Selectboard Meeting Notes – Free Ambulance Offer Accepted

selectboard june 21 2022

The Brattleboro Selectboard agreed to the Golden Cross contract addendum of a free 90-day extra staff and ambulance offer, which the Fire Chief explained came at his suggestion.

They also held a first reading about fines and penalties for rental housing violations, heard public comments about cameras, announced a possibility of a downtown police substation, learned about Tri-Park’s current situation, and more.

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Summer 2022

What have you noticed around Brattleboro recently? The little things that aren’t worthy of a full story, but caught your eye?

NECCA circus tent is back up. It’s been up for a couple of weeks now, and again I say that this really marks the location well. Nothing like a circus tent to say “circus!”
Brooks Memorial Library has their new tool-sharing shed and sign up, located between the library and the municipal center.

New Hydrant for Elliot Street Tuesday

On Tuesday, June 21, the Utilities Division will be installing a new hydrant in the area of 195 Elliot ST.  Elliot ST will be closed in the area beginning at 7:00 am through approximately noon.  Stewart Place and Elliot ST addresses up to #186 can be accessed from the east end of Elliot ST and addresses #190 and higher can be accessed from the west end of Elliot ST. 

Motorists should plan to use alternate routes during this time.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – June 21, 2022

Golden Cross is back on the agenda with a limited-time offer that will only cost $50,000 a year after the initial 90 day free trial. The Brattleboro Selectboard will, by approving this, “expand the second AEMT provider to 24 hours per day and situate a third ambulance (to be housed at Station 2.)”

They will also discuss liquor licenses, fines for rental housing inspection program violations, Waste Water Treatment Plant and water pump improvements, and more. You can bring up other issues not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Planning Commission Special Joint Meeting: Monday, June 20, 2022

6:00 – 6:10 Announcements

6:10 – 6:20 Roles Of These Government Bodies
Possible Presentation of Supporting Documentation; Q & A

6:20 – 7:00 Land Use Regulations Concerns and Proposals
Parts 1, 2, 3, & 5: Discuss suggestions for Cannabis land use classifications, Setbacks, Historic Resource Overlay District, Pets vs. farm animals, Parking, Signs, Noise, Demolition Standards, and more

Street Closing Tuesday For New Hydrant for Elliot Street

On Tuesday, June 14, the Utilities Division will be installing a new hydrant in the area of 195 Elliot ST.  Elliot ST will be closed in the area beginning at 7:30 am through approximately 4:00 pm.  Stewart Place and Elliot ST addresses up to #186 can be accessed from the east end of Elliot ST and addresses #190 and higher can be accessed from the west end of Elliot ST. 

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Executive Session

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, June 14, 2022 at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center (230 Main Street). The Board will convene at 6:15pm and is expected to immediately enter into executive session to discuss labor relations agreements with employees and contracts. The Board will reconvene after the executive session and immediately adjourn. No action will be taken.

VTrans Issues Traffic Alert For Route 9 Between Brattleboro and Wilmington


Wilmington-Brattleboro VT-9 Resurfacing Project

DATE: Thursday, June 9, 2022 

TRAFFIC IMPACT AND DURATION: Due to heavy rain causing unfavorable roadway conditions, motorists are advised to travel with caution along Vermont Route 9 between Wilmington and Brattleboro. Crews are on site working to minimize impacts to travelers.

Brattleboro Police Department Budget

Tuesday’s Select Board meeting and an article in today’s Brattleboro Reformer brought to the surface a major issue with crime, especially in the downtown area. Various Select Board members chimed in both in the meeting and in the press. It rather hurt to see a friend of mine with his picture on the front page this morning given the circumstances.

Tim Wessel is quoted in the Reformer as saying:
“I live downtown and I have to say there’s an increase in the feeling of lawlessness occurring,” he said at Tuesday’s board meeting. “Whether it’s flower pots being overturned, business windows being smashed, unlocked cars being rifled through, or loud cars speeding recklessly through family neighborhoods, a lot of folks have been reaching out to me to say that it feels a little more like the Wild West in Brattleboro, and I agree.”

But, little known to many, actually including some Select Board members, Chief Hardy was a victim of the rapid shift away from Rescue Inc as well and she had no part in that decision that I am aware of.

Brattleboro Committee and Board Vacancies

The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards:

Agricultural Advisory Board
Agricultural Advisory Board Ex-Officio Members
ADA Advisory Board
Arts Committee
Brattleboro Housing Partnerships Board of Commissioners
Cemetery Committee
Citizen Police Communications Committee

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Brattleboro Acknowledges Executive Session Open Meeting Violations

selectboard june 7 2022

The Brattleboro Selectboard held one of their longer meetings in some time. The public was active!  Complaints about downtown crime, lack of action on climate change, and open meetings kept the board busy until after 10:30pm.

Of note, the Town acknowledged their violation of open meeting protocols and adopted a new two-part process to make sure it won’t happen again. This wasn’t enough for most people, who wanted a more detailed accounting of the EMS decision making process.

The board changed RTM districts to conform with state updates, adopted Utility and Parking budgets, and poured luke-warm water on a suggestion to bring back the electric trolley.

Brattleboro Meets With Rescue, Asks for Uncompensated Mutual Aid

Rescue Inc Press Release: “Brattleboro – The Brattleboro selectboard sent a request to the Rescue Inc trustees asking for a meeting to discuss mutual aid on May 19th. This was the first communication between the Town and Rescue Inc. since the September 2021 consortium meeting which was attended by then Town Manager Peter Elwell and the Selectboard Chair Elizabeth McLoughlin. The Rescue corporate officers agreed to an early June meeting and replied to the request on May 20th. A June 6th meeting date was confirmed.

Brattleboro’s request for help covering ambulance calls comes after the selectboard unilaterally chose to terminate a 56-year relationship with our nonprofit, community-based organization. This decision was made without any discussions about, or actual consideration of, the impact on the surrounding communities. The Town presented its position during a February 9th meeting when Rescue was told the Town would not pay an assessment fee and that Rescue should provide service for free. The response from Rescue Chief Drew Hazelton rejecting those terms in March has been cited as the reason for the sudden closed door meeting that led to the change in EMS providers.

Dollar Stores

Dollar stores popped up a few years ago based on the premise that everything would be the same price, and that price would be One Dollar ($1.00).

Three such stores popped up in Brattleboro:
Family Dollar on Putney Rd,
Dollar General on Marlboro Rd,
Dollar Tree on Canal St

Brattleboro Selectboard Instructed Town Manager to Take On EMS; Board Warned of Pandora’s Box By Manale

When I asked him about his goals back on Jan 20, Town Manager Yoshi Manale spoke of creating more open spaces downtown, being open and transparent, and being flexible while solving problems. No mention of wanting to alter EMS services. Yet the impression one might get from official communications is that a new town manager came to town, took aim at EMS, and is walking away.

But that’s not the full story. First off, the Brattleboro Selectboard told him to take on Rescue.

Both the current and former Chair of the Brattleboro Selectboard have confirmed that Town Manager Manale was not acting solo when it came to Rescue Inc actions and decisions.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – June 7, 2022

The Brattleboro Selectboard will emerge from another Executive Session to do something that isn’t done very often – update the boundaries of the voting districts in town, which will change representation at Representative Town meeting. This update is to conform with adjustments recently made by the state.

The board will also take up the Utility Fund, Parking Fund Budget, raises, and the Depot Street parking lot project. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation.