Selectboard Special Meeting Notes: The Town Review, Grant Rejections, & A Really Rural Discussion

The Brattleboro Selectboard held a special meeting Tuesday evening to talk of town operations, enterprise budgets and funds, and to learn more about proposed changes in Brattleboro’s Land Use Regulations. The board also learned of setbacks in funding for the repair of the Green Street retaining wall, and a small grant was applied for, in hopes of helping to create a West Brattleboro connecting trail.

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of May 10

Brattleboro Time Trade: 

Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.

See below for more exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade can do for you!

How Time Trade Works: You do something for someone and earn time credits for your “bank,” which you can then put towards someone else doing something for you! It’s that simple – and amazing!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from summer jammies:

OFFERS (i.e. things people could do for you):

Pets For Rent
Long Distance Reiki Treatments
Reading Aloud
12 Organic Potatoes Need Mound-Homes – Free!
Need A Ride?

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of May 10


Northbound I-91 traffic has been relocated onto the southbound bridge. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge. The new bridge will be 104’ wide and is designed to carry all four lanes of traffic –two northbound and two southbound.

Route 30

Night work adjacent to Route 30 will continue this week, but will not affect traffic.

Burn Ban in Brattleboro and Vermont

Last night’s showers did little to ease the dry conditions in the area. The State of VT and local burn ban is still in effect until May 19 or until it is revoked or extended.

The burn ban means that there is no burning until the order is revoked or expired.

Michael Bucossi
Fire Chief
Brattleboro Fire Department
103 Elliot Street
Brattleboro, VT 05301
(802) 254-4831

Transformer Fire Shuts Indian Point


“A transformer exploded at the Indian Point nuclear power plant in suburban New York. (35 mi. from NYC).

The blaze, which sparked an oil leakage, forced the automatic shutdown of the facility’s Unit 3 reactor, which sits near the Hudson River and supplies five per cent of the power to the state.

The fire – which was seen sending plumes of smoke into the air by passersby on the other side of the river – was quickly extinguished and the reactor was deemed safe and stable,

Burton Car Wash & Detailing on Canal Street is Closing!

They are giving away free food, drinks, & 99 cent car washes until 5:00 today. Owner Connie Burton says that small business costs are a factor. They are one of the most community-minded small businesses around! Get down there this afternoon and tell Connie and her employees how much you appreciate their business services and their service to the community!

To Protect and Serve…

Welcome To The USA – Police Officer Throws Grandfather to the Ground, Paralyzing Him – Video

The dirty secret about the attack on Sureshbhai Patel is that a homeowner called in and reported him as, “…a skinny black guy, he’s got a toboggan on, he’s really skinny.”

Brattleboro Tree Advisory Committee Meeting Agendas

The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Committee will hold a special meeting on Monday, May 11, 2015 at 2:00pm on the Brattleboro Common at the gazebo.

The Brattleboro Tree Advisory Committee will hold a regular meeting on Tuesday, May 12, 2015 at 7:00pm in the Hanna Cosman meeting room at the Municipal Center.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

VBike – Creating a Bicycle Revolution in Vermont!

Happy spring to Ibrattleboro folks!

Some of you may know the work that has been happening in Brattleboro to rethink, revamp and re-energize the bike and bike culture towards a way more transport-oriented future. We’re talking about a bike revolution and now it’s going statewide – family cargobikes, e-assist options and all sort of designs for commuters, seniors & even businesses. Really, now almost anyone can ride with ease, even over our crazy, hilly Vermont terrain…

Next WBA Meeting Scheduled for Thursday May 14

The next monthly meeting of the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) will be held at the New England House
on Thursday, May 14th at 6:00 PM. After a review of the treasury the group will finalize details for their successful annual Chicken Barbecue, this year on Saturday, May 23rd. They will also discuss having a joint mixer in July with the Brattleboro Chamber of Commerce again this year.

In addition, the WBA will tackle organization issues such as next steps toward making the group officially non-profit, along with capacity issues.  (Having enough people to take on all the tasks!)

Selectboard Meeting Notes: New Brattleboro Zoning Districts

Brattleboro’s new, proposed district boundaries were presented and discussed at the regular meeting of the Selectboard. The presentation was an introduction to new land use regulations the town hopes to adopt later this year.  It is a big, important change for the town, and the board was sad that no one was there to report on it, or even attend. No one!

Also at the meeting, Selectboard goals were approved, distillers will be featured at a Heifer’s event in June, police officers were sworn in to new positions, the ADA Committee is restructured, and more.

Read on for more. And don’t tell the Selectboard! They don’t seem to know we do this.

Four Alarm Fire at Melchin Road

Today the weather service issued warnings about brush fires. It’s dry, windy, and and generally ideal circumstances for a brush fire. And that’s what happened.

Nearby, a brush fire at 493 Melchin Road has grown into a 4 alarm affair, with 50 acres going, according to the mutual aid folks and observers at a fire tower in Massachusetts. Brush trucks and tankers from all over the region have been called in.

The size of the fire has grown considerably. 50 acres at 3:30 p.m; 10-15 acres going closer to 2:30.

Safety Improvement Project at Western Avenue, Union Hill, Cedar Street

A Safety Improvement Project at the intersection of Western Avenue, Union Hill, and Cedar Street will begin on Tuesday, May 5, 2015 with a projected completion in June, approximately six weeks. The Department of Public Works will be working on the project from 7:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. daily.

During this construction period, Union Hill and Cedar Street will be closed at the intersection and pedestrian traffic will be allowed via a temporary crosswalk.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – May 5, 2015

The first of a series of necessary repairs to the Municipal Center will be approved at the next regular Tuesday meeting of the Brattleboro Selectboard.

Goals will be adopted, Police will be sworn-in, and the Planning Services Department will give a presentation about changes to Brattleboro’s district boundaries. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation. Watch on BCTV, and read about it here.

Brattleboro ADA Advisory Committee Agenda

The Brattleboro ADA Advisory Committee will meet on Friday, May 8, 2015, at 10:00am at Marlboro College Graduate Center in the VCIL conference room.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100