Brooks Development Plans Grand Opening

The 24 million dollar renovation of Brattleboro’s Brooks House will be celebrated on October 3 at 5p in the Brooks House Atrium in downtown Brattleboro. The Honorable Peter Shumlin, Governor of Vermont will be in attendance, along with Brooks House Development consisting of local businessmen Bob Stevens, Craig Miskovich, Ben Taggard, Pete Richards and Drew Richards.

A fire gutted the historic building, formerly a hotel, in April 2011. A few months later Tropical Storm Irene slammed the downtown area, causing significant flooding. Since that summer, the block-long Brooks House in the middle of Main Street has been boarded up and surrounded by tarps and scaffolding. A group of local businessmen and developers, formed to purchase and renovate it.

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of September 28


Northbound I-91 traffic has been relocated onto the southbound bridge. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge. The new bridge will be 104’ wide and is designed to carry all four lanes of traffic –two northbound and two southbound.

Route 30

The speed limit on Route 30 near the work zone has been reduced to 40 mph. This reduction will remain in effect through the Spring of 2016.

Project-related truck activity on Route 30 will continue. Route 30 will be reduced to a single lane intermittently both day and night, with flaggers regulating traffic within the work zone.

Vermont Accountants Selected for Prestigious Top 10 Award

The National Academy of Public Accounting Professionals (NAPAP) has named its 2014 “Top 10 Public Accounting Professionals” for Vermont. The award winners include:

• Jerry Bowin of McSoley McCoy in South Burlington
• Renee Bourget-Place of KPMG in Colchester
• John Davis of Davis & Hodgdon Associates in Williston
• James Donohue of Gallagher Flynn & Co. in South Burlington
• Christopher Goulette of A.M. Peisch & Co. in Saint Albans
• Marcia Merrill of Montgomery Merrill in Burlington
• John Meyer of Pieciak & Co. in Brattleboro

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of September 21

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from thoughts of marching, hopes of changing:


Japanese lessons
Chair Caning
Mahalo Music Festival
After-school care for ages 3 through 12
Interior Design & Organization
Dog Walking / Puppy Obedience

Brattleboro Arts Committee Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Arts Committee will meet on Tuesday, September 23, 2014 at 4:00pm in the Selectboard meeting room at the Municipal Center.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Talk Like a Pirate

Arrh! Today is officially “International Talk Like A Pirate Day”.

To help you get started:

Ahoy, me Hearties!

Avast ye

Blow me down!

Dead men tell no tales

Hang ‘im from the yardarm

Community Input on Future Use of Melrose Terrace

Thanks to everyone for the suggestions for the future life of Melrose Terrace. They came via email, mail, phone, in person, and here on ibrattleboro. Some are practical, some fanciful, some a bit tongue-in-cheek, but we asked for all ideas. There were a few that have not been included because they clearly were sarcastic comments on the process and those involved.

The ideas seemed to run on a continuum – leave it as for housing or another use to modified to active open space to natural open space to complete redevelopment. Many of the ideas blend between the categories. Many ideas are similar but all have been included because they have a slightly different approach.

Kilburn Joins Youth Services Board

New Board Member Join Youth Services Brattleboro— Bobbi Kilburn of Westminster, recently joined 15 other community members in serving on Youth Services’ board of directors. Through 10 programs ranging from Court Diversion to Big Brothers Big Sisters, the nonprofit agency helps Windham County children, youth, and families thrive.

The board and staff are looking forward to tapping Kilburn’s background in financial management and business consulting services, as well as her willingness to help with the many fundraising activities of the organization.

Better Business Bureau: Scams, Fraud & Identity Theft

Join Amy Schram, Community Outreach Specialist for The Better Business Bureau, on Wednesday, September 17, at 7 PM, in the library’s meeting room for a program on Scams, Fraud & Identity Theft. 

The talk will  cover the most common tactics scam artists are using to obtain our personal information and steal our identities, the major Red Flags to watch out for, and the precautionary steps we can use to protect ourselves from falling victim to fraudulent activity.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: Necessary PAYT Fees & The Question of Human Services

The Pay As You Throw Working Group is leaning toward high fees for Act 148 compliance, the Brattleboro Selectboard learned Tuesday evening. The “necessary fee” isn’t yet calculated, but is suggested to be calibrated to cover the costs of all tipping fees, program costs, and program materials, and no sliding scale for low income residents is planned.

The board also contemplated cuts to human service funding, and asked for citizen input on the question. The Police received a grant to improve their abilities to unlock and look at everything on your phone, tablet, or GPS device. (Your silly passwords are useless.)

Other grants were received and community members stepped up to serve on town committees and boards. All this and more, below.

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of September 14

Brattleboro Time Trade:

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade is all about!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from a view:


Citizen’s Awareness Breakfast at the Senior Center
FREE Garden Bed Edging
Learn to Sell on E-Bay
Borrow My Chimney Brush
Guitar or Piano/Keyboard Lessons
Computer Assistance – Brattleboro/Townshend/Newfane
Tutoring in Biology, Chemistry, or English
Resume Revision/Composition

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – September 16, 2014

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hear a preliminary report from the Pay As You Throw working group at their next regular Tuesday meeting. The police and fire departments will receive grants and a number of people will be appointed as delegates and committee members.

Tune in and watch on BCTV, or attend in person. You can bring up items not otherwise on the agenda during Public Participation, and you can read all about the meeting the next day right here.
