
The set is dressed up, down to the smallest detail.  Actors are in place. The director cues lights, camera, slate, calls out, “Action”.  Everything animates, yet moments later, as if taking back time itself the director cries out, “Cut! Cut!..” By the furrow in their brow, everyone knows Maestro is not happy. Something is amiss.

In this instance, fictional as it may be, actors playing Nazis, (or Terrorists, or Banditos) despite being members of the ethnic group that are represented stereotypically, are not being authentic enough. They’re somehow not menacing, leering, or dark enough to satisfy the director’s vision. This auteur is known as a tyrant, goes for hyper-realism, stark verisimilitude.

Your Old Car Can’t Pass the New Inspection Law? Turn it into a Gardening Green House!

While the Vermont state legislature might come up with another new proposed marijuana legalization bill, Vermonters who are low income are struggling with the new vehicle inspection law.

I would suggest that all old cars and vans which will not meet inspection requirements can be used to create a new product line: old vans and cars can be re-created into green houses, and meet requirements, if marijuana is legalized, for secure locked growing facilities.

What is President Donald J. Trump’s Position on Marijuana?

I am hoping our brand spanking new President, Donald Trump, will create a White House version of “The Apprentice”, something like “Live at the White House” where President Donald Trump could fire his Chief of Staff frequently for unethical conduct or mis-spelling errors, or for coming back from lunch break reeking of marijuana smoke, even though marijuana is legal in Washington, D.C. – or will Donald Trump decide to allow employees of the White House to smoke a toke on lunch break? We need to know!

President Donald Trump could fire the Chef and Housekeeper as well, every time a tourist on the White House Tour stumbles upon one of those cockroaches the tourists laugh at, or silently shriek when they see them crawling, because their own homes have fewer pests.

African Americans Who Now Betray King’s Condemnation of Wars Will One Day Lead a Nice New USA by jay janson


Sometime during the next twenty-five years, as the United States slowly begins to lose economic, political, cultural and communications hegemony over the rest of the world, a much nicer, peaceful, pleasant, prosperous, free and expressively energetic America will begin to take shape and will trend toward seeking the unity, harmony and enjoyment found in its African American communities

My Failure As Inspector of Lumber

For many years I was a Fence Viewer, a town position that was fairly active, with a few calls and inquires per year. When I hit my term limit, I decided to continue to volunteer and looked at the two other “odd” jobs, Weigher of Coal and Inspector of Wood, Lumber and Shingles.

As a Fence Viewer I learned there were both state statutes and materials available from the Vermont League of Cities and Towns to help explain the job, so my first step with Coal and Lumber was to look up what the jobs required.

VLCT said the positions were considered obsolete and unnecessary. They date from an earlier time prior to consumer protection laws, and now everything these positions were responsible for are handled in other ways.

Loss of Fairground Rd Trash Bins

Am I hearing this right?

What a stupid move.

I lived in a town (Lake Luzerne, NY) where they tried something like this many years ago.

The unintended consequence was a “Yuuge” increase in trash being discarded by the side of the road.

Why not eliminate all trash and garbage collection for good and let the free market do its magic?

Christmas Spirit! Trump Wants Friendship With Russia and China! Condemns Obama Regime Change Wars By jay janson

During the shopping season for gifts marking the birth of the Jesus the Son of God and teacher of ‘turn the other cheek’ and ‘love thy enemies,’ one half of the“financial element in the centers of power which has owned the government since the days of Andrew Jackson,”[FDR quote][1] seems to have thrown up a president-elect that has promised Americans and the world a spirit for 2017, more in keeping with the teaching of Jesus.

Tony Bennett on 90th Birthday Show Praised For Civil Rights Courage God Bless His Bravery Re 9/11!

Back in 2011, a beloved then 85 year old jazz singer had scratched the surface of the psyop control of most American minds by war investor-owned-and-managed media. Regarding 9/11, Tony commented, “But who are the terrorists? Are we the terrorists or are they the terrorists? Two wrongs don’t make a right. They flew the plane in, but we caused it….Because we were bombing them and they told us to stop.”

Easy Way For Brattleboro To Make Some Money

I found an easy way for Brattleboro to rake in some extra cash.

Everyday, numerous trucks carrying homes come through town. If we charged them each, say $500, to come through, we could make quite a bit of cash.

