Ask-a-Cop: License Plate Readers

“Can the police tell us a bit more about how the new license plate reader is being used?

What data does a license plate scanner collect? How many license plate scans have been done since the Brattleboro Police purchased the scanner? How many of those were “hits” associated with crimes or wrongdoings?

Are these records stored? For how long?”


Our license plate reader has been installed, but is not yet being used.  There were recently some changes in the law regarding their use and BPD officers have not been trained in those changes.

Renovations Begin in the Latchis -Theatre Fund Raising Goal Only $62,000 Away

The theatre is dark, the Earth is bare and Latchis Arts is reaching for the Heavens.  

The main theatre of the Latchis complex closed for renovations on August 1 and on that day, all 750 seats in the theatre were cleared from the auditorium.  Day 2 brought New England Scaffolding Co. to begin the task of filling the 30 foot high void with scaffolding high enough to reach the signs of the zodiac residing in the Heavens.  “We are thrilled that the seats and ceiling project is underway,” said Latchis Arts managing director Gail Nunziata.  “Months of planning with architect Jeremy Coleman and fund raising for the Campaign for The Heavens and The Earth by board and committee members have brought us to this moment.”

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Rink Repairs, SeVEDS Second Payment, and a Town Clerk Update

The Brattleboro Selectboard had no problems guiding the town at their first regular meeting without an official Town Manager at the helm. They even did it without their Chair, too.

The board navigated concerns about downtown sidewalks, skateboarders, and homeless people in the parks. They heard an update on the SeVEDS program and gave them a second check for $25,000. They received an overview of the Town Clerk’s office, and debated skating rink compressor options once again. 

The board discussed becoming another online news source for Brattleboro, and how best to prepare to hire locally for municipal projects with big budgets.

Invitation to Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast – “Networking for Sustainable Energy”

Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast – Networking for Sustainable Energy

The next “Brattleboro Citizens’ Breakfast” will take place on Friday,  August 16, 2013 at the Gibson Aiken Center, downstairs, hosted by Senior Meals. Doors open at 7:30am.

Jonathan Morse will hold a conversation on the Sustainable Energy Outreach Network (SEON)  ~ it’s purpose, past programs, and plans for the future. SEON is a “networking organization, passionately committed to the promotion of sustainable energy for the benefit of the public, businesses, educational institutions, and public sector organizations.

Reaching the Heavens – Latchis Closed for Renovations

As promised, the main theatre closed on August 1 and all the seats left the building that day. It was amazing!

Day 2 brought the scaffolding crew and they set to work, so that by Day 5 (today) they have reached the Heavens in some spots! What an achievement.

Many thanks to those of you who already donated to Latchis Arts’ Kickstarter Campaign as we continue to collect pledges toward the goal of $50,000 in 60 days for our seats and ceiling project.

If you haven’t checked it out yet, we urge you to take a look.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – August 6, 2013

Brattleboro will return to the discussion of skating rink repairs at the next regular Tuesday meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard. A grant for $100,000 will be accepted and applied to the cost, and a contractor to do the repairs will be chosen.

The board will hear from Town Clerk Annette Cappy about her department, will accept grants and grant permits, and may get to their long-scheduled discussions of local hiring and the town website.

You can bring up anything else not on the agenda during Public Participation. Attend in person at the Municipal Center on Main Street or watch on BCTV, and get the full report here the next day.

Huge Tag Sale Sunday Morning

Brattleboro Time Trade is having a huge tag sale tomorrow, Sunday, at 8AM at the Centre Congregational Church on Main St. I can presonally attest to the fact that there is A TON of stuff for sale, especially books, but lots of other things as well. So come on down!

Summer Volunteer Opportunities in Windham County

Mid-summer volunteer opportunities in Windham County.

Loaves and Fishes food shelf and kitchen on Main Street, Brattleboro, needs volunteer(s) with computer skills. Contact Green Mountain RSVP (802) 254 7515.

Halifax School needs a volunteer gardener. Contact Green Mountain RSVP (802) 254 7515.

Volunteers needed to help with Brattleboro Housing Authority/United Way summer lunch program, one-hour slots. Contact Green Mountain RSVP (802) 254 7515.

The Vermont Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired (VABVI) needs volunteer drivers, most particularly in Brattleboro, Putney, Bellow Falls, Saxtons River, Wilmington, West Dover. Mileage reimbursement available. Contact Green Mountain RSVP (802) 254 7515.

Harmony Lot Tunnel Will Be Closing

The Town of Brattleboro has been notified by representatives of Bread Loaf Construction, working on behalf of Mesabi Inc, that the Harmony Lot underpass will be closed to public access on August 6, 2013 at 6:00am. The closing is necessary to maintain public safety during the yearlong redevelopment of the Brooks House. It is anticipated that the underpass will be closed for the duration of the project.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Winter Farmers’ Market – Call for Vendors for 2013/2014

Vendor applications are now being accepted for the eighth season of the Winter Farmers’ Market which will again be held at the River Garden in the heart of Brattleboro, VT. Space for new vendors is limited but interested parties are encouraged to submit an application prior to the September 1 deadline.

The Winter Market opens on November 2 for the 2013/2014 season and will be open every Saturday through March 29, 2014 for a total of 22 markets. The regular market hours for the Winter Farmers’ Market will be 10 am to 2 pm with hours extended to 3 pm for the markets between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Brattleboro Committee Vacancies

The Town of Brattleboro is looking for citizens to serve on the following committees and boards:

Agricultural Advisory Board
Arts Committee
BASIC (Brattleboro Area Skatepark is Coming)
CPCC (Citizen Police Communications Committee)
Development Review Board Alternate
Fence Viewer (by statute, must be legal voter of the Town)
Honor Roll Committee
Inspector, Lumber Shingles & Wood
Senior Solutions Representative
SEVCA Representative
Skating Rink Committee – do not have to be residents of Brattleboro
Town Service Officer
Tree Advisory Committee

Reward Offered for Vehicle Fire Information

PRESS RELEASE On July 15, 2013 at 3:16am the Brattleboro Fire and Police Departments responded to 68 Birge St for a vehicle fire. After conducting an investigation it was deemed that this fire was an act of arson.

If anyone has any information concerning this fire, you are asked to contact Detective Eric Johnson of the Brattleboro Police at (802) 257-7946 or the VT Arson Tip Hotline at 1-800-32-ARSON (800-322-7766).

A reward is being offered for information that leads to the arrest and conviction of the individual(s) involved. 

Downtown Disruptions in Brattleboro

A section of the Whetstone Pathway near the Co-op is closed today for pavement repair. This is work left from the Co-op project. The Pathway will reopen tonight and close again tomorrow to finish the repair. We apologize for the lack of notice.

The work disrupting traffic in the downtown area is the phone company (Fairpoint) lowering a few of their manholes so our snowplows do not hit them in winter.

Brattleboro Public Works