I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update – Week of November 24, 2013


Northbound I-91 traffic has been relocated onto the southbound bridge. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge in the Fall of 2015.

There will be no night work the week of November 24th. Night work will resume the week of December 2nd, and will continue Sunday through Thursday nights for the next several months, until demolition is complete.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: No New Town Manager For Now, and Your Taxes Are Probably Going Up

To keep the town services the same as last year and pay our obligations, the property tax rate would need to go up by 16 cents. It’s a major problem that the Brattleboro Selectboard shared with the public at Tuesday night’s meeting as they pondered how much of a tax increase Brattleboro could handle, and discussed various options for cuts and revenue generation.

The town’s search for a new Town Manager was a bust, and the process will begin again in the near future.

The Plan for Red Clover Commons took a step forward with the board supporting Brattleboro Housing Authority’s need to formally “dispose” (an HUD term) of the Melrose property and buildings to enable the upcoming move to new developments.

Much of the rest of the meeting was dedicated to Brattleboro citizens who like to skate. The skating rink got the go-ahead for a series of improvements to improve the refrigeration and preserve the compressors. And now the Town of Brattleboro has an official skatepark site selection committee.

JFK Memorial Events In Nearby Greenfield, MA

“Every once in a while a Generation has a chance to look back and reflect as to the state of the world. This November 22nd offers such an opportunity; it will be 50 years since the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy. Most Americans don’t believe in the Warren Commission Report. What do you think? Was there a
military coup d’etat fifty years ago and a cover-up to this day?” …Jon Mark

On the eve of the anniversary consider the evidence in a documentary film by John Hankey, called: “Dark Legacy – George Bush and the Murder of John F. Kennedy.” It will be shown at the GREENFIELD GARDEN CINEMA,
Thursday, November 21st, 7:00 PM.

Vermont Speaker of the House Shap Smith To Be Guest Speaker at November Full Commission Meeting

Speaker of the House Shap Smith will be the guest speaker at the November Full Commission meeting of the Windham Regional Commission to be held Tuesday, November 19th at 7:00 p.m. at the Westminster Institute (3534 Route 5). He will share his perspective on the issues confronting the legislature and the state in the upcoming session.

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update – Week of November 17, 2013


Northbound I-91 traffic has been relocated onto the southbound bridge. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge in the Fall of 2015.

Night work on the existing I-91 bridge will begin on Sunday night, November 17th and will continue through Friday morning, November 22nd. Night work will continue Sunday through Thursday nights for the next several months, until demolition is complete.

Car Break in Suspects Arrested

Taken verbatim from the police report. More details are in the Reformer.

“Theft/Credit Card Fraud
November 15, 2013

Date of Incident: 11/14/13 1:30 am

Sgt. Witherbee

James Smith/ Arthur Jacobs IV 35/18

Brattleboro Police have been investigating numerous thefts from motor vehicles. The investigation led to James Eric Smith and Arthur Jacobs IV and Crystal Jobe. All three suspects were taken into custody by Brattleboro Police on 11/13/13.

Strolling of the Heifers Acquires River Garden, Announces Plans for Farm/Food Education Center

In a real estate transaction completed on Thursday, Nov. 14, Strolling of the Heifers has acquired the Robert H. Gibson River Garden property on Main Street in downtown Brattleboro.

The building was sold by Building a Better Brattleboro, the organization that built it in 2001 and has operated it since then.

Orly Munzing, founder and executive director of Strolling of the Heifers, announced that Strolling of the Heifers would launch a Farm/Food Education Center at the River Garden, with year-round programming, exhibits and events related to farming, local food and food systems.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – November 19, 2013

The Brattleboro Housing Authority will make an appearance at the next regular meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard. They will be presenting plans for the Red Clover Common, one of two new developments planned to relocate residents of Melrose Terrace, and asking the board for support.

The Skating Rink Committee will offer up suggestions for the refrigeration system at the rink, we’ll get an update on the search for a new Town Manager, and the Selectboard will have an easily-watchable discussion of the town budget plan for the first time in many years. If there’s something not on the agenda, you can bring it up during public participation.

Attend in person or watch on BCTV, and check here for the recap.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting – Personnel Matter

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 7:00am in the Hanna Cosman meeting room at the Municipal Center. It is anticipated that the Board will enter into executive session at 7:00am to discuss a personnel matter.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Brattleboro 2013 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes 2nd Installment Due

The second installment of the 2013 Real Estate and Personal Property Taxes will be due on November 15th, 2013. Payments made after November 15th, 2013 will have an additional 1% interest added to the unpaid balance.

The utility billing is also due on November 15th, 2013. Payments made after November 15th, 2013 will have an additional 1% interest, as well as an 8% penalty added to the unpaid balance.

Age Math Trick

Here is a math trick for you.

1. Start with your shoe size (No half-sizes, round up to nearest whole number).

2. Multiply it by 5.

3. Add 50.

4. Multiply by 20.

5. Add 1,013.

6. Subtract the year you were born.

The first digit (or first two digits) is your shoe size and the last two digits is your age!

Do You Recognize This Guy?

This just in from the Brattleboro Police Department]: The Brattleboro Police Department is trying to identify the suspect in the attached image.

He is a suspect associated in the theft of a backpack from a motor vehicle on Western Ave in Brattleboro. The theft of the backpack occurred on the afternoon of October 12, 2013.

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update – Week of November 10, 2013


Northbound I-91 traffic will be relocated onto the southbound bridge on Tuesday, November 12th. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge in the Fall of 2015.

Night work on the existing I-91bridge will begin on Tuesday night, November 12th and will continue for the next several months, until demolition is complete.

Route 30

The speed limit on Route 30 near the work zone has been reduced to 40 mph.