Brattleboro Town Manager FY19 Budget Memo

The Brattleboro Selectboard will meet tomorrow (12/19 at 6:15pm) as previously warned. Town Manager Peter Elwell was asked to provide the Selectboard with a summary of Unfinished Business in connection with the FY19 Budget discussions. Attached is a copy of his memorandum (which has also been posted to the Town’s website under Selectboard Supporting Documents, New Business Part 2).

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – December 19, 2017

The Brattleboro Selectboard will have their regular meeting on Tuesday, and will take up quite a few financial matters. They’ll review their FY17 budget additions, review errors and omissions to the Grand List, consider financial reports, close out a grant, review Downtown Alliance workplans and budget, join a climate action effort, and more. You can bring up other matters not on the agenda during public participation.

West Brattleboro Association Holiday Party is December 14th

On Thursday, December 14th, at 6:00 pm, the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) will host its annual Holiday Party at Dalem’s Chalet, 78 South Street. This is a time for people and businesses in West Brattleboro to get together socially and to celebrate the village’s past year. The evening will feature a cash bar with hors d’oeuvres prepared by the restaurant. The WBA suggests a voluntary donation of $5 toward the food, although no one will be turned away.

Connie Snow’s Retirement Speech

Connie Snow’s retirement speech, made at the large party at the River Garden this evening (Thursday, December 7) honoring her retirement after 30 years as Executive Director of the Windsor and Windham Housing Trust (originally the Brattleboro Community Land Trust):