians Destruction of Libya Iraq Afghanistan

A Nuremberg Trial for US Funding Slaughter of Syrians Destruction of Libya Iraq Afghanistan by jay janson

“Assad killed his own people peacefully protesting!” Sound familiar? Substitute ‘Gaddafi’ for ‘Assad,’ and one is on one’s way to bring to mind so many other similarities made to be forgotten in TV, radio and printed news and entertainment in Western media, media owned by corporations profitably investing in the illegal and unconstitutional use of US Armed Forces and CIA. CIA creation and use of ‘Islamic’ terror is reviewed.


Occupy Wall Street

. I have always been a keen supporter of the movement. I joined two Wall St local groups and an offshoot work group of one of them and the movement is dear to my heart. However, I think it’s futile this idea of demonstrating. It merely keeps us in the position of hamsters on the wheel. As long as we supplicate anyone or any entity, we are essentially saying that we need permission.

ISIL and Us

The Middle East has been America’s military playground for over 30 years. Starting with the first Gulf War, the US has gone beyond the installation of dictatorial puppets and into the realm of constant warfare, with drone strikes only a part of our present involvement in that region. Up until now, not much of this has touched the average American, who lives thousands of miles away from the carnage. Unless you or a someone you knew was in the military and deployed there, it didn’t feel real. Or at least it didn’t, until recently. Paris changed all that. Suddenly, the battlefield was no longer just the Middle East, where we could safely ignore it, but potentially here, where we live.

Brattleboro Kiln Dried Noise Increase

I’ve been living on Elliot Street, south side, above the BKD complex for about 5 years. There has always been factory fan noise, but up until now, the decibel level has been not too bad.

Recently, however, I noticed a marked increase in the fan noise-say in the last month or so. The level is difficult to tolerate-I run a white noise generator whenever I’m home. And it barely contains the hum. If there are others who have noticed this intrusion, I’d like to hear from you. BKD ought not to be allowed to just turn up the fans and wreck the neigborhood, just to generate a bit more $$.

Paul Miksis

Distinguishing Between Fact, Opinion, Belief, and Prejudice

From Colarado State University’s Writing Center

A fact is verifiable. We can determine whether it is true by researching the evidence. This may involve numbers, dates, testimony, etc. (Ex.: “World War II ended in 1945.”) The truth of the fact is beyond argument if one can assume that measuring devices or records or memories are correct. Facts provide crucial support for the assertion of an argument. However, facts by themselves are worthless unless we put them in context, draw conclusions, and, thus, give them meaning.

Honor All Veterans? Contrast Words of Mandela, Ramsey Clark, M.L.King, Mark Twain, Jesus


Veterans Day? Mandela,”US committed unspeakable atrocities” Clark,”US foreign policy greatest crime” King,”Time has come when silence is betrayal. They languish under our bombs, children homeless without clothes run in packs beg our soldiers for food, sell their sisters, mothers” Twain,”Easier to fool people than convince them they’ve been fooled” Gen.Butler,”War is a Racket!”Jesus,”As you did to my brothers, you did to Me” 

Israeli-USA Insanity Described by Gideon Levy Was Media Created for Profitable Genocide

Mark Twain said, Fear the media, for they will steal your Honor. Watch the video of Haaretz Newspaper’s renown columnist Gideon Levy describe a state of blind, deaf and dumb Israeli acceptance of the inhumanity of death, degradation and homicidal captivity of their Arab Palestinians. Read author’s ‘US Economic Facilitation of Holocaust and Middle East Destabilizing Partition.’ Corporate media maintains a genocide-perpetuating pretense of a non-existent search for peace in Palestine.

The Sign of the Cross – Cristo Crucificado

Why anyone should wonder that Americans are such a violent society is beyond me. Most of us grew up in everyday sight of Christian crosses.

And, because the cross became such a ubiquitous object of worship and veneration, society is blinded by a whitewash of respect for it.The incredibly brutal graphic depiction of the crucifixion, real or imagined, is with us every day of our lives as an ever-present reminder of the violence woven into the consciousness of our social fabric.

The story behind the cross represents a literal pictogram of the worst characteristics of human nature.

Usual US Criminal Insanity! Presidential Heroes of Mostly Children Genocide in Vietnam? John Kerry’s Ass

During the CNN Democratic Presidential Debate, yesterday millions of simple-minded Americans listen to the now time worn touting of various candidates as heroes, for having “fought for their country in Vietnam.” 
Here is what former Democratic candidate for President and present Secretary of State John Kerry testified about the American war in Vietnam before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971.

