2016: Media Backs War Candidate But Wall St. Divided On Building Up US Instead As China Rises

But for media management, election 2016 would be a playing out in public of indecision within the ruling rich 1/10th of 1%, whether to switch to less profitable investing to build up USA, or continue wildly enriching themselves in wars & investing in higher profit rendering low wage 3rd world nations, at the same time helping these nations, led by China, to overtake the US & Europe in economic and political power sooner.

David Schoales, Mollie Burke

I have favorite candidates for every office on the ballot, but the two for whom I feel greatest enthusiasm are David Schoales for Windham County Senator, and Mollie Burke, Brattleboro District 2 Representative.  

For years while the Clark-Canal Summer Program was going, as a volunteer, Mollie Burke taught art to neighborhood children. Hardly anyone knew about this: She did it solely because she is a good neighbor with love in her heart. Mollie talks with neighborhood people all the time, not just when electioneering. She is approachable, intelligent, responsive. We are fortunate to have an effective representative in the State House, and it is going to a pleasure to vote for her. 


Deleted as I no longer wish to participate on a website that practices non-transparent censorship.

Proof US Allies Saudi Arabia & Qatar Fund & Equip ISIS All Along Not An Election Issue

Wikileaks’ released emails prove Hillary knew US close allies Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding/equipping ISIS while Americans were also being murdered by ISIS, show her pretending Saudis and others were not from the beginning part of US conspiracy to create a fanatical Islamic state in order to destroy Syria and the Shiite government in Iraq. Why this is NOT AN ELECTION ISSUE

An Extensive Take On Act 46, Education and Community

Act 46 and the Quality of Education and Community

As far as I can see Act 46 is not going to have any measurable impact on the quality of education we provide to our children or, by extension, their lives thereafter.  

The driving force behind Act 46 is to hold down school taxes by reducing the per pupil cost of education.  This does not mean we will see lower education tax rates.  An expectation of a lower tax rate will only prove disappointing and frustrating. We will, however, be persuaded to agree that fewer buildings, higher teacher/pupil ratios and lower administrative costs must add up to more efficient operations. In the end we will sigh and shrug and accept that the Act ought to be beneficial because the cost after consolidation should logically be less than it would have been without consolidation.  If precedent holds there will never be any demonstrated evidence that our assumptions are correct.

BDCC Has Advice

     The Reformer headlined a story this past Monday about a report done by BDCC, the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation on the closing of Yankee.  BDCC has for decades been the first and last word on the local economy and local economic development. The gist of the report was a review of the major problems associated with the closing of a nuke plant.   I also read part of the report itself.  Maybe I should have read it all.  However everything I read focused on what all the major parties involved in the closing and post closing affairs were doing since about 2010, two years before the plant was scheduled to close.

Education or Politics?

I noticed in the Commons. He makes interesting points about a town appointment that may not be very transparent, which of course raises questions.

Ask Hillary Who Buys ISIS et al Terrorists Helping US Oust Assad NewToyota Trucks/ Heavy Weapons

Sec. Hillary oversaw regime change wars in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, S. Sudan, Syria, Yemen; should be asked to explain new Toyota trucks/heavy weapons coming to ISIS/other terrorists, who have been mass murdering US designated enemies in Assad’s Syria and Shiite wherever they are; why superpower US ‘fighting’ for 5 years can’t defeat ragtag force of 25,000; involved false flags attacks on US to prove innocence?

Hillary Laughed “We Came He Died” While a Bombed Million Demonstrated for Their Beloved Hero Gadaffi

As Sec. of State Clinton oversaw US wars for regime change that continue in Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Yemen, and now threatens Russia and China. Her opponent says enough. (US regime change wars from Greece, Korea, Iran, Vietnam, Laos, Guatemala, Congo, Cambodia, Dominican Republic, Lebanon, Cuba, Panama, Ethiopia Somalia, S. Sudan, Grenada, El Salvador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen.)

Making America Great Again

A number of people I know are very concerned that Trump might be elected. I have a suggestion to take the wind out of his sails and make his service to the nation unnecessary.

Trump’s promise is to “make America great again.” If everyone steps up, works hard, and makes America great again before Election Day, he won’t be needed. As an added bonus, the newly re-greatized nation would remain that way, with Clinton maintaining the new status quo.

Here’s how I’d do it:

Heidi Wouldn’t Lie!

But would our government?

Abraham Lincoln said “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time”

Bill Casey wanted to fool all of the people all of the time. Here’s a quote:

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false”

[William Joseph Casey was the Director of Central Intelligence from 1981 to 1987. In this capacity he oversaw the entire United States Intelligence Community and personally directed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).]

Thoughts on 9-11


When playing serious poker, they say that if you can’t figure who the “patsy” is within 3 hands, the patsy is you.

