Brattleboro Preferred Siting Subcommittee Agenda: April 26, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.


A. Call to order (6:00 p.m.)
1. Agenda review
2. Announcements

B. Approve minutes of March 22, 2021 (6:05 p.m.)

C. Possible discussion with guest (6:10 p.m.)

D. Discuss main takeaways from independent studies/summaries)) (6:30 pm)

F. Present / Consider our Final Products (6:50 pm)
1. roughly drafted siting spectrum
2. siting criteria checklist/points concept

Selectboard Meeting Notes – The Gods & Goddesses Say No

I was all set to do the usual insane typing of what is said at the Brattleboro Selectboard but at 6 pm our power went out.  It’s now 8:30 and things have just come back on here at HQ.

The Gods and Goddesses of Typing Up Selectboard Meetings have spoken, and I will obey their wishes. I will also go make an offering of some sort. (Any suggestions?)

We’ll see if they let me cover the next meeting.

Donations Needed for Star Spangled Babies Shower w/ VT National Guard at the VFW

Brattleboro VFW Post #1034 is proud to be a drop off point for Operation Homefront’s Star Spangled Babies Shower. Operation Homefront is a nonprofit that assists low-income military families. The Vermont National Guard is facing its biggest deployment in 15 years, where service members are leaving behind their families for a year or longer. A lot of the family members left behind are new mothers and some are first-time mothers.

The poster below lists the items they are looking to collect and hand out to local families that need assistance. Please come into the VFW and leave your items in the large box that is inside. Deadline for items being accepted in May 30th. If you have any questions, please send a message on Facebook to the VFW Post 1034 Carl Dessaint page, or contact the Post Quartermaster Lisa Lofting at 257-0438

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – April 20, 2021

A new “Fossil Fuel Free Facilities Fund” will be up for discussion at the next regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard. The 5F is intended to set aside money each year to help cover costs to the Town of switching away from fossil fuels. The latest revision, by Sustainability Coordinator Stephen Dotson, sets out the purpose and operation of the new fund.

Planning Services Director Sue Fillion will join the meeting to provide an update on the Tri-Park Master Plan, the updated Local Emergency Management Plan will be adopted, the board will continue to discuss their goals for the new year, some financial matters will be dealth with, and more. You can always bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Spring 2021 Water Main Flushing Schedule

Utilities Division crews will start Spring Flushing of the Town water mains on Thursday April 22, 2021 at 10:00 p.m. and continue through Saturday May 8, 2021

NOTE: Some daytime flushing will continue throughout the weeks of May 10th and 17th 

Customers are asked to check the flushing schedule closely as flushing causes water discoloration, low water pressure and in some areas, intervals of no water.

Please note that water main flushing will occur at night and during the day.

Brattleboro COVID-19 Update

We all received encouraging news earlier this week when Governor Scott released his “Vermont Forward Plan” that described a phased reduction in restrictions for both indoor and outdoor activities. It is important to note that the Governor and other State officials have stated that this schedule is subject to change. It is based on certain assumptions regarding increased vaccination numbers and decreased new case numbers. If those targets are not met, the schedule will be adjusted. We will continue to closely monitor that data and public health experts’ advice.

We intend to be cautious in reopening Town facilities to ensure that we do not move too quickly and endanger Town employees or the public we serve. Please read these weekly COVID updates from the Town and other information released by Town departments to stay up to date on Town decisions and actions as COVID-related restrictions are eased. Based on local conditions and expert advice, we may decide not to move as fast as was indicated in the Governor’s plan. 

Brattleboro Traffic Safety Meeting Agenda


1. Minutes – February 18, 2021 

2. Public Participation 

3. Monthly Report on Pedestrian and Bicycle Incidents 

4. Monthly Report on Traffic Data Collection 

5. Updates/Continued Discussion on Ongoing Matters 

(a) Route 9 Bike Lane Scoping Study 

Royal Brush

When I was a wee lad in Chicago, my parents took me to a parade and Prince Philip waved to me. I have no recollection of it, but I now claim it as a close personal connection. I must, then, say goodbye to my close personal friend, the Duke.  : )

Brattleboro Winter Parking Ban Lifted

The Brattleboro Parking Department would like to announce the lifting of the winter parking ban. Starting tonight, 04/08/2021, at midnight, overnight parking will be allowed on all streets EXCEPT in the downtown area. The following streets are never available for overnight parking: 

Main Street 

High Street 

Elliot Street (from School St to Main St) 

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Elwell To Retire, Brattleboro To Receive $3.3 Million

selectboard april 6

It was the first April meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard, the first meeting with Elizabeth McLoughlin as Chair, the first time Congressman Peter Welch has told Brattleboro about $3.3 million on the way, and the first time we learn of Town Manager Peter Elwell’s planned retirement at the end of the year.

Much discussion, though, was about goals for the coming year.

Windham County Heat Fund Update

Daryl Pillsbury and I feel an obligation to the community to provide a report of how we spent the money that has been donated to the Windham County Heat. Accountability and transparency is important, even for a small local non-profit organization.
When we started the fund in 2005 we thought the problem we were helping to alleviate was the high price of home heating fuel.

We quickly learned that affordability of heating fuel has very little to do with the price of oil, kerosene or propane. It is about social and economic justice.

We live in a very unequal society and the gap between the haves and the have nots has only increased over the years. Although the Heat Fund is about providing a little fuel for people in need it is really about making the lives of the more vulnerable around us a little easier. Almost all of the people who apply to us are making efforts to support themselves, but they experience an unexpected setback or find that the money they set aside for fuel this year is just not going to be enough.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes + Special Guest

Congressman Peter Welch will be a special guest at the Brattleboro Selectboard’s next regular meeting. He’ll be joining to discuss the stimulus package and other issues.

Otherwise, it is a rather standard meeting agenda, with lots of usual set-up and orientation for the new board, reviewing RTM actions, and appointing people to various positions and committees. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.

Melrose Street Closure

On Friday, April 2, Utilities Crews will be working to repair a water main on Melrose St between the intersection with Western Ave and 39 Melrose ST.  The work will begin at 7:00 am.  The road will remain closed through Tuesday, April 6.   

Motorists should plan to use alternate routes during this time period.