Brattleboro Planning Services Department Closed Thursday
The Brattleboro Planning Services Department will be closed all day on Thursday, May 12, 2022, so that staff can attend training.
News and information sections, from near to far
The Brattleboro Planning Services Department will be closed all day on Thursday, May 12, 2022, so that staff can attend training.
The Town has contracted with LaRock & Son Inc to replace the sidewalk on the west side of South Main Street between Cotton Mill Hill and Pine ST. This project will be ongoing for several weeks and at times, operations will require one lane, alternating traffic as well as no parking in the area. Residents are asked to be aware of no parking signs in the area and drivers should be prepared for alternate traffic patterns during this work.
Call to Order
All applications will be continued to a special meeting on May 25, 2022
The Town of Brattleboro is seeking a Lister, to be appointed by the Select Board to serve the remainder of a one year term until March 7, 2023, at which time the candidate can run to be elected for a 2 year term.
The candidate must be a registered voter of Brattleboro, understand appraisal methods and property assessment administration in Vermont, be detailed oriented, be interested and dedicated to the job responsibilities, have knowledge of the town, and able to work collaboratively with others. Real Estate knowledge preferred but not required.
Members of the public scolded the Brattleboro Selectboard again for poor communication regarding their recent EMS decision. After, the board discussed removing some mentions of transparency and openness from their goals while patting themselves on the back for already having an open and transparent process.
They discussed other goals, then heard presentations about some exciting, possibly large housing projects going through the planning process. They also discussed improving the parklet program.
The Town of Brattleboro is undergoing a Stormwater Master Planning Process to develop strategies for design, funding, and implementation of stormwater best management practices. The project team, led by Watershed Consulting Associates, invites you to learn more about stormwater issues and possibilities in Brattleboro and give your feedback on priorities and concerns. There will be a meeting held on Wednesday, May 4th from 2:00 to 3:00pm via Zoom.
SHOPPING ONLY DAY at Swap Shop at WSWMD on Old Ferry Road, Brattleboro on Saturday, May 7, 8:30 am to noon. ALL ITEMS ARE FREE. Photos of some available items are posted on Facebook’s Brattleboro, Vermont group page.
Shopping Days- 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month
Donation Days- 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month
Should the Harris Lot be developed by a private contractor? The Brattleboro Selectboard will discuss it at their next regular meeting.
There will also be a discussion about expanding a parklet program, a discussion about the Prouty-Delta Development initiative, discussion and possible apoproval of selectboard goals, and more. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.
The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Committee will meet on Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 4:15pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room in the Municipal Center (230 Main Street).
The Town of Brattleboro Water Department’s annual Consumer Confidence Report/Water Quality Report for 2021 is now available. This report can be viewed on-line at Printed copies are available at The Department of Public Works, Tri-Park CO-OP Office, Guilford Country Store, Town Clerk’s office and Treasurer’s office (both located in the Brattleboro Municipal Center) and at the I-91 Welcome Center in Guilford.
From: Town Manager’s Office
Captain Mark Carignan has retired from the Town of Brattleboro Police Department after twenty years. Mark was hired as an Officer in 2002, he became a Detective in 2005, Sergeant in 2008, and Captain since 2014. We sincerely thank him for his years of service to the town.
Due to tree work which will be done on Prospect Street between Central Street and Pearl Street on Wednesday, May 4, 2022 (Rain Date May 5) parts of Prospect Street will be closed to traffic from 8:00am to 3:30pm.
6:00 – 6:05 Call to Order
6:05 – 7:05 Presentation for the Public on Cannabis Businesses and Brattleboro’s Land Use Regulations
Discussion of Brattleboro’s existing Municipal Land Use and Development Regulations and their impact on potential forthcoming cannabis businesses. Receive public feedback.
7:05 – 7:15 Announcements
Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations.
2022-37 Steve Robertson; Mixed Use Residential District; request for approval to adjust boundary between 56 Linden Street and 18 Chapin Street; Tax Map Parcels #275213.000 & #275209.000
A. Call to Order (5:15)
B. Approve Minutes of March 22 (5:15 – 5:20)
C. New Business (5:20 – 6:25)
1. Discussion: 250 Birge Street Project (5:20 – 5:30)
2. Guest Presentation on Outdoor Cats (5:30 – 6:00)
On May 2, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Brattleboro Planning Department staff will be presenting on Cannabis Establishments and Zoning at the regularly scheduled Planning Commission meeting. During the meeting, staff will present maps that show where retail cannabis businesses are allowed, accounting for zoning and proximity to specific locations prohibited by state law. They will also discuss where other cannabis establishments, as allowed under state licensing, can be located. The public is invited to come and provide feedback. The meeting will be held in a hybrid format.
I. Call to Order and Quorum Check
II. Review of Agenda
III. Review and Approval of Minutes from March 2021
IV. Review of Compliments and Complaints from BPD
The Brattleboro Selectboard voted to enter into a one year contract with Golden Cross Ambulance, effectively ending five decades of Rescue, Inc. collaboration with the town. There was much public discussion, mostly against the way this was handled, but it was approved 5-0.
The board also went back on their previous decision about the ski jump sculpture, now allowing it to be downtown year round but unlit most of the year, sort of like the Valentines hearts that hang year round downtown.
On January 18, 2022, the Selectboard voted to change the traffic pattern at the intersection of Canal Street and South Main Street to include a stop sign for NORTHBOUND traffic. This new stop sign was installed by DPW staff today and the traffic pattern change is now in effect. The stop sign in the northbound lane is a flashing stop sign, and there is a pedestrian crossing signal in the southbound lane that is also a flashing sign. As soon as weather permits the stop bar will be painted.
This change in traffic pattern was recommended by staff and the Traffic Safety Committee and will make it safer for pedestrians who use the crosswalk to cross Canal Street at the intersection with South Main Street. It also will allow drivers who want to turn from Canal Street southbound onto South Main Street to have sufficient room to make that turn.
BRATTLEBORO, VT—For organizations and nonprofits dealing to survive during COVID who would like to learn from others and how they’ve faced novel ways to tell their stories and connect to community join Vermont Independent Media’s panel discussion on Wednesday, April 20 at 7:30p on Zoom. Registration required. Email:
The event will be moderated by Joyce Marcel, journalist and president of the board of the nonprofit Friends of Brooks Memorial Library.