Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – July 17, 2018

At the next meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard, the police will ask for approval of a contract for body worn cameras. Axon, of Scottsdale, AZ is the proposed vendor.

The board will buy some police cruisers, hear a semi-annual report from the designated downtown organization, approve of grants for disc golf improvements and paving, review goals, and name a road. They will also begin a discussion election write-in procedures, and more.

As always, you can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

2018 Notice to Brattleboro Taxpayers

The taxpayers of the Town of Brattleboro are hereby notified and warned that Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes assessed upon the Grand List of 2018 are now due and payable to the Town Treasurer at the Treasurer’s Office in the Brattleboro Municipal Center, 230 Main Street, Suite 111, Brattleboro, Vermont, in four equal installments as follows:

1stInstallment due August 15, 2018

Last Chance To Weigh In On New Bus Schedules for Brattleboro

Brattleboro’s bus service, operated by The Current (formerly Connecticut River Transit, formerly the BeeLine), is seeking input on their proposed bus schedules here in Brattleboro. This is the second round of input – you may recall that The Current surveyed the public this time last year in round one of schedule planning.

Tall Buildings

(The accepted definition of a skyscraper is any building whose height exceeds 150 meters (nearly 500 feet)

I always thought NYC had more skyscrapers than anyone.
Wrong, it’s Hong Kong with 303 to NYC’s 238.
A shockingly surprising third is Dubai, (United Arab Emirates) with 148
Next is Shanghai with 126.

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Committee will meet on Tuesday, July 10, 2018 at 6:30pm in the Mezzanine Conference Room at Brooks Memorial Library.

The Brattleboro ADA Advisory Committee will meet on Friday, July 13, 2018 at 9:00am in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.

Women Run Brattleboro

With Sue Fillion’s appointment to become Planning Director, I got to thinking about just how many women are in key postions of Town government. I took a look. The majority of town offices in Brattleboro now have women heading them.

Town Assessor – Jenepher Burnell
Library – Starr Latronica

Sue Fillion Promoted to Planning Director in the Town of Brattleboro

Sue Fillion will succeed Rod Francis as Planning Director for the Town of Brattleboro. The transition will take place on Friday, July 6, as Francis completes his service to the Town of Brattleboro after more than 10 years as Planning Director. Francis will hold a comparable position in the Town of Norwich, Vermont, beginning on Monday, July 9. 

Brattleboro Retreat Protest: Leaflet

Why Are We Picketing?

We are staff at the Brattleboro Retreat and we are here to let the community know what is happening. In a time of crisis the administration has consistently chosen to make life for the direct patient care staff more difficult. According to the administration there is a staffing crisis at the Retreat which has led to a financial crisis. Staff have been leaving, and hiring has been challenging. There is a shortage of nurses, mental health workers, social workers and doctors.

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Summer 2018

Time for another “Noticed Around Brattleboro,” where little things about the town are noticed and recorded for posterity. This edition starts off with some special nature-loving observations:

– Nude man walking.  On Tuesday afternoon I was on my way to the train station to pick up a visitor. Coming down Canal Street I caught sight of a naked man walking up the hill. He was probably in his late 60’s, had a beard, and was walking happily, confidently, and totally naked.

Selectboard Meeting Notes:  Brattleboro Municipal Property Tax Rate at $1.2762, Project CARE Community Cookout Announced

Taxes are going up, as they always seem to do. The Brattleboro Selectboard adopted the FY19 tax rates for property owners that were approved by Representative Town Meeting representatives earlier this year.  The $14.8 million budget includes both the essential items suggested by the Selectboard as well as some optional extras added in by the representatives.

There’s also a new community collaboration that you can be a part of. Project Care is a new effort in Brattleboro to help addicts recover and do well.

And, in case you are curious, setting the tax rate during a heat wave calls for casual attire.

Things To Remember In Hot Weather

The Brattleboro area continues to be under a heat advisory as hot weather continues to have a grip on the region. The National Weather Service is forecasting much of the same through out the rest of the week and warn that heat and humidity will lead to dangerously high heat indices in excess of 100 degrees.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda (No Notes) – July 3, 2018

The Brattleboro Selectboard will meet on Tuesday, July 3, 2018 in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.  It is anticipated that the Board will enter into executive session at 5:30pm to discuss pending or probable civil litigation and negotiation of a real estate lease, and reconvene for the regular business meeting at 6:15pm  An ASL interpreter will be available for deaf and hard-of-hearing community members.

Four Vermont Towns on Preservation Trust Historic Places Watch List

Four Vermont towns – Royalton, Sharon, Strafford, and Tunbridge – have been placed on the latest list of endangered historic places.

“America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places is an annual list that spotlights important examples of our nation’s architectural and cultural heritage that are at risk of destruction or irreparable damage” says their announcement.  Route 66, Mount Vernon, and other sites are on the list.

Exit One Industrial Park Water Main Update

Utilities crews are still working on repairing the water main break on John Seitz Dr (Exit One Industrial Park.) During this work, it is necessary to shut off water service to Old Guilford Rd and the I91 Guilford Welcome Center. Utilities crews are on the scene working to fix the issue and restore water service to the affected area as soon as possible. It is estimated that the water service should be back in service within 2-3 hours. We apologize again for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to fix the problem.

Brattleboro Water Main Break at Exit One Industrial Park

Due to a water main break on John Seitz Dr (Exit One Industrial Park) there is currently no water service to Old Guilford Rd and the I91 Guilford Welcome Center. Utilities crews are on the scene working to fix the issue and restore water service to the affected area as soon as possible. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience while we work to fix the problem.

Inspection of Brattleboro-Hinsdale Bridges June 25-29



The New Hampshire Department of Transportation announces in-depth inspections of the bridges carrying NH Route 119 over the Connecticut River between Hinsdale, New Hampshire and Brattleboro, Vermont are scheduled to begin Monday, June 25, 2018 and continue through Friday, June 29, 2018.