Canal Street and Fairground Road Traffic Light Repair

On Thursday, August 1, East Coast Signal will be working on the traffic lights at the intersection of Canal Street and Fairground Rd. Crews will be working on the vehicle detection loop in the southbound, left turn lane. All efforts will be made to keep one southbound lane open at all times but there may be a need to close both lanes at some points during the day. There will be an officer there to assist with traffic control. The work will begin at 10:00am and continue through approximately 2:00pm

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Conducting Site Visit In and Along the Whetstone Brook

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New England District, will be looking at wetlands, floodplains and sediment depositions along the Whetstone Brook on Wednesday, July 31 and Thursday, August 1.  Citizens can expect to see U.S. Army Corps of Engineer staff in and along the Whetstone Brook on these days. In addition, the Army Corps has partnered with the U.S. Geological Survey to conduct cross section surveys of the river. The survey work will be occurring through mid-September and will be accessing the river via public property, as much as possible.

Bullock Street Closing for Water Service Install

On Tuesday, July 30, the Utilities Division will be working with a private contractor to an install new water service at 88 High St. The work will take place on Bullock Street. During this work, Bullock Street will also be closed near the intersection with High Street. Bullock Street will be closed from approximately 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Bullock St. residents will have access to and from their homes from Green St.

Marlboro Road Water Main Break

The Department of Public Works received an alert of a high water flow on Wednesday July 24, 2019 at 10pm.

Utilities Crews responded to Route 9 in West Brattleboro for a reported water main break.

The crew determined the break was on a 16 inch water main.

Brattleboro Reminds Residents to Keep All Sidewalks Clear

 The Town of Brattleboro reminds all property owners, residents, and business operators to keep sidewalks clear and free from any obstructions. This is necessary to maintain open and safe use of all sidewalks by all people, and it is especially important for people using wheelchairs, walkers, or strollers. 

Town ordinances require that owners keep vegetation from encroaching on or over sidewalks. Residents also are required to keep garbage cans, recycling bins, and compost containers off of sidewalks and to bring those items back onto their property (away from curb) after Triple-T has collected the contents at curbside.

Whetstone Path Bridge Repairs Scheduled

Starting on Monday, July 29, the Highway Division will begin installing new wooden deck boards on the Whetstone Path bridge. During this work, the bridge will be closed to pedestrians 7:00am to 2:30pm. The bridge will be reopened after 2:30.

This project is expected to take 5-7 working days to complete. Weather Permitting.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting – Pending or Probable Civil Litigation or Prosecution

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Thursday, July 25, 2019, at 2:00pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.  It is anticipated that the Board will enter into executive session at 2:00pm to discuss pending or probable civil litigation or prosecution to which the public body is or may be a party, and then reconvene in public to adjourn.  No further business will be discussed.

Green Street Drainage Work

Starting on Wednesday, July 24, the Highway Division will be installing new drainage on Green Street from the intersection of School Street to 120 Green Street and from the top of Church Street to the west side of the intersection with Bullock Street. During this work, sections of Green Street will be closed from approximately 7:00am to 2:30pm. At times, Bullock Street will also be closed at the intersection with Green Street.

Hot Weather Advisory from the Brattleboro Fire Department

The National Weather Service is warning that hot temperatures in the mid to upper 90’s combined with high humidity levels are expected to create dangerous heat conditions Friday, Saturday & Sunday with the most oppressive conditions expected Saturday.Early morning low temperatures in the 70s will not provide much cooling.

The Brattleboro Fire Department would like to remind citizens of these few simple rules to remain safe and healthy

Shore Road Building Fire

At 5:05am Central Dispatch received a call for a building fire at 25 Shore Dr. Engine 2 and Ladder 1 out of Central Station and Engine 4 out of Station 2 responded on a 1stalarm. Upon arrival at 5:13am Engine 2 reported heavy fire showing from the front of the building and ordered a 2ndalarm be struck, recalling all off duty Brattleboro Firefighters and bringing all Brattleboro apparatus to the scene. Engine 4 laid a supply line to Engine 2 from a hydrant on Eaton Ave and Engine 2 crew stretched a 2 ½” attack line, knocked down a big volume of fire from the outside, the advanced an attack line to the interior of the house. Information was quickly gathered that all of the occupants were out of the house and uninjured. Extinguishment of the fire continued by the interior crew and as more help arrived additional attack lines were stretched to help with fire attack. The fire was declared under control at 7:18am.

Hinesburg Road Reopened

At 2:30 on Friday, July 12, Hinesburg Road has been reopened to regular traffic. The box culvert has been installed and there is still some work to be done at the site next week. While the rest of the work is completed, there will be one lane, alternating traffic in the area of 402 Hinesburg Road.

Brattleboro Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes Due

The taxpayers of the Town of Brattleboro are hereby notified and warned that Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes assessed upon the Grand List of 2019 are now due and payable to the Town Treasurer at the Treasurer’s Office in the Brattleboro Municipal Center, 230 Main Street, Suite 111, Brattleboro, Vermont, in four equal installments as follows:

Brattleboro Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Arts Committee will meet on Wednesday, July 17, 2019, at 5:00pm at The Hatch Space, located at 35 Frost Street.

The Brattleboro ADA Advisory Committee will meet on Friday, July 19, 2019, at 9:00am in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies July 2019

The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards:

Arts Committee
Brattleboro Housing Partnerships Board of Commissioners
Cemetery Committee
Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC)
Conservation Commission

You Can Help Build a Better Block in Downtown Brattleboro!

As part of the Downtown Design Plan, the Brattleboro Planning Commission is accepting proposals for Better Block projects to be designed and built by community members. The Planning Commission will select three temporary projects to be installed September 20-22 in downtown.

Better Block projects could include pop-up shops or eateries, art displays or performances, spaces for games or excercise, improvements to sidewalks or crosswalks, bike lanes or parking, outdoor seating or reading areas, streetscaping and landscaping, changes to buiding facades, etc.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Rental Housing, Day Work, Sustainability

Brattleboro Selectboard

The Brattleboro Selectboard held their only meeting of July. Despite objections from many landlords, the board approved a new rental housing inspection program, and despite numerous statements of support they put off deciding on how best to deal with issues of sustainability.

New tax rates for FY20 were set, a 3-month day work pilot program was funded, Groundworks received $100,000 for housing, and more.

Hinesburg Road Closure

Starting Monday, July 8th, Hinesburg Road will be closed to through traffic in the area of 402 Hinesburg Rd. The closure is to install a new box culvert. Through traffic will be detoured across Mather Road to Bonnyvale Road, and through Lee Road. The detour will be marked. Residents within the closure will still have access to their homes.