Windham Regional Career Center Offers Spring 2017 Community Education and Training Programs

The Windham Regional Career Center at Brattleboro Union High School is pleased to announce their Community Education and Training Programs for this spring. Betsy Gentile, Workforce Development Manager and Adult Education Coordinator has coordinated 16 community education and training programs to meet the needs of area employers and their employees as well as providing personal and professional enrichment opportunities for all community members.

Brattleboro School Bond Issue Results

“Article 4: Shall general obligation bonds or notes of the Brattleboro Town School District in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($350,000), subject to reduction from future state and federal grants-in-aid and the application of future reserves, payable over a term not to exceed ten (10) years, be issued for the purpose of making heating system improvements to the Green Street School, the estimated cost of such improvements being Nine Hundred Forty-Six Thousand Dollars ($946,000)? This article shall be voted upon by Australian ballot.”  

Library Renovations Complete!

Dear Library Community,
Thank you so much for your patience during the remodeling project downstairs! We know that being closed for a week was tough, and a big adjustment, and we appreciate that. On Monday morning we will be open for business as usual at 10 am. Come and see our new, spacious layout!

Selectboard Meeting Notes – Water Treatment Expenses Could Top $10 Million, Local Compost Continues

Despite Dick DeGray’s call to freeze rates at current levels, utility rates will remain unchanged while the Town conducts some engineering studies to see how many millions, exactly, will be required to upgrade Brattleboro’s water treatment and water mains. Very preliminary estimates put combined upgrades at over $10 million, and the engineering studies will deterimine actual requirements and costs.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – March 21, 2017

It’s the final regular Brattleboro Selectboard meeting before Representative Town Meeting, and before the newly-elected members are sworn-in. The current board is still keeping busy, though, with an agenda that includes financial reports, facilities updates, a compost agreement, utility rates, renewable energy proposals, grants, loans, and assignment of duties.