Call To Action: WSESU Proposes To Eliminate Diversity Director Position

At a time when the Windham Southeast Supervisory Union grows more diverse in its student population and educators clamor for tools to engender relevant cultural inclusion and equity, the WSESU School Board has proposed to cut Mikeala Simm’s position as Director of Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice. The proposal to cut her position was just announced today before the upcoming board meeting tonight. Let come out in force this evening at the Windham Regional Career Center Conference room at 6:30 p.m.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – FY19 Budget Decisions Continue, New Bank Account, NECCA Loan

The first meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard in 2018 was almost entirely about money. They continued their discussion of remaining FY19 budget issues, narrowing the list of undecided items by saying yes to some and maybe to others. It makes for a rather high potential tax increase, but many decisions remain that could bring the proposed rates down again. More budget meetings are planned.

Hinsdale Bridge Notice of Public Hearing

The New Hampshire and Vermont Departments of Transportation will hold a public hearing on Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 7:00pm at the Hinsdale (New Hampshire) Town Hall regarding acquisition of property that is planned for construction of the new bridge connecting Brattleboro and Hinsdale. Attached is the Notice of Hearing which must be posted in at least 5 conspicuous places. Please post it in the usual places – Town Clerk, Library, Recreation & Parks, Fire Department, and Public Works, as well as the home page of the Town’s website under “News.” Thank you.

Allyn Olney Retirement

It’s with mixed emotions and sincere gratitude that the Brattleboro Fire Department is announcing the retirement of Firefighter Allyn Olney. Firefighter Olney joined the Call Force in June of 1986 was hired to the Career Staff in October of 1987, serving the citizens of Brattleboro for the past 30 years. Al has been a very special employee, a dedicated firefighter and a role model for all. Al received the “Firefighter of the Year Award” in 2004 and a “Meritorious Unit Citation” for his work as part of a group during a very difficult patient extrication at a fatal car accident in 2014. Known for his calm and laid-back demeanor, Firefighter Olney has embraced the role of “senior firefighter”, taking new employees under his wing, and sharing his knowledge, wisdom and history with all of us. Al will work his final shift on Saturday, December 30, he will be sorely missed.