Selectboard Meeting Notes: FY15 Budget Nearly Final, How Does 8.7 Cents Strike You?

The Brattleboro Selectboard announced their nearly-final budget numbers for FY15. It will cost $16,306,285 to run the town, an increase of about 8.7 cents for taxpayers. Everything was trimmed, but nothing substantial was cut or reduced. As one member said, the can was kicked down the road.

In the good news category, a unique public-private partnership has been formed to save the town large sums of money. Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, SIT, and Harris Hill have offered to help the town relocate communications towers off of Wantastiquet by providing towering locations in town.

The topic of energy audits returned, a plan for a $50,000 energy audit fund was proposed, and a 16 year old asked the board for the right to vote. All this and more below.

Icy Roads Alert

Does anybody know what is going on with the icy roads this morning?

My wife just came back from trying unsuccessfully to get up to Marlboro. She reported that east bound traffic was creeping along with lights flashing and that the road was wall to wall ice. She turned around at the bottom of Starks curve and came back to town. At the State Police barracks she stopped to ask what was going on, but all the doors were locked and the place appeared desserted. I would assume they’re all out dealing with emergencies.

On our street there are a 1 to 2 inches of new ice and the town did come by and scrape at it with their plows a couple times to rough up the surface.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – January 7, 2014

The town’s budget will be discussed at the first regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard on Tuesday evening. You can attend in person at the Municipal Center or watch on BCTV.

They will also take up issues such as whether any “savings” in this year’s budget could pay for energy audits of municipal buildings, new communication tower locations for Fire and Police departments, grants and an open CRT board position.

You can bring up other issues not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro 2014 Elections and the Annual Representative Town Meeting Information

Petitions for Brattleboro Town and Town School District Officers and Town Meeting Members are now available at the Town Clerk’s office. Town elections will be Tuesday, March 4, and the Annual Representative Town Meeting, Saturday, March 22.

Petitions for Town Officers must contain at least 30 valid signatures of registered Brattleboro voters and be filed in the clerk’s office no later that 5:00 P.M. on Monday, January 27 in order to have their name placed on the ballot.

Brattleboro Last Night 2013 Celebration, Tuesday, December 31st, 2013

Once again Brattleboro’s Last Night Committee presents a fun filled, substance free day of celebration on Tuesday, December 31st for New Year’s Eve. The day kicks off with the wonderful Senior Potluck Luncheon at the Brattleboro Senior Center from 11:30-1PM. Sponsored by River Valley Credit Union, this year’s featured guests are “Sing, Sing, Swing” featuring Scott Sizer, Lynn Lovell and Rob Fletcher.

From 1 to 4PM folks can enjoy sleigh and hay rides at Fairwinds Farm on Upper Dummerston Road (no pets please). Adults are $8 and children up to 12 years are $4.

Brattleboro New Year’s Day Closings

In observance of New Year’s Day, all Brattleboro Town offices will be closed on Wednesday, January 1, 2014, with the exception of emergency services.

Offices will be open for regular hours on Tuesday, December 31, 2013 and will reopen for regular hours on Thursday, January 2, 2014.

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Wednesday, January 1. All other violations, including extended parking, will be enforced.

Brooks Memorial Library will close at 6:00pm on Tuesday, December 31, 2013, and will be closed all day Wednesday, January 1, 2013. It will reopen for regular hours on Thursday, January 2, 2014.

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies Announced

The Brattleboro Selectboard announced on December 3, 2013, that it is seeking a volunteer citizen to serve as the Town’s representative on the Connecticut River Transit (now The Current) Board of Directors. The seat is a one-year term with the term expiring on June 30 each year.

Anyone interested in being appointed to the CRT Board and becoming involved with the bus service in and around Town must submit an application to the Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office by Thursday, January 2, 2014 at 5:00pm. The Selectboard will appoint the CRT Representative at its January 7, 2014 business meeting and, if necessary, conduct interviews immediately preceding the meeting.

Full Moon Fire 72 Green St.

Another full moon fire called in around 2:30 a.m. I’m looking at large waves of smoke rolling over the Samual Elliot Building and across town. 3alarm fire with numerous fire depts. staging on Spring St., School St. & Green St.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Baby, It’s Cold Inside

Braving snow, ice, treacherous roads, and cold weather in the meeting room, the Brattleboro Selectboard pressed on to carry out the business of the town. By the end of the night, almost all in attendance were wearing some form of hat, coats, sweater, scarf, or gloves. Everyone except John Allen, who sat in short sleeves all evening.

The board again warned of a rise in property taxes. They reviewed the slow pace of the PACE program progress and noted the many hurdles that still remain. The Red Clover Commons preliminary plans got a nod of approval, they learned the cost of the Elm Street bridge repairs, and approved planning grants.

And what will seem like a rare gift from the board, they voted to refund money to taxpayers fined for late Homestead Declarations last year.

West Brattleboro Association Names Rashed’s ‘Community Leader Of The Year’

On Thursday evening, December 12 at The New England House, the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) announced its third annual ‘Community Leader of the Year’ at its holiday party.  Ahmad and Kat Rashed were bestowed that honor by the Association president Michael Bosworth amidst a crowd of agreeing onlookers, many of whom have patronized Rashed’s Garden Center in West Brattleboro throughout the last 22 years. The Rasheds, including their sons, provide all manner of plants and shrubbery during the growing season. But their work doesn’t stop there. Every year they direct proceeds from their sales of pumpkins and Christmas trees to local non-profits.   The WBA thanked them for this excellent above-and-beyond community service.