Untimely Death on Old Ferry Road is Suspicious

State Police Updates and Press Release:


The Brattleboro Police Department and the Vermont State Police continue to investigate the untimely death of Sultan Rashed. Investigation has revealed that this death is not a suicide and in fact a death with suspicious circumstances. Investigation suggests this is not a random act and does not suggest any threats to the public in general. An autopsy is scheduled for today at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and will focus on the cause and manner of death. 
Anyone who had contact with Sultan Rashed from 11/8/15 – 11/9/15 is asked to contact the Vermont State Police or the Brattleboro Police Department.

Brooks Memorial Library Director Selected – Starr LaTronica

We at BML are very excited and proud to have Starr LaTronica as our new Library Director beginning on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2016. LaTronica was recruited through an extensive search process by a committee that included the Brattleboro Town Manager and representatives of the public, the library Board of Trustees, and the staff. She will succeed the retiring current Library Director, Jerry Carbone.

LaTronica, youth services/outreach manager, Four County Library System, Binghamton, N.Y., is the president of the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC), a division of the American Library Association (ALA). LaTronica received her MLS in 1980 from University of California, Berkeley, and has been an ALSC member for more than 27 years.

Brattleboro Veterans’ Day Closings

In observance of Veterans’ Day, all Brattleboro town offices will be closed on Wednesday, November 11, 2015, with the exception of emergency services.

Parking is free at all metered spaces and in the pay-and-display lots on Wednesday, November 11. All other violations will be enforced.

Brooks Memorial Library will be closed on Wednesday, November 11, 2015.

Secretary of State Jim Condos Brings Transparency Tour to Brattleboro

Monday, November 9th at 6pm

Montpelier, VT—Vermont Secretary of State Jim Condos is continuing his third biennial Transparency Tour with a stop in Brattleboro on Monday, November 9, 2015. The presentation, focusing on laws about open and transparent government, will be held at Brattleboro Town Hall at 6pm.

“Since taking office, one of my main priorities has been transparency in government. I am pleased to have the opportunity to visit communities all over the state and discuss open meeting and public records laws with municipal and state officials, local government boards, and the public,” stated Condos.

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of November 8

Brattleboro Time Trade:   Exchanging services, creating connections, strengthening communities, one hour at a time.  See below for more exciting Upcoming Events and learn what Time Trade can do for you!

How Time Trade Works: You do something for someone and earn
time credits for your “bank,” which you can then put towards someone
else doing something for you! It’s that simple – and amazing!

This week’s fabulous listings, brought to you from a tired mind:

OFFERS (i.e. things people could do for you):

DIRT for Fill or Landscaping (Flowers, not Veggies) – Come
and Get It!
Learn Reiki
Upright Piano Available!
Waltz & Contra Lessons
Organize Computer Files and Email
Leaf Raking

Valgar Street Fire Press Release


Date of Incident: November 7, 2015
Location of Incident: 16-38 Valgar St

Nature of Call: Building Fire

Time Reported: 6:06am
Time Under Control: 8:33am

Number of Alarms and Times Upgraded: 2nd alarm @ 6:09am; 3rd alarm at 6:16am; 4th alarm@ 7:00am

Type of Building: 2 ½ story multi-family
# of Apartments: 12

Brattleboro Arts Committee Meeting Agenda

The Brattleboro Arts Committee will meet on Tuesday, November 10, 2015, at 4:00pm at the Latchis Theatre (50 Main Street) in the main theatre. NOTE the change in location for this meeting.

Jan Anderson
Executive Secretary
Brattleboro Town Manager’s Office
(802) 251-8100

Next West Brattleboro Association Meeting Scheduled for Thursday, November 12th

The next monthly meeting of the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) will be preceded by a potluck supper held at the home of Tom and Cecile French, 123 Juniper Ridge Road, on Thursday, November 12, at 5:30 PM. Members of the WBA and guests including West B residents and business owners are invited to bring something to share with their neighbors and join in the meeting afterward.

After a review of the treasury report and updates on the status of welcome signs and the outdoor cinema initiative, the WBA will talk about having their annual Holiday Party in December.

Initiating a West B Welcoming Letter will also be on the agenda in addition to discussion about whether to and, if so, how to seek new money to support the Neighborhoods Fund.

Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Notes and Agenda for November 10, 2015

The Brattleboro Selectboard will be holding a big party Tuesday night. Just kidding. They will be holding a special meeting to begin discussion of the FY17 Budget, and to quite possibly adopt new Land Use Regulations for the Town of Brattleboro, an event that last occured in the 1980s. So perhaps there will be a party of some sort.

You are encouraged, invited, summoned, requested, asked, appealled for, solicited, incited, provoked and generally called forth into attending this meeting and expressing your views on these and other matters.

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Business Not Quite As Usual

A few atypical work items were undertaken by the Brattleboro Selectboard at Tuesday’s meeting. These are things that boards do, but just not that often. 

The board bought and sold property, announced a new library director, held a close-out hearing on a Brooks House grant that got a bit heated, and contemplated long-term strategies for staffing and economic development. Plans for public meetings on the Police-Fire project’s latest form were also set, and more.

Hinesburg Road Fire – Press Release


Date of Incident: 11/02/15
Location of Incident: Hinesburg Road
Nature of Call: Reported basement fire
Time Reported: 5:14pm
Time Under Control: 6:03pm
Number of Alarms and Times Upgraded: 2nd alarm transmitted @ 5:26pm

RT 30 Closing Scheduled For Thursday

On Thursday, November 5, Route 30 under I-91 will be closed from approximately 6:00AM to 8:00 PM to ensure the safety of the traveling public when we pour concrete for the new bridge in a location above Route 30.

Cindy Cook
Principal, Adamant Accord, Inc.
Past Vice President, Association for Conflict Resolution

Rt 30 Closing Now On Thursday, Or Friday

The Route 30 closure under I-91 that was scheduled for Wednesday has been rescheduled to Thursday or Friday. We will get a notice out as soon as we know which day will work. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Cindy Cook
Principal, Adamant Accord, Inc.
Past Vice President, Association for Conflict Resolution 

RT 30 Closing On Wednesday, Weather Permitting

On Wednesday, November 4, the section of Route 30 immediately under 1-91 will be closed from approximately 5:00AM to 8:00 PM to ensure the safety of the traveling public when we pour concrete for the new bridge above Route 30. This work is weather dependent, and may need to be rescheduled.

Cindy Cook
Principal, Adamant Accord, Inc.
Past Vice President, Association for Conflict Resolution

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda & Notes – November 3, 2015

At their first Tuesday meeting in November, the Brattleboro Selectboard will consider overfilling the police department staff positions in an effort to help better retain and recruit new police officers.

The board will have some land transactions to undertake, will annouce committee vacancies, re-annouce meeting dates, and will have a discussion of economic development strategy. You can bring up other items not on the agenda during public participation at the start of the meeting.

Watch on BCTV and read about it all here after the meeting.