Reminder: District 9 (old 3) Forum
Expanding on a practice of the last several years, Bob Oeser and David Levenbach have planned to host two forums for District 9 (formerly District 3) residents, the first once the Town Manager has issued a budget proposal for consideration by the Selectboard and the second shortly before Representative Town Meeting after the Selectboard has approved a recommended budget and the other warned items are known.
Town Manager Potter discussed the Administration’s “base budget” proposal at the Nov 5 Selectboard meeting (a base budget involves no new services and no new staff positions but does include normal adjustments for inflation, contract obligations for unionized employees, capital expenditures for equipment and projects, and lesser things). Funding that proposal would necessitate a 14% increase in property taxes. This base budget did not include municipal expenses associated with the new waste management program, an issue still to be resolved, but the Selectboard told Administration that it wanted the most costly possible outcome (to the tune of $1.4 million) included in the base budget. That would mean potentially a 22% increase in property taxes.