Brattleboro Selectboard Special Meeting Agenda, March 15, 2017

The Brattleboro Selectboard will hold a special meeting on Wednesday, March 15, 2017 at 6:00pm, in the Academy School gymnasium, just prior to the Representative Town Meeting Informational Session. It is anticipated that the Board will enter into executive session at 6:00pm to discuss negotiating or securing of real estate purchase or lease options, and immediately adjourn after the executive session.

Expired Tags

Just found myself driving behind a Vermont state trooper vehicle. It was an unmarked van, but the plate said that it was a state trooper plate, #530.  

Brattleboro Town Meeting Informational Forum and District Caucuses – Public Invited

Brattleboro Town Selectboard will hold a pre-town meeting information forum on Wednesday, March 15 at Academy School beginning at 7:00 PM. At 6:30 p.m., town meeting members of each district will be available to meet with constituents to offer residents an opportunity to share their views and discuss articles to be voted on at the annual meeting. Also, at that time, all three districts will be accepting nominations to fill town meeting member vacancies for 1 year.

Walking On The I-91 Bridge in Brattleboro

A beautiful, clear, cold day in Brattleboro for a town field trip to the new I-91 bridge, for a rare chance to walk across the bridge before it is opened to traffic. Many people took advantage of the offer of free bus rides to the site, departing from the BUHS parking lot at regular intervals.

Next WBA Meeting on March 9th to Feature Q&A with District 1 Town Meeting Members

The next monthly meeting of the West Brattleboro Association (WBA) will be held on Thursday, March 9th at 6:00 PM in the Hayes Court Community Room on Garfield Drive (just west of the W Bratt PO). After a review of the treasury report and the 2017 budget, the Neighborhoods Fund, and BizUp activities, the WBA will discuss various potential uses of the balance in the Sign Fund.