Brattleboro Planning Commission: Special Meeting Thursday, March 27, 2025
6:02 – 6:10 Municipal Planning Grant
Consideration of a Municipal Planning Grant application for a Capital Plan and Budget after previously supporting mapping services.
Town Plan section
6:02 – 6:10 Municipal Planning Grant
Consideration of a Municipal Planning Grant application for a Capital Plan and Budget after previously supporting mapping services.
6:15 – 6:25 Municipal Planning Grant
Potential motion to recommend applying for a Municipal Planning Grant for town plan mapping services.
6:15 – 7:00 Town Plan 2026
• Review and approve community outreach plan for Community Conservations. Discuss topics that the Planning Commission would like to explore in these conversations.(cont.)
• Interactive activity using maps and photos to identify characteristics of development and uses that are desired in the discussed areas.
Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations as warned on October 12, 2015.
2025-2 Windham Windsor Housing Trust for the Ursula Dalem Life Estate; Residential Neighborhood 5400 District; request for Traditional Neighborhood Planned Unit Development Approval for a Traditional Neighborhood PUD with 70 housing units.
6:15 – 7:00 Town Plan 2026
• Review and approve community survey
• Review and approve community outreach plan for Community Conservations. Discuss topics that the Planning Commission would like to explore in these conversations.
• Interactive activity using maps and photos to identify characteristics of development and uses that are desired in the discussed areas.
2025-6 Winston L Prouty Center for Child Development Inc; Mixed Use District; request for Site Plan Approval to Demolish existing building and construct a 3-story apartment building with 28 units, 22 stall parking lot and site improvements; subdivide to create development lot at 300 Maple Street; Tax Map Parcel # 110367.000
2025-2 Windham Windsor Housing Trust for the Ursula Dalem Life Estate; Residential Neighborhood 5400 District; request for Traditional Neighborhood Planned Unit Development Preliminary Approval and Site Plan and Conditional Use Approval for a Traditional Neighborhood PUD with 70 housing units. The development will be built in 3 phases: Rental phase 1, Homeownership phase 1, and Rental phase 2.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations as warned on October 12, 2015.
2025-1 Groundworks Collaborative; Residential Neighborhood 5400 District; request for site plan and waiver of dimensional standards approval to demolish the existing structures and construct a new community facility for an established emergency shelter use to serve up to forty (40) individuals. The two-story building will include office space, a kitchen and living area on the first floor and additional bedrooms with laundry facilities on the second floor. Site improvements include a new parking area with access drive, a patio area, and landscaping at 81 Royal Road; Tax Map Parcel #325283.000
6:15 – 7:10 Town Plan 2026 – Future Land Use
Interactive activity using maps and a lookbook to identify characteristics of development and uses that are desired for two areas of town.
7:10 – 7:25 Water & Sewer District and Zoning
Review and approve, if ready, proposed changes to the Land Use Regulations to bring areas with water and sewer into compliance with State statute.
7:25 – 7:40 Water & Sewer Ordinance
Review revised options for requiring sewer service area extensions/expansions to be supported by the Planning Commission, and/or the Town Plan and applicable planning bylaws. Vote on whether recommended one option to the Selectboard.
2024-145 Setu Vermont for Emily Murphy Kaur & Harmeet Singh; Rural District; request for Site Plan, Conditional Use and Local Act 250 Approval to construct an access drive, parking lot, a dwelling with meeting space, a tiny home, an Airstream RV dwelling, change use of the existing home and property to a religious facility, an unlisted use in the district with impacts similar to an Exhibition, convention or conference structure, and authorize a phase II parking lot to be constructed if needed at 241 Quails Hill Road; Tax Map Parcel #100215.110
Guest: Dan Tyler, Public Works Director
• Discuss water and sewer mapping to understand constraints.
• Review and approve, if ready, proposed changes to the Land Use Regulations to bring areas with water and sewer into compliance with State statute.
• Discuss options for requiring sewer service area extensions/expansions to be supported by the Town Plan and applicable planning bylaws. Potentially approve one option to recommend to DPW and Selectboard.
2024-84 BEEC & Earth Bridge Community Land Trust; Rural District; request for Site Plan & Local Act 250 Approval to construct a parking lot at 1219 Bonnyvale Road; Tax Map Parcel #100248.000 Continued from the meeting of October 16, 2024 Request to dismiss without prejudice.
2024-121 North Chair Brewing, LLC; Mixed Use District; request for Site Plan Approval to modify condition 16 of decision 201826 to allow outdoor consumption at 39 Frost Street; Tax Map Parcel #325045.000
6:10 – 6:15 Announcements
• Canal Street Study 2nd public meeting – November 14, 2024 from 6-8 in Selectboard Meeting Room
• Others
6:15 – 7:10 Water and Sewer District and Zoning
Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations as warned on October 12, 2015.
2024-84 BEEC & Earth Bridge Community Land Trust; Rural District; request for Site Plan & Local Act 250 Approval to construct a parking lot at 1219 Bonnyvale Road; Tax Map Parcel #100248.000 Request to continue to the meeting of November 20, 2024
6:15 – 7:30 2026 Town Plan
Planning Commission activity to define values within Town Plan subject areas. The activity will serve as both Planning Commission input and testing potential activity to do with the public.
2024-71 David Timmons & Robin Bitters; Residential Neighborhood 5400 District; request for Waiver of Dimensional Standards Approval to construct a 41′ x 42′ 2-story home, located in part in the front yard setback in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and in response to site conditions at 101 Chestnut Hill; Tax Map Parcel #00265205.000 Request for continuance to October 16, 2024.
6:15 – 6:55 Request for Land Use Regulation Amendment (cont.)
An update on how the VT Legislature’s changes to 24 VSA 4412 affect World Learning’s re-zoning request. Review maps of other affected areas. Discuss potential options for bringing the Land Use Regulations into compliance with State statute.
6:55- 7:25 2026 Town Plan
Review and discuss additional data assessment of Brattleboro. Preview activity for October Planning Commission meeting.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations as warned on October 12, 2015.
2024-71 David Timmons & Robin Bitters; Residential Neighborhood 5400 District; request for Waiver of Dimensional Standards Approval to construct a 41′ x 42′ 2-story home, located in part in the front yard setback in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and in response to site conditions at 101 Chestnut Hill; Tax Map Parcel #00265205.000
2024-84 BEEC & Earth Bridge Community Land Trust; Rural District; request for Site Plan & Local Act 250 Approval to construct a parking lot at 1219 Bonnyvale Road; Tax Map Parcel #100248.000 Continued from August 21, 2024
6:15 – 6:45 Request for Land Use Regulation Amendment
Review of letter received from SIT requesting consideration of rezoning two parcels (tax map parcel 00070223.000 and 00070268.210) to allow for mixed use development with housing development. Discuss staff input, additional information needed and determine next steps.
6:45 – 7:25 2026 Town Plan
Update on recent activity since the July meeting. Review and comment on summary of the Planning Commission and staff SWOT analysis performed at the June 3 meeting.
Update on recent activity since the July meeting. Review and comment on summary of the Planning Commission and staff SWOT analysis performed at the June 3 meeting.
6:55 – 7:25 Downtown Bike Parking
Decide the process we will use to assess bicycle parking in the downtown / UC district and to formulate recommendations for the Town. Review a proposed work plan for this project and review the 2018-2021 Downtown Brattleboro Bike Parking Inventory.