Groundworks Leans On Community Partners To Support Operations While Staff Grieve Loss of Leah

In the wake of the tragic loss of our coworker, Leah, Groundworks Collaborative has received a truly remarkable outpouring of support from our community, our organizational partners, and our state government.  In order to allow our wider community to appropriately respond to this loss, Groundworks will be collaborating with its many community partners to cover the services it provides.  This collaboration will allow Groundworks’ clients to continue to receive the services they need, while Groundworks’ staff take the time they need to grieve, assess, begin to heal, and return to work.   

“It is clear that our entire staff needs a pause in order to come together to grieve, work together toward healing, and figure out our way forward,” said Executive Director Josh Davis.

Brattleboro Water Main Flushing Schedule

Utilities Division crews will start Spring Flushing of the Town water mains on Friday, April 21 and continue through Friday, May 5.  Occasional daytime flushing will continue throughout the week of May 5th through 12th.  

Customers are asked to check the flushing schedule closely as flushing may cause water discoloration, low water pressure and in some areas, intervals of no water.  Users who experience a short period of discolored water or air in the water lines after flushing is complete should run the cold water for a few minutes to clear the lines.

Selectboard Member to Hold Office Hours at the Library

Hello, Brattleboro. Last evening I attended my first meeting as a member of the Brattleboro Selectboard. As has been discussed in various forums recently, openness of the Selectboard proceedings and the active solicitation of input from members of the community will be of paramount concern for the Board and the town administration in the coming year.

As one part of this process, beginning next week on April 12 and for the next six weeks, I will station myself in one of the meeting rooms on the mezzanine level of Brooks Memorial Library each Wednesday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. During this time, everyone is invited to come for conversation on pretty much any topic having to do with the town and its government.

Evaluating EMS Delivery

As the Town of Brattleboro continues to explore the future of Emergency Medical Services there is discussion happening in the State Assembly.

On March 22, 2023, beginning at 10:00 am, the Vermont House Health Care Committee took testimony on H. 263. [1] The recording of that over one and a half hour session is available for review on YouTube. [2] I highly recommend listening to the testimony. One of the details of the bill provides for the creation of a Regional Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Coordination Study Committee. [3] Overall the testimony itself provides excellent context for further discussion.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Board Chair Suggests Further Limiting Public Comment

selectboard april 4 23

New Brattleboro Selectboard members Peter Case and Franz Reichsman attended their first regular meeting since swearing-in. They were treated to discussions of rules and goals, the Windham Regional Commission, Representative Town Meeting, hazard mitigation, and more.

Town Manager John Potter suggested the board have a retreat to discuss short-term and longer-term goals and budgets, to which the board readily agreed.

Chair Ian Goodnow had an unusally rough night. He was 40 minutes past his usual 8 pm break time as he explained to the board his new goals for keeping the meeting on schedule. This included his new desire to limit public comments to just two minutes per person, per agenda item. 

Brattleboro Water Department 2022 Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report Available

The Town of Brattleboro Water Department’s annual Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report for 2022 is now available. This report can be viewed on line at and printed copies are available at the Department of Public Works, Tri-Park CO-OP Office, Guilford Country Store, Town Clerk’s Office and Treasurer’s office (both located in the Brattleboro Municipal Center) and at the I-91 Welcome Center in Guilford. 

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies

The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards:
ADA Committee
Arts Committee
Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC)
Design Review Board (Alternate)

Press Release – Brattleboro Gravel Road Conditions

This year DPW has changed how we inspect and report the conditions of Brattleboro’s gravel roads during mud season. The updated report will not be sent daily as in past years. Starting this week, you will see a sign at the beginning of each gravel road. The sign will have a color-coded section that indicates the current condition of the road and QR code that will take you directly to Maps-on-line for the conditions of all roads.  Instead of waiting for all of the roads to be checked to report each road be entered immediately which should speed up the reporting significantly.  Attached is a press release explaining the new procedure.

Daims’ March 21, 2023 Recollection of Remarks With Selectboard

Below is my recollection of remarks at tonight’s meeting.

The preliminaries are usually unremarkable and brief. But yesterday Jessica Gelter said that she mentioned the suppression of Kurt Daims/BCS written testimony in the notes of the previous meeting. Also two members were leaving the board. They all appreciated each other’s their devotion to democracy and fairness. Such flattering speeches are not usually brief. It was a good time to comment like this: