Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – March 31, 2020, 1:15pm

-There will be a special Selectboard meeting this coming Thursday, April 2, at 6:15pm on GoToMeeting.
Meetings of Town boards, commissions, and committees will resume on a case-by-case basis. All will use the GoToMeeting platform for remote-only meetings (with no physical location) until after the COVID-19 emergency has passed.

-The State has advised the Town that we cannot temporarily suspend the pay-as-you-throw program.

– In keeping with the closure of all Town Recreation facilities and programs, the Recreation and Parks Department announces the cancellation of the following seasonal special events:

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting April 2, 200 – Agenda

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Thursday, April 2, 2020, at 6:15pm.  In keeping with Governor Scott’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order, this meeting will be held with no physical location using GoToMeeting.  A copy of the agenda is attached and it contains information about how to access the meeting remotely.  We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – March 30, 2020, 2:55pm 


• We continue to make adjustments in Town operations as we come to clearer understandings of what is possible during these unprecedented circumstances. As we make these adjustments, our goal is to remain as productive as possible in service to the community while fully complying with the Governor’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order. The current status of particular Town services is set forth each day in the function-by-function summary below. 

• Annual Spring Leaf Pickup service will be provided by Triple-T on Friday, April 17, and on Friday, May 1. The Town decided to proceed with this service in the usual manner because curbside solid waste collection is continuing under the “essential services” provisions of the Governor’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order and because the fresh air and exercise involved in doing yard work is a safe and healthy way for people to take a break from staying indoors during the COVID-19 emergency. 

• There may be a special Selectboard meeting this coming Thursday, April 2, at 6:15pm on GoToMeeting. If the plans come together for this meeting, it will be warned tomorrow (March 31) and will also be announced in tomorrow’s COVID-19 Daily Update. 

Governor Scott Orders Restrictions On Travel and Lodging

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today ordered additional restrictions on travelers arriving in Vermont and announced additional guidance for the lodging industry to enhance compliance with his Stay Home, Stay Safe order. 

The measures under the Stay Home, Stay Safe order, effective March 25, were implemented in consultation with the Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Health to minimize all unnecessary activities outside the home to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus and protect the public. 

Governor Scott is taking additional action to encourage compliance with newly released CDC guidance around interstate travel from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, which advised residents of those states to refrain from non-essential domestic travel for 14 days. 

The 2020 Census Windham County UPDATE

Greetings iBrattleboro people,

My name is David Longsmith with the 2020 Census here in Windham County. I’m now a Census Response Representative and my job is to assist members of our communities with responding to the census questionnaire.

Town of Brattleboro  COVID-19 Response Status – March 27, 2020, 2:00pm 


The Brattleboro Police Department (BPD) has transitioned to Level III of its Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19, as follows: 

• BPD is still patrolling the roadways, walking downtown, and visiting merchants that are open, adhering to social distancing best practices when encountering people face-to-face. 

• BPD is answering life safety calls involving physical harm or the threat of harm to individuals. Non life safety calls for service are being handled via appropriate technology (i.e. phone, email, etc.) Patrol Commanders are determining whether or not a physical response is warranted. 

• Dispatch is fully staffed 24/7 and is screening for COVID-19 on all calls. 

• BPD Clerks are working from home. Public Records requests are being accepted by email, but the majority will not be able to be processed until the “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order is lifted. 

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – March 26, 2020, 3:00pm 


There are no new “bullets” of information today, but I do want to share this with the community: 

In keeping with the Governor’s “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order, this is the first full day of Town operations with most employees working from home. While we are not in our usual places interacting with the public in the usual manner, we are here for you during these extraordinary times. We have made arrangements for many administrative employees to conduct most or all of their usual activities from their homes. Some will continue to come to the office occasionally to complete tasks that can only be completed there. Importantly, all email communications and most telephone communications are functioning exactly as they do during normal office operations. Field crews will be performing limited ongoing field work to ensure that health and safety concerns are promptly addressed, and all field employees will be on call every day for addressing urgent maintenance issues (like a water main break, a snowstorm, etc.).

Signal Boosting for Vermont Legal Aid

Vermont Legal Aid Service Update:

Following the Governor’s State of Emergency declaration on March 14, 2020, Vermont Legal Aid will continue to serve its clients via telephonic and electronic means. While we have discontinued in-person access to our offices, clients may still contact our intake helpline at 1-800-889-2047 to receive assistance. Clients with a legal or benefits problem related to the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak also may receive assistance by going to .

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status, March 25, 2020, 1:30pm


In compliance with the “Stay Home – Stay Safe” order issued by Governor Scott yesterday, most of Town government’s non-emergency services and administrative support functions have been suspended. Here are the details:

• Emergency services are still being provided by the Police and Fire Departments, but both departments have instituted policies that adjust their normal procedures to reflect COVID-19 best practices advice from public health experts.

Governor Issues Stay At Home Order

Montpelier, Vt. – Governor Phil Scott today issued a “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order and directed the closure of in-person operations for all non-essential businesses.

These restrictive measures are in place to minimize all unnecessary activities outside the home to slow the spread of this virus and protect the public. These actions were implemented in consultation with the Commissioner of the Vermont Department of Health and his evaluation of the latest data.

“I want to be very clear about this: We need everyone to limit activities outside of the home and to practice social distancing at all times to slow the spread of this highly contagious and potentially deadly virus,” said Governor Phil Scott. “We all must do our part to slow the spread of COVID-19 to minimize infections – particularly for those who are elderly or have underlying chronic health conditions – and prevent it from overwhelming our healthcare facilities. The more Vermonters who take this seriously and stay home, the faster we can return to normal.”

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – March 24, 2020 


• In furtherance of the Governor’s announcement yesterday that all businesses should implement work-from-home practices “to the maximum extent possible” and his suggestion that additional restrictions on people’s movement will be announced tomorrow, the Town has increased the number of employees who are telecommuting and is finalizing plans for full closure of certain non-emergency services and administrative functions. 
• The status of each separate area of Town government will be announced in detail if it does become necessary to fully close any functions or services. 

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status, March 23, 2020, 2:15pm 


• Town staff continues to be available for remote communications with the public during normal business hours. However, in keeping with increasingly restrictive social distancing requirements and advice from State Government and public health experts, fewer Town employees are reporting to their usual workplaces. It may become necessary for the Town to reduce the number of hours that non-emergency Town functions are “open” for communication with the public. If that does become necessary, we will explicitly identify the operating hours that will remain in effect. 

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Spring 2020

I almost forgot that we needed a new “Noticed” for the new season. This should be an interesting one. I expect some of these observations to change as time goes on.

I noticed some people at St Michaels’ today loading up a truck. Looked like volunteers working to make some deliveries.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status March 22, 2020 1:50pm

• Some residents have asked the Town to suspend the pay-as-you-throw program so that no onewould have to buy the yellow and purple bags until further notice. Our pay-as-you-throw systemis required for the Town to comply with a State-mandate to have “variable rate pricing” for garbagecollection and disposal (i.e. the more one throws away the more one pays). The Town has askedthe State if we can temporarily suspend the pay-as-you-throw system. We have not yet receivedthe State’s permission to do that.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status March 21, 2020 12:45pm


• REMINDER: A special Selectboard meeting will be held on Monday, March 23, at 5:30pm in theSelectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center. The Selectboard will appoint Ian Goodnow tothe seat that became vacant upon Dave Schoales’ resignation and will elect Selectboard officers.Please note that the Municipal Building will be open to the public on March 23 from 5:15pm until 15minutes after the special Selectboard meeting is adjourned.

Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – March 20, 2020 – 12:20 pm


A special Selectboard meeting will be held on Monday, March 23, at 5:30pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.  The Selectboard will appoint Ian Goodnow to the seat that became vacant upon Dave Schoales’ resignation and will elect Selectboard officers.  Please note that the Municipal Building will be open to the public on March 23 from 5:15pm until 15 minutes after the special Selectboard meeting is adjourned.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Scheduled

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Monday, March 23, 2020, at 5:30pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center.  An ASL interpreter will be available for deaf and hard-of-hearing community members.  The building will be open to the public at 5:15pm on that day.

Town of Brattleboro COVID-19 Response Status – March 19, 2020,  1:15pm 


• Selectboard member Dave Schoales has resigned so that Selectboard member-elect Ian Goodnow can be appointed. This will allow the composition of the Selectboard to change in the manner decided by the voters at the same time when that transition normally would take place. The Town’s Charter states that “newly elected Selectboard members’ terms shall begin on the first Monday following the final adjournment of the annual Representative Town Meeting.” Due to the postponement of this year’s Representative Town Meeting, the commencement of Ian Goodnow’s service would have been delayed indefinitely. Instead, a special Selectboard meeting will be held soon so that the continuing 4 Selectboard members can appoint Ian Goodnow to fill the vacancy created by Dave Schoales’ resignation. 

Tips For Working At Home

Some of you may be new to working at home. Lise and I have been running our web design business like this for over 20 years, and it took some getting used to.  Here are a few tips and tricks we’ve learned over the years:

Have a dedicated work area

If you can keep your work and play separate, it helps. Try to find a bit of space that can be for “work” so that you can get away from it later on.