IAmAVermonter.org Begins Statewide Expansion

Brattleboro In an effort to answer quality of life questions people of color may have regarding a relocation to Vermont, Vermont Partnership for Fairness & Diversity has redesigned www.IAmAvermonter.org to capture the experiences of Vermonters of color throughout the Green Mountains.

I-91 Brattleboro Bridge Replacement Project Update: Week of May 8th

All traffic (northbound and southbound) has been shifted onto the new bridge structure! Southbound traffic will be limited to one 12’ wide lane as construction activities continue for the southbound roadway.
Single lane and shoulder closures for northbound traffic throughout the project limits will be installed as needed for construction activities. Please follow advanced warning signs.

Environmental Justice and Nuclear Waste: The Road from Vermont Yankee to Texas

Do you know where our Vermont Yankee nuclear waste goes? Although the nuclear industry and federal government committed to create a solution for high-level nuclear waste disposal, no acceptable solution exists. The sites targeted for “disposal”, like Andrews County, Texas (interim storage site) and Yucca Mountain (permanent storage site) pits nuclear communities against each other; reactor communities fear inadequate storage casks, lack of onsite protections and abandonment of high level nuclear waste.  Communities targeted for nuclear waste disposal don’t want dangerous nuclear waste in their backyard, particularly given the abysmal record of leaks and inadequate environmental protections.  Waste communities face unconscionable choices – short-term economic survival or long-term health and safety.

Brattleboro Selectboard Agenda and Notes – May 2, 2017

At their first regular meeting in May, the Brattleboro Selectboard will adopt a “Resolution for Compassion in Brattleboro,” and discuss diversity of Town staff. There will be a presentation by VTrans on reconstructing Putney Road, a pumper-rescue truck will be purchased, paving will be approved, an Energy Coordinator will be appointed, and another $70,000 in grant applications for for the Brattleboro skatepark will be pursued.

73 Main Street Fire Press Release

Date: April 27, 2017
Nature of call: Smoke coming from the back of the building
Address: 73 Main St
Time of Call: 8:29am
Type of Building: Mixed occupancy commercial
Number of Residents: 11 apartments
Number of Alarms and Times: 2nd alarm–8:36am/3rd alarm–8:53am Under Control: 9:21am
Injuries: No
Fatalities: No

At Sea

Recently I was greeted in town by someone, somewhat familiar, and in connection with the skatepark. It was an awkwardish moment, maybe I’m reading into it.