Putney Road Project Public Hearing Scheduled

On March 7, 2013 at 6:00pm at the Brattleboro Municipal Center in the Selectboard Meeting Room Vermont Agency of Transportation will hold a Section 502 Public Hearing to review plans for improvements to Route 5 (Putney Road) from the Veterans Bridget to the Exit 3 Round-about.  

This project calls for a reconstruction of the roadway with construction of four roundabouts, retainage walls, landscaping, and sidewalks.  This is a major infrastructure project.  The Section 502 Hearing is the public’s opportunity to review, ask questions, and provide feedback on this project.   While construction is still several years off, this is the time for citizens to provide input into final design.  

River Garden Proposals To Be Accepted by BABB

March 1, 2013 – Building a Better Brattleboro (BABB), owner and operator of the Robert H. Gibson River Garden, announces the process for taking the next steps towards the organization’s divestiture of management and/or ownership of the Robert H. Gibson River Garden. As such, it invites the community and those parties interested in presenting proposals to do so, based on the following schedule and guidelines.

“BABB appreciates and values the community’s interest in the future of the River Garden. We believe the most effective way to accurately and fairly respond to all of the suggestions and opinions we’ve received regarding the River Garden is to provide an informational package on our web site and give everyone an opportunity to submit proposals regarding the building’s future.” notes Donna Simons, BABB Board President.

Brattleboro Downtown Sidewalk Meeting Rescheduled

MEETING RESCHEDULED – Due to the weather, the meeting regarding the Downtown Sidewalk Project previously scheduled for today, February 27, has been RESCHEDULED to Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.


Residents and Business Owners:

PACE (Property-Assessed Clean Energy) Info Event, February 27th – All Welcome, Especially Town Meeting Reps!

To the Brattleboro Community:

The PACE (Property-Assessed Clean Energy) subcommittee of the Brattleboro Energy Committee invites all Brattleboro citizens – especially Town Meeting Reps – to an evening workshop on Wednesday, February 27 to learn about the PACE decision on the agenda of our upcoming town meeting on 3/23, and get answers to any questions you may have about this very exciting and significant new avenue to energy efficiency and renewable energy in our town.

Efficiency Vermont consultant and PACE expert Carol Weston will join us either in person or via Skype to answer your questions and describe how communities all over Vermont are in the process of implementing PACE.

Downtown Brattleboro Sidewalk Project Meeting

Residents and Business Owners:

The Town is planning to install new sidewalks on the east side of Main Street, starting at the Gilbert Memorial Bridge and continuing north to Walnut Street. Some sections of this sidewalk were recently replaced as part of a VTrans project. The Downtown Sidewalk Project will replace the sections that have not yet been upgraded. The project is intended to improve safety for pedestrians and create a more attractive Main Street. Two FHWA Enhancement grants and a local match in the form of a bond fund this project.

Brattleboro Town Planning Basics – Who Does What?

Information about planning in Brattleboro and Vermont is necessary for good community discussions of planning. The information below comes from the Town’s web site, Smarth Growth Vermont, and from The Vermont Planning Information Center (VIPC). VPIC provides a great, free document from the VT Land Use Education and Training Collaborative called .