Brattleboro Committee Meeting Warnings

The Brattleboro Trustees of Public Funds will meet on Tuesday, August 8th, 2023 at 4:30pm in the Hanna Cosman Meeting Room.

The Brattleboro Charter Review Commission will meet on Thursday, August 10, 2023 at 6:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room.

Cedar Street Closure

At this time Brattleboro Emergency Services will have Cedar Street closed between the intersection with Sycamore Street and Linden ST (Route 30).  Motorists should plan alternate routes for the remainder of the day.  

Elm Street and Lynde Place Closure

On Tuesday, August 1 and Wednesday, August 2, Green Mountain Power will be working at the intersection of Elm Street and Lynde Place.  Elm Street and Lynde Place will be closed at that time.  The work is scheduled between the hours of 8:00 am and 4:00pm. Motorists should seek alternate routes.

August 16, 2023 Brattleboro Development Review Board Agenda


Training for Board members
Hearing Call to Order
Review and Approve Minutes of previous meeting.
Review of Cases/Public Hearings to be reviewed under the Brattleboro Land Use Regulations as warned on October 12, 2015.
 2023-84                G & L Enterprise, LLC; Residential Neighborhood District; request for Subdivision Approval to create a new 1.5 acre parcel off of Marlboro Road; Tax Map Parcel #200003.000

Brattleboro Firefighter Departures

If you missed the recent article , “Brattleboro faces blaze of firefighter departures amid town EMS takeover debate,” here is the link:

The takeaway quote, I believe, is: “ …since … June of last year, 16 staffers have departed. Of the latter firefighters who quit, five had worked multiple years before leaving, while 11 had been hired just days, weeks or months before their departures ….”

Bonnyvale Road Closing for Culverts

On Thursday, July 27 and Friday July 28, the Town has contracted A.S. Clark, to replace three culverts on Bonnyvale Road. Between 7:00am and 4:00pm, Bonnyvale Road will be closed between 986 Bonnyvale Rd (near Miller Road) and 1066 Bonnyvale Road (near the power lines.)  Emergency Services (and residents of 986-1066 Bonnyvale Road) will be able to access all addresses but there could be delays and detours involved.  

Maple Street Lights Off

Beginning on July 24, the street lights on Maple Street between Austine Drive and Guilford Street will be out or service through August 4, as Green Mountain Power works in the area.  Please plan accordingly if you use this area after dark, especially for walking or bicycling.

Brattleboro Selecboard Special Meeting Agenda and Notes

The Brattleboro Selectboard will be holding their July moments of public participation for anyone wishing to provide feedback and comments on the EMS plan.

They will also approve new land use regulations, and hear a report on plans for improvements to Living Memorial Park.  You can sometimes bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation, if the Chair allows.

Brattleboro EMS Request for Information

The town proposed a Request for Information (RFI) process on May 12, 2023 to identify potential EMS providers for Brattleboro. Vendors can provide input on the RFP’s structure, criteria, and requirements.

The Request for Proposal (RFP) will be developed based on feedback from the RFI responses, which the Select Board will review on July 25. Rescue Inc. enters Brattleboro EMS chat, Brattleboro Reformer, July 14, 2023.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, July 18, 2023 at 5:15pm in the Selectboard Meeting Room at the Municipal Center (230 Main Street). Prior to the business part of the meeting, at 5:15pm,  the Selectboard will conduct a committee interview with a  candidate for the Development Review Board. The Board will then make appointments to the Development Review Board during the business part of the meeting. Following Committee Appointments, the Selectboard is expected to immediately enter into executive session to discuss contracts, real estate and the evaluation of a public employee. After exiting the executive session, the Board is expected to immediately adjourn. No action will be taken in executive session.

Brattleboro Transportation Center Top Level Closing For Repairs

The top level (Level 4) of the Brattleboro Transportation Center will be closed for repairs from Monday, July 17 at 6:00am through Friday, July 28 at approximately 5:00pm. During this project there will be no parking available on Levels 4A and 4B. All other parking spots will be open as marked.

Please have all vehicles removed from Level 4 by 9:30 pm on Sunday, July 16. Any vehicles parked in this area after that will be towed at the owner’s expense.

Brattleboro Storm Update

As we approach the weekend, the Town of Brattleboro would like to provide several updates regarding the possibility of rain across the next four days.

On July 13, the Town’s Emergency Management Team received an update from the National Weather Service and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The National Weather Service anticipates possible storms in Brattleboro starting Thursday evening through Friday night and again on Sunday. However, the group indicated the risk of major flooding or significant loss of infrastructure in Brattleboro is low.

Canal Street Fire

On July 10, 2023, the Brattleboro Fire Department was dispatched on a first alarm assignment at 14:40 to 198 Canal Street for a report of a building fire. The first arriving units (Engine Two, Ladder 1, Car 2, and Ambulance 1) arrived on the scene at 14:43. Car Two reported a 2-story wood frame building with smoke showing from the “bravo” side. Crews from Engine Two and Ladder One entered the building with two (2) hand lines to extinguish the fire. A second alarm assignment was initiated for additional units and manpower to the scene to assist at 14:45.

Fire attack crews were able to locate and extinguish a fire on the first floor, second floor, and attic space. As additional crews arrived, a search of the building for occupants was completed. The one occupant (and dog) were located outside the building with no injuries.