In UN of Appearances Latin Americans Don’t Call for Nuremberg Prosecution – In 2009 Gaddafi Did

Though Argentina Bolivia Cuba Ecuador Venezuela and Nicaragua condemned US wars and murderous exploitation during this year’s UN Gen. Debate, they as other delegates, lamented the current deplorable condition of today’s world of death and destruction, of poverty and starvation calling for everyone to work to rectify the situation. No delegate even once called for justice through prosecution. Gaddafi UN speech quoted.

Iran and Appeasement at UN General Debate Also No Call for Justice via Nuremberg Prosecution of US

Article is in regard to the address of  President Hassan Rouhani of Iran before the UN General Assembly during its 2015 General Debate, the general atmosphere of appeasement during the debate, and an unwillingness, even by delegates of nations bombed and invaded by US or NATO, to uphold the UN Charter that contains the Nuremberg Principles of international law.  Part of a series of articles on the UN General Debate.

This article is in regard to the address of  President Hassan Rouhani of Iran before the United Nations General Assembly during its 2015 General Debate (9/28/2015), the general atmosphere of appeasement during the debate, and an unwillingness, even by delegates of nations bombed and invaded by US or NATO, to uphold the UN Charter that contains the Nuremberg Principles of international law.

30,000 Murdered in Argentina while Pope Francis Was Top Jesuit – Millions While Pius XII Was Pope

Pope’s visit, blown up to super large proportions, a media inculcated impression that God’s representative on planet Earth is blessing America as its investors in profitable use of US Armed Forces go on destroying nations and peoples.  Article not intended merely to unmask the Pope we are being hyped about, but to show the Papacy has long been an instrument of the wealthy who brutally misrule most of humanity

Where Have All The Comments Gone? The Participation Problem

A few people have noted that iBrattleboro commenting has dropped off a bit recently and wondered why. Usually, iBrattleboro follows the general trends in town, and Brattleboro as a whole has seen community participation dropping off for some time now.

Few people run for the selectboard or school boards, and town meeting struggles to find representatives. Public participation at selectboard and school board meetings is minimal. Few people commented publicly on major zoning changes being debated. Parents barely batted an eye when Common Core was implemented.

Food drives and non-profit fundraising efforts struggle to meet goals. Citizens haven’t been motivated to hold fundraising events for needed police and fire facilities. Skatepark fundraising efforts are quiet. And so on.

What If UNICEF’s Djokovic-Novak Said Survivors of US Bombings Deserve Justice and the Guilty Punished?

What a bombshell it was when Martin Luther King called his government “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world!” – large bold headlines in every newspaper all around the world. Now, nearly a half century later, and tens of millions of additional innocent human beings, a third of them children, slaughtered to protect the super wealthy’s mostly white capitalism, as it continues profitable exploitation of all humanity, what If a few world famous celebrities listened to their conscience and spoke up as King did?

In Support of Panda North

A variation of my letter shown below appeared in the Brattleboro Reformer on Thursday. I was responding to a local resident calling for a boycott of Panda North. I would like to ask my friends and neighbors to show support for this fine family-owned restaurant whose owners and staff have been respectful of us and served us for 27 years, and have not been “disrespectful” as the previous letter-writer had suggested. These folks should not suffer because of mis-information.

Please continue to patronize Panda North … after more than a quarter-century here, they deserve our support.

Pulverization! Sept. 11 Was An ‘Inside’ Job

Fifteen years later I still have the same thoughts about the events of 9/11 I’ve had from the beginning.Since I lived in New York City most of my adult life, I have an intimate view of the original Trade Towers. The immensity of them was something you had to see in person. Photos can give you an idea of their size, but not as well as standing under them, being inside of them or on the observation deck of the South Tower.

Towers 1 and 2 were built to withstand multiple Boeing 707 impacts. By 1973 both towers were fully constructed.

By Never Calling For Prosecution ‘Left’ Journalism Protects Investments In Continuous Genocide

Thesis: Western society’s progressive writers leave their readers with the impression that citizens of the US and allied nations will never be prosecuted for their mega massive crimes against humanity. Legal and moral implications and future ramifications are discussed and contrasted with ongoing litigation and warnings Martin Luther King gave.

Slogan ‘Black Lives Matter!’ Not Intended to Include Black Lives Taken by GI’s Overseas

Leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement work in blatant disbelief of Martin Luther Kings moral and entirely logical warning; ‘There will be no progress on social justice issues at home while we go on denying the very right to live of the poor overseas at a such an enormous expenditure of social and financial resources that make such progress at home impossible.’ Read King’s Beyond Vietnam and Why I Am Against the War.

A Circus Tent Collapse

It has been a while since I have read news of a circus tent being blown down.

Yesterday, as some rather violent thunderstorms passed north of us, hundreds of people were inside a circus tent in New Hampshire enjoying a performance by the Walker Bros. circus. According to one report I saw, the wind came up, poles began lifting up and everything came crashing down. There were two deaths and many injuries.

It reminded me of .