Oswald thought he was doing something patriotic when he took the (CIA) job in the Book Depository.  No one was more surprised than he when he realized JFK had been shot. “Holy Sh*t” he said. “I’m the patsy”. “I better GTF out of here”. He didn’t succeed.

The Separation of Science and Belief – “Give No Solace to the Faithful”

One of the primary elements of good science is to be challenged. Challenge is a welcome, necessary and learning component of all science. Change and new discoveries are expected by any good scientist. And, theoretical and practical sciences are the most self-correcting of all human intellectual disciplines. All of which helps to keep science alive and relevant.Too many non-scientists use those components, however, as a wedge or a club to make us think that science is unstable, unreliable, does not “know everything” and that science cannot reach proven conclusions because waiting around the corner is another change.

Me, First. No, I Insist.

This article was inspired by a recent visit to a small, old New England town. An older and slightly larger place than here, where long ago the winding streets were laid out on hills for strollers and horse carriages, and everything ran to the sea. Those roads are barely wide enough for bicycles yet here we are in the twenty-first century, most people driving big rigs and SUVS, and many people in a rush all the time. (Saying nothing of the large number on their phones while driving) I did see many occasions of courtesy and an ethos of yielding, but it was hardly a given, and it’s the bad apple that spoils the barrel.

On several instances I witnessed ’accidents’. In these cases, that term is a gross misnomer. They weren’t accidents at all, they were pushy people driving killing machines and for whatever reason, demanded or assumed the right to go first, even if the protocol of the road didn’t warrant that. I see this all the time, especially on my motorcycle, where a larger vehicle will bully me with its mass, saying in effect, my metal is heavier, so back down or pay the price. In psych terms, compensation.

Now for Some Trash Talk

Recently in Brattleboro some “Townie” came up with the idea that trash pick ups will be done bi-weekly rather than weekly (this program, mind you began in the hottest month, July)  But that’s another story…

I think it’s a good idea but why stop there?  Why not cease all trash pick ups?  Forever!  Yes I am serious. 

We have major problems with trash – it pollutes and gathers in gyres in the oceans, now as big as Texas and getting bigger. It breaks down into small pieces and gets ingested by fish which then gets ingested by humans (ha ha – karma)  The population is growing yet we have done barely a thing to address the accumulating build up of trash. Indeed, we have only gotten more wanton.

Bacon & Eggs – Festival Promotion Underwhelms

Kevin Bacon.

Why, oh why, does the Brattleboro Chamber of Commerce persist in its effort to entice this actor to come to Brattleboro for a bacon festival? What demographic is this supposed to draw?

Quite possibly, dear reader, you are completely unaware of this marketing effort. That would be forgivable, given that the target of the marketing effort is one potential tourist — Kevin Bacon.

Rather than direct mail, or cold calling, the Chamber seems to be banking on a stealthier approach: social media nagging.

With Joking Russian TV the Best Source of Electronic News and Information Available – Woe Is Us!


In 1950, Einstein explained why our civilization continues to be “like an axe in the had of the pathological criminal,”: “Under existing conditions, private capitalists inevitably control the main sources of information (press, radio, education). Mysteriously, our best independent journalists, top intellectuals and historians, are of no help. Even on RT’s ten more serious shows there is no urging of prosecution for international crimes

Patriotic Muslim Dad Hails Dead Son’s Participation in US Crime Against Humanity in Muslim Iraq

Sen. Clinton voted for an obvious International Crime Against Humanity in Iraq. Prez Candidate Clinton features at her nominating convention a Muslin father, whose son died participating in US crime against Muslim people ranting about what a bad guy her opponent Donald Trump is, though Trump had spoken out against the illegal and criminal invasion of Iraq. Trump also faulted for non-participation in earlier genocidal crime in Vietnam.

A Distillation of DOD Funding Priorities for June 2016

Even though money is an abstract and arbitrary construct, the product of which is created from nothing and therefore can be created (again, from nothing) to provide whatever we need or desire, the money people earn and work for is stolen from them to pay for the adventures of lunatics.

Yes this stolen money provides jobs but we need infrastructure upgrades and that would provide jobs too.  Why doesn’t it go to something that benefits the funders (ie: the  taxpayers?)  The likelihood of being killed by a terrorist is equal to being killed by furntiure. Yet we are allowing the money that comes from our toil to go to destructive purposes, since we (erroneously) think that the money has to come from limited revenues. This money is stolen out of the pockets of everyday workers.

Economic Hegemony Loss to China Looming! Powerful Investors Have Trump Call for an About Face

Economic Hegemony Loss to China Looming! Powerful Investors Have Trump Call for an About Face
by jay janson

The willingness of humanity to continue to accept the white world’s profitable investments in genocide will end in 25 years when world economic power shifts from Europeans, and their descendant nations, to the six sevenths of humanity they plundered. Realizing this, leaders of 1/10th of 1% who rule America have Trump demanding investment in the US instead of in the low wage 3rd World that China will soon lead.

Our Sick World