Just the other day I passed four of these things. Each was wide enought to cause normal traffic to be altered, with people pulling off to the side, stopping in funny places, and even blocking intersections to let them through.

(You may now explain all the reasons why this is un-possible.)


Deleted as I no longer wish to participate on Ibrattleboro due to invisible censorship by its moderators.

Fighting The Evil

Fellow citizens,

I’d like to have a word with those feeling pessimistic. I have a two part system for you to use to find success in the coming years.

1. Pick an issue and stick with it.

Don’t get overwhelmed. If you are feeling pessimistic about the next 4-8 years, there are probably a combination of issues and factors making you feel that way.

Fake News Laundered 1950-53 US Slaughter of 3 Million Koreans to Maintain US One-Percent Rule of South

DESCRIPTION: 40 yrs after Prez Teddy Roosevelt gave Korea to brutal Jap Empire in return for its recognition of Philippines as US Territory, US invaded Korea long AFTER Jap surrender, overthrowing its Korean gov., cutting it in two parts, installing a US dictatorship in its south now documented to have murdered 100,000 of its own citizens

Puppies and Kittens: The Morning Briefing

I think we make a mistake by requiring the president to have a morning intelligence meeting.  Why? I think it ends up brainwashing those elected to favor certain information.

Imagine if instead, the president received a morning puppy and kitten briefing from the ASPCA. Yes, this sounds absurd already, but if we have morning meetings about spies and bad guys, it is possible to have a morning meeting on a weird topic.

So, each morning it is puppies and kittens. I think most of us would begin our presidency being polite and interested in the presentations. Within a few months, we may start to get involved with the details of all these puppies and kittens. 

Rise Above

On the morning of November 8, Election Day 2016, I was standing in my kitchen looking out the window up at the sliver of sky you can see between the houses next door.  As I looked at that slice of blue, two little words popped into my head: “rise above.”  And I thought, today of all days, that’s probably good advice.  And then, that it might be good advice in many situations beyond just electoral politics.  How many of the world’s ills could be solved if we could somehow rise above, at least long enough to get a clear view and the lay of the land?

Thanksgiving Weekend During US 9 Nation Regime Change Death & Destruction Trump Opposes & Decries


Although Trump has castigated the administration of Prez Obama and Sec. of State Hillary Clinton for the US regime change wars that have brought death and destruction to the Middle East, these genocidal prosecutable crimes against humanity continue even as Americans gave thanks for their own well being as usual in utter disregard or ignorance of what was being done in their name to millions of innocent children, women and men

Postpubescent Tumescence – The Sexual Twilight Zone

When researching the age of consent within the context of the history of human sexuality in western civilization, the most notable consequence of archaic patriarchal sex laws is the dehumanizing effect on sexual norms. In the United States, the very phrase, “sexual norms” in fact, advances the denial and deprivation of individual positive biological sexual functions and qualities. Those functions are grounded in the physiology and age of individuals from postpubescence throughout adulthood. They should not be based on arbitrary or moral legal-age limits and norms.

Patriots/Seahawks Field Size Flag Smaller Than Mile Long Green Flag of Million Libyans for Gaddafi

The explosive difference between a flag honoring in a pre-game show of proud and comfortable patriotism with young Americans smartly saluting, and the flag in a flash back to 2011 and a small African nation’s brave and desperate show of patriotism in the face of its destruction was described at the Nuremberg Trials. Seek truth!

Vets Day Postmortem: Trump No To Regime Change Death/Destruction Ali/King Called Vietnam Genocide

Current US President elect denounced the “death and destruction” brought down on the the Middle East under the outgoing Democratic administration Obama and Sec. of State Hillary. If the wholesale and genocidal destruction of 3 wealthy Arab oil nations is now a discredited activity by US President-elect Donald Trump how the hell can Americans who are veterans of bringing about this “death and destruction” be hailed as heroes?


Thank You, and Post-Election Survey on Brattleboro Polling Location

I am writing to thank a number of people who worked to make the voting  positive experience for most voters.  Many members of the Board of Civil Authority who are your elected Justices of the Peace, as well as the Town Constables, the employees of the Town Clerk’s Office and nearly two dozen volunteers provided voters with a smooth and professional environment for voting.