Next WBA Meeting on March 10th to Feature Q&A with District 1 Town Meeting Members
The next monthly meeting of the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) will be held on Thursday, March 10th at 6:00 PM in the Hayes Court Community Room on Garfield Drive (just west of the W Bratt PO). After a review of the treasury report, the WBA will discuss the status of the welcome signs and other pending issues.
A feature of this month’s meeting is the WBA hosting of District 1 Town Meeting representatives at 7:00 that evening. This is a chance for area residents to engage in an informal Q&A regarding the warrants for the upcoming March 12th Special Town Meeting which will specifically address the proposed police/fire facilities upgrade, and to engage them in a discussion about the March 19th Annual Representative Town Meeting. This part of the meeting will be facilitated by West Brattleboro’s own Orion Barber.