Let’s Play Brattorama!

Brattorama has BEGUN! Grab your gameboard from last week’s Commons, today’s Reformer, Baker’s Hallmark, or The Marina! You can also stop in to our new Putney Rd brach in Black Mtn. Square, see our newest solar powered digs and pick one up!

Grab a sticker from five different gameboard businesses, and you will be entered to win a gift card to a Putney Road business. Collect 15 stickers and be entered to win a $1,000 BS&L 12 month CD! Keep an eye out on our facebook page for news about a different featured Brattorama buiness each day. Game ends on September 23rd, drop your gameboards off at either BS&L branch.

Let the games begin!

Brattleboro Tree Committee Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Tree Committee will meet on Tuesday, September 8, 2015, at 7:00pm in the Hanna Cosman meeting room at the Municipal Center.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Main Street Sidewalk Update #6

Good morning! We have seen some big changes since our last update! On Thursday a subcontractor came in and installed all the new curb from Walnut Street to High Street. Green Mountain Power came in on Wednesday and installed two of our new street lights at the Walnut Street intersection and they look GREAT! To date, the contractor has completed all the sidewalk removal and electrical conduit installation from Walnut Street to High Street. The driveway crossings and many of the pedestrian ADA ramps have been installed.

Next week (there will be no work on Monday for Labor Day) the sidewalk subcontractor will be onsite to get all the new sidewalks installed from Walnut Street to High Street!

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of September 6

To reduce congestion on I-91, both Exit 3 on ramps will be closed on Labor Day, Monday, September 7 from 11:00 am to 6:00 pm. I-91 will remain open.


See above re closure of the Exit 3 on ramps on Labor Day.

The blasting on the north side of the new bridge has been completed.

Northbound I-91 traffic has been relocated onto the southbound bridge. Traffic will remain reduced to one lane in each direction on I-91 until completion of the new bridge.

Brattleboro Labor Day Closings

In observance of Labor Day, all Town offices will be closed on Monday, September 7, 2015, with the exception of emergency services.

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Sunday, September 6, and Monday, September 7. All other violations will be enforced.

Selectboard Meeting Notes: A Million Dollar Gamble, a Resource Center, and an Imposing Tower

Major industrial development near Exit 1 got a hearty endorsement from the Brattleboro Selectboard on Tuesday evening. Over $1 million in loans and grants have been approved to be spent on an effort to convince a local employer to keep good paying jobs in Brattleboro. There are good odds that G. S. Precision will stay, but plans are not yet final.

A proposed Putney Road telecommunications tower was found to be objectionable enough to trigger a letter of concern to the Public Service Board, Groundworks collaborative will be moving forward to help the homeless with food and shelter through a planned resource center downtown, the Our Town grant selection committee was appointed, and more.

First Public Hearing on the Draft Brattleboro Land Use Regulations

Monday, August 31, 6 p.m.
Brattleboro Municipal Center, Selectboard Meeting Room

This will be the first of two public hearings the Planning Commission will hold on the draft Brattleboro Land Use Regulations. The second hearing will be on Wednesday, September 9, also at 6 p.m. in the Selectboard Meeting Room.

The revised draft is available for review online and at the Brattleboro Planning Services Department, Town Clerk’s Office and the Brooks Memorial Library.This is an entirely new set of land use regulations that will affect the entire town, replacing the current Brattleboro Zoning Ordinance and Brattleboro Subdivision Regulations.

BS&L Slated to Open New Branch Monday, Aug. 31

BRATTLEBORO, Vt. – Brattleboro Savings & Loan will open its new branch in Black Mountain Square on Putney Road, Brattleboro on Monday, Aug. 31.

The new location represents months of building and renovation and is the latest entirely solar-powered bank branch operated by BS&L, which became the first completely solar-powered bank in Vermont earlier this year.

To introduce the new branch and call attention to the vibrant business community in Brattleboro’s Putney Road area, BS&L will also celebrate with Brattorama, a Monopoly-style game for all residents, from Sept. 9 – 23. More than 30 North End businesses have signed on as partners, each with their own spot on the Brattorama game board and stickers that can be collected to win prizes ranging from gift certificates to a $1,000 Savings CD from BS&L.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – September 1, 2015

The Town of Brattleboro will consider its role in a planned multi-million dollar expansion of the Exit 1 industrial park at the next regular meeting of the Selectboard, on Tuesday at the Municipal Center on Main Street. The proposed project will be in conjunction with the Brattleboro Development Credit Corporation and will extend town services to make more land developable. And keep G. S. Precision in town.

The board will also consider proposed changes to parking ordinances, support for the Groundworks Housing Resource Center planning project, a decision on a cell phone tower, and more. Watch on BCTV, and/or read about it here after the meeting.

Main Street Sidewalk Update #5

This is our fifth update on the Main Street Sidewalk Project. For those of you who are regularly downtown, you will have seen a flurry of activity!

This week curbing and sidewalk was removed all the way down to Centre Congregational Church. The contractor was able to install much of the conduit in that area for the underground electrical lines for the street lights. Green Mountain Power has completed the installation of the bases for the new light poles. The contractor has also began replacing some of the ramps and sidewalks in the areas across driveways on the northern end of the project. Our job site even survived the rain storm on Tuesday!

Senator Leahy To Join Nonprofits to Mark the Start of Construction of Red Clover Commons

− Nonprofits Respond to Damage from Tropical Storm Irene−

Senator Patrick Leahy will join Brattleboro Housing Partnerships and Housing Vermont to celebrate the start of construction of new senior housing. Red Clover Commons, a 55-unit development located on Fairground Road, will replace public housing at Melrose Terrace which was damaged during Tropical Storm Irene. While that damage was repaired, it was clear that seniors and those with disabilities needed to be relocated to a safer site.

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of August 30

Blasting operations on the north side of the new bridge will resume the week of August 31. The target time for the blasts is weekdays between 1:30-2:00 pm. To ensure travelers’ safety, rolling roadblocks will be implemented on I-91, and traffic will be stopped for approximately 15 minutes at the Exit 2 northbound on-ramp and at the Exit 3 on-ramps in both directions. Sound impacts associated with the blasting will be minimal.

Main Street Sidewalk Update 4

This is our fourth update for the Main Street Sidewalk Reconstruction Project. This week our contractor completed all the advanced warning signage installation around town.

The Public Works crew has been working closely with Green Mountain Power to get the new street lights installed as well. We currently have all of the concrete removed at the new pole locations and 11 of the light bases are installed.

Pass With Care Signs

Have you noticed these signs around town lately? 

They have been distributed through the Safe Streets Project, a town committee whose mission is to create a culture of respect and increase civility and safety on our streets for everyone through awareness and education activities.
Remember that cyclists only travel around 10 mph and they, like you, have a destination.
Give respect, get respect. Safety is a two-way street.

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of August 23

Blasting operations on the north side of the new bridge have stopped temporarily, and will resume mid-week the week of the 23rd. The target time for the blasts is weekdays between 1:30-2:00 pm. To ensure travelers’ safety, rolling roadblocks will be implemented on I-91, and the Exit 2 northbound on-ramp and the Exit 3 on-ramps in both directions will be closed for approximately 15 minutes. Sound impacts associated with the blasting will be minimal.


See above re blasting scheduled for this week.