Brattleboro Excavation and Trench Permits Required

Beginning this construction season anyone performing excavation work in the Town of Brattleboro right-of-way or on systems involving Town infrastructure must have an Excavation and Trench Permit. The permit will allow Public Works to have greater communication with homeowners and contractors about Town infrastructure and important steps for a safe workplace prior to beginning excavation. It will also ensure that at the end of the project that the ground surface covers (pavement, concrete, plantings) are left in proper condition.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – April 2, 2024

A relatively easy first official Brattleboro Selectboard meeting for new Chair Daniel Quipp is scheduled for Tuesday. The Consent Agenda is ample, there are some board rules and assignments to take care of, and there will be some discussion of the recent Representative Town Meeting.

The big discussion could be that the board might use property taxes to pay for matching costs associated with replacing the Rt 9 bridge at Melrose Place.  The Town’s share has risen from half a million to $1.6 million since 2021.

You can once again, one assumes, bring up any other item not on the agenda during public participation.

Brattleboro Planning Commission Meeting: April 1, 2024 at 6:00 pm

6:15 – 6:50 Downtown Economic Development
Guest: Kate Traszkos, Downtown Brattleboro Alliance Executive Director
Presentation about downtown economic development efforts, data, and opportunities for the Planning Commission to engage in inventory efforts.

6:50 – 7:05 Vernon Dam Relicensing
Endorse comment letter to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission regarding the Vernon Dam relicensing.

Top Floor of Brattleboro Transportation Center Temporarily Closed

Please be advised that the top floor of the Transportation Center has been closed for maintenance starting March 22, 2024. The closure will remain in effect throughout the next few weeks as a fence is installed around a portion of the top deck.

To prioritize safety, a temporary fence will be erected while preparations and construction of a permanent installation are underway.

Brattleboro Selectboard Organizational Meeting Agenda – March 26, 24

The Brattleboro Selectboard’s Organizational Meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 at 6:15pm, in the Selectboard Meeting Room (230 Main Street, RM 212) and over Zoom. The attached agenda contains information on how to access the meeting remotely, including the required “passcode.”  Closed captioning will be available for the deaf and hard of hearing.

Noticed Around Brattleboro – Spring 2024 Edition

A place to make note of little things you see in and around Brattleboro, such as:

New bigger stronger electric poles going in along Rt 30 between the Retreat farm area and the bakery.
Work taking apart the motel in West B continues.
Potholes! Some are so big the Rec & Parks Department will begin maintaining them as swimming pools.

Adventures In Used Car Buying in Brattleboro

I just went through the process of buying a used car from a local dealership – twice! I thought I’d share what happened in case you are considering getting yourself something new or used to drive.

The Realization

Last summer I came to a point in the proverbial road where a choice had to be made – spend some money fixing up my older car, or look for something newer. Both options had pros and cons. 

Upper Dummerston Road Closure March 19

On Tuesday March 19th the Brattleboro Highway Division will replace a failed culvert on Upper Dummerston road, near House #1111. Crews will start at 7:30 am with alternating one lane traffic while they prep the area. At 10:00am this section of road will be closed to traffic, as they install the new culvert pipe. A full closure is expected from 10:00am to 1:00pm. After the full closure, residents should expect alternating traffic for the remainder of the day. Residents should plan accordingly and seek alternate routes. Emergency services are aware of this closure and will implement a plan to continue to provide any services needed beyond this closure.    

Groundworks Promotes Libby Bennett To Be New Executive Director

Libby Bennett.

BRATTLEBORO—The Board of Directors of Groundworks Collaborative has announced that Libby Bennett, formerly the agency’s Director of Development & Communications, has accepted the offer to lead the organization as its new Executive Director.  

Bennett has been on staff with the agency since joining the Morningside Shelter team in 2012. Previously, she served as an intern for the organization in 2011 while completing practicum work toward her master’s degree in non-profit management from the SIT Graduate Institute.  

Bennett points back to volunteering for overnight shifts at Brattleboro’s Seasonal Overflow Shelter in 2010/2011 as her earliest interaction with the agency—inspired to volunteer after hearing a presentation from the founder of Brattleboro Area Drop-In Center, Melinda Bussino. 

Brattleboro Planning Commission and Conservation Commission Workgroup Agenda: March 15, 2024

A workgroup of members of the Brattleboro Planning Commission and Conservation Commission will meet on Friday, March 15 at 9:00 am in the Planning Department meeting room. They are meeting to discuss comments for the Town of Brattleboro to submit to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) regarding the relicensing of the Vernon Dam.

Brattleboro District 3/9 Forum

Brattleboro Residents of District 3/9 are invited to attend the third annual District 3 forum where we will hear your questions and concerns in advance of Brattleboro’s Representative Town Meeting. The forum, organized by Robert Oeser and David Levenbach, will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church, 161 Western Avenue, at 3 pm on Sunday March 17. For more information, write or call 413.559.1533.

Brattleboro Selectboard Meeting Agenda and Notes – March 5, 2023

The Brattleboro Selectboard has decided to have a tiny meeting on Vermont’s Town Meeting Day. While everyone else will be looking over vote totals and analyzing candidate and issue wins and losses, the board will discuss upcoming legislation at the state level this season, public safety, and committees.  They will likely squeeze in reactions to local election news as well. 

You can bring up other items, if this Chair allows, during Public Participation.

Brattleboro Select Board Candidate

I am Jaki Reis and I am running for Select board here in Brattleboro. You may know me from the 22 years that I’ve lived and worked downtown. Maybe we met at Brown and Roberts, or at the Chamber or the River Gallery School, or at the Latchis Theater. I have been close to so many who know me as their neighbor, friend, and fellow volunteer.

I have gained a rich understanding of how we all live and the concerns and complaints that we all share. Like most of you, I love this town a great deal, and I’m happy to have a chance to contribute to the Select board in doing its job.

Brattleboro Town Clerk’s Office Closed March 5, 2024

The Brattleboro Town Clerk’s office will be closed all day on Tuesday, March 5, 2024 in order to run the Town Meeting elections, which will be held at the American Legion from 7am-7pm. The Town Clerk’s office will also be closed to the public on the morning of Wednesday, March 6. On Wednesday, March 6, 2024, the Town Clerk’s office will reopen at noon (12:00pm).

Brattleboro Gravel Road Warning Sign System

DPW will continue inspecting and reporting the conditions of Brattleboro’s gravel roads during mud season as we did last year.

The updated report will not be sent daily as in past years. Starting in the coming days, you will see a sign at the beginning of each gravel road. The sign will have a color-coded section that indicates the current condition of the road and QR code that will take you directly to Maps-on-line for the conditions of all roads.  Instead of waiting for all of the roads to be checked to report each road be entered immediately which should speed up the reporting significantly.  Attached is a press release explaining the new procedure.