Brattleboro Water Department 2022 Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report Available

The Town of Brattleboro Water Department’s annual Consumer Confidence Report / Water Quality Report for 2022 is now available. This report can be viewed on line at and printed copies are available at the Department of Public Works, Tri-Park CO-OP Office, Guilford Country Store, Town Clerk’s Office and Treasurer’s office (both located in the Brattleboro Municipal Center) and at the I-91 Welcome Center in Guilford. 

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies

The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards:
ADA Committee
Arts Committee
Citizen Police Communications Committee (CPCC)
Design Review Board (Alternate)

Press Release – Brattleboro Gravel Road Conditions

This year DPW has changed how we inspect and report the conditions of Brattleboro’s gravel roads during mud season. The updated report will not be sent daily as in past years. Starting this week, you will see a sign at the beginning of each gravel road. The sign will have a color-coded section that indicates the current condition of the road and QR code that will take you directly to Maps-on-line for the conditions of all roads.  Instead of waiting for all of the roads to be checked to report each road be entered immediately which should speed up the reporting significantly.  Attached is a press release explaining the new procedure.

Daims’ March 21, 2023 Recollection of Remarks With Selectboard

Below is my recollection of remarks at tonight’s meeting.

The preliminaries are usually unremarkable and brief. But yesterday Jessica Gelter said that she mentioned the suppression of Kurt Daims/BCS written testimony in the notes of the previous meeting. Also two members were leaving the board. They all appreciated each other’s their devotion to democracy and fairness. Such flattering speeches are not usually brief. It was a good time to comment like this:

Vote Brattleboro as Strongest Town

Brattleboro is facing Dunnellen, New Jersey in the first round bracket of the Strongest Town Contest, with voters from across the continent deciding which will advance to the Elite Eight round of this March Madness-style tournament.

The Strongest Town Contest spotlights and celebrates communities that are continuously becoming more resilient and prosperous through bottom-up action.

Vote for Brattleboro at

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Spring 2023

Time for the regular “add your own” observation column. What’s going on around Brattleboro this spring?

Renaissance Jewelry is having a big sale and seemingly going out of business after quite a while on Main Street.
Rt 30 work is starting up again – some new guardrails installed near the edge of town.  The bigger observation is that flaggers are going to become a job of the past, replaced by robotics.

Brattleboro Downtown District Snow Removal

The Town of Brattleboro would like to remind everyone that the snow emergency ban is in effect.   

Snow and ice will be removed from the streets in the downtown area this evening.   

Parked vehicles in the downtown district must be removed by 11:00pm or they will be towed at the owner’s expense.