Filing Brattleboro’s 2019 Abstract Grand List & Warning of Grievances by Listers

The Town of Brattleboro announces the filing of the 2019 Abstract Grand List.  The Brattleboro Board of Listers will hold grievance hearings at the Municipal Center (Hanna Cosman Meeting Room), located at 230 Main Street, starting on Monday, June 3, 2019.  Applications to schedule a hearing are available at the Assessors Office (230 Main Street, Suite 109, telephone – 251-8156).

Brattleboro Memorial Day Closings

 In observance of Memorial Day, all Brattleboro Town offices will be closed on Monday, May 27, 2019, with the exception of emergency services. 

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Sunday, May 26 and Monday, May 27, 2019. All other violations will be enforced. 

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – May 21, 2019

The Brattleboro Selectboard will be reviewing a number of budgets at their next meeting. FY20 approaches with talk of Utilities, Parking, and Solid Waste budgets.

The contract with Rescue Inc. is up for renewal, a new handicapped parking space is set for approval, the board will continue to discuss goals for the coming year, the battle against knotweed will continue, and you will be asked to volunteer for the Town. You can also bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Energy Committee Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Energy Committee will meet on Monday, May 13, 2019, at 5:00pm in the Community Room at the Brattleboro Food Co-Op, located at 2 Main Street.

NOTE:  The Traffic Safety Committee meeting previously scheduled on May 16 has been CANCELLED.  The next Traffic Safety Committee meeting will take place on Thursday, June 20 at 8:00am in the Municipal Building.

Brattleboro Taxes and Utilities Due

The fourth installment of the 2018 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxeswill be due on May 15, 2019 by 5:00 PM.  Payments made after May 15, 2019 will have an additional 1% interest, as well as an 8% penalty added to the unpaid balance.

The utility billing is also due on May 15, 2019 by 5:00 PM. Payments made after May 15, 2019will have an additional 1% interest, as well as an 8% penalty added to the unpaid balance.

Come to Find Out the Secrets of Freemasonry at the Brattleboro Masonic Lodge’s Open House, Sat. May 18th

Freemasonry is the oldest fraternity in the world and evolved out of the stonemason trade guilds that went back to Biblical times. After the Renaissance, and with the start of the Reformation, and during the Age of Enlightenment, more individuals of learning, business people, and those from the nobility wanted to consider alternative ideas in philosophy, science, and government that were not considered acceptable topics for public discourse. They found tiled lodges of fraternal Freemasonry excellent venues for presenting papers on different subjects and receiving feedback regarding the thesis they advanced.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Opioids, Broadband, and a Dump Truck

Brattleboro selectboard may7-2019

The Brattleboro Selectboard was reduced to four members for their meeting Tuesday, and Tim Wessel sat in as Chair for the evening. They managed to get through a long agenda with relative efficiency.

A new goal to examine the impact of the opioid epidemic in Brattleboro is being considered, as is a new handicap parking space on the east side of Main Street. The state may have programs that might eventually help Brattleboro with broadband issues, Brattleboro is paving streets in Esteyville and buying a new dump truck, and much more.

Past Life Regression – Believe It or Not

Past Life Regression and Age Regression use hypnosis to help you retrieve forgotten memories from this life or from a different life from the past. Regressions are often used to help a client remember a traumatic past event, which remains unresolved in the subconscious mind and results in anxieties or phobias which seem to have no apparent cause. When the forgotten memory is made conscious and brought to a conscious level of understanding, the phobia or anxiety often disappears. In the case of past life regressions, it is held that memories from before the current life can be retrieved.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – May 7, 2019

A packed agenda awaits the Brattleboro Selectboard for their first regular meeting of May. Brattleboro broadband possibilities and a handicapped parking space on Main Street are just two items of note.

They’ll also talk about liquor licenses for new and old establishments. They will buy a dump truck, authorize improvements to the parking garage, plan summer paving, and discuss goals and town operations. There are grants to apply for, farm taxes to be stabilized, meetings to cancel, and more. And you can bring up other items during public participation.

Brattleboro ADA Committee Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro ADA Advisory Committee will meet on Friday, May 10, 2019, at 9:00am in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.

NOTE:  The monthly meeting of the Brattleboro Energy Committee has been RESCHEDULED from May 6 to Monday, May 13, 2019, at 6:00pm in the Brattleboro Food Co-Op Community Room.

Compassion: Town Government and the Police – A Free Panel Discussion

Join us on at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, April 24th, at Brooks Memorial Library, as Compassionate Brattleboro brings Brattleboro Town officials together for an FREE, open panel discussion.

Speakers will include: Brattleboro Town Manager Peter Elwell, Police Chief Michael Fitzgerald, a member of the Brattleboro Selectboard, and Doug Cox, moderator. This program is a part of Compassionate Brattleboro’s series of conversations around exploring how to make compassion actionable in Brattleboro.

Brattleboro Water Main Flushing Schedule for Spring 2019

Utilities Division crews will start Spring Flushing of the Town water mains on Thursday April 25, 2019 at 10:00 p.m. and continue through Saturday May 11, 2019

NOTE: Some daytime flushing will continue throughout the weeks of May 13th and 20th

Customers are asked to check the flushing schedule closely as flushing causes water discoloration, low water pressure and in some areas, intervals of no water.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Big New Skatepark Grant Not Enough To Prevent Re-Scope of Project

The Brattleboro Selectboard heard about a new, big grant for the skatepark project at Tuesday’s meeting, but it wasn’t enough to stop the re-scoping of the project and rejection of current bids. New timetable calls for a skatepark to be completed, maybe, by snowfall!

Heifers are permitted to Heifer this year, residents urge urgency on climate related matters, whistleblowers are now protected, the Emergency Plan has be readopted, financial matters attended to, and more.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – April 16, 2019

The Brattleboro Selectboard will review and reject bids for the skatepark at their next regular meeting. They all came in over the amount available in the budget for the project, so plans will need to be adjusted.

There will be quite a few Heifer permits, a public hearing on Water & Sewer rates, adoption of the Local Emergency Operations Plan, a report from the Windham Regional Commission, and adoption of a new whistleblower protection policy. You can, as always, bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Winter Parking Ban Lifted

The Brattleboro Parking Department would like to announce the lifting of the winter parking ban. Starting tonight, 04/12/18, at midnight, overnight parking will be allowed on all streets EXCEPT in the downtown area. The following streets are never available for overnight parking:

Main Street
High Street

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Arts Committee will meet on Wednesday, April 17, 2019, at 1:00pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.

The Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting Finance Committee will meet on Wednesday, April 17, 2019, at 5:00pm in the meeting room at the Brattleboro Tennis Club (202 Cedar Street).

The Brattleboro Traffic Safety Committee will meet on Thursday, April 18, 2019, at 8:00am in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.