Found 1 Cell Phone on Western Ave

Found on Western Ave near the Dim Sum place.At about 1:30pm Saturday 3/22/25
No damage. I doubt it was in the road very long.
Turned into the Fire House downtown. They told me they would be giving it to the Brattleboro Police.
Good luck.

Support Voices and Choices

Since 1998, Green Mountain Self Advocates has hosted the Voices and Choices Conference in Vermont. This two-day conference gives self-advocates with intellectual and developmental disabilities a chance to gather with their peers from across the state and come together to shine and grow.

One self-advocate and their needed staff to attend costs about $460. The cost is prohibitive for many. This raffle helps make it possible for them to attend and supports Voices and Choices as an event. 

A Primer on Medicaid

Medicaid was signed into law in 1965 with the passing of Title XIX by then President Lyndon B. Johnson as part of the Social Security Act. Subsequently CHIP(Children’s Health Insurance Program) was created in 1997 to provide health insurance and preventive care for uninsured children. The program is jointly run by the state and federal government.

Medicaid provides medical assistance to eligible individuals and families with low incomes or other factors such as disabilities. Each state has it’s own eligibility standards. A person may be eligible for Medicaid in one state and not eligible in another. Each state also sets its own coverage of services and payment rates. A few services covered by Medicaid include: inpatient/outpatient hospital services, labs and x-rays, nursing facilities and physician services.

States are able to contract directly with providers or through an HMO(health maintenance organization) in order to arrange payment of eligible services. If you are in Vermont, this is Green Mountain Care.

Families First Giving Tuesday Fundraiser Auction

Families First in Southern Vermont is a nonprofit organization that supports close to one hundred adults and youth with developmental disabilities to live their best lives. We recently bought and moved into the historic Bordertown Farm in Brattleboro. The campus now holds our programming, service coordination, nurses, administrative offices, and Banyan House, our residential program for DCF-engaged youth.

Unfortunately, the building flooded shortly after we moved in, damaging our programming spaces and offices and displacing us for months. We’re currently making repairs. While making these repairs, we discovered the need to upgrade our heating and cooling system. To help with these costs and support our ongoing programming needs, we’re holding a Giving Tuesday Auction Fundraiser that will end on Dec. 3rd, 2024.

The “Orange Turd”

Trump had to sit there while his lawyer and the witness discussed at length what she meant in a post she had sent out about “the orange turd.” Trump’s lawyer brought it up and his own lawyer kept repeating “orange turd.” Trump’s team bringing attention to “orange turd” was a huge blunder. Watch how Daniels totally outclassed the lawyer.

Muslim Women Leaders From US In Israel On Solidarity Mission “We Are Here To Denounce What Hamas Has Done To You.”

(December 4, 2023 / JNS)
OFAKIM, Israel—A reverential silence fell on the room as the four American-Muslim women bowed their heads in prayer on Friday for the victims of the Hamas attack on Israel.

Moments earlier, the interfaith crowd in the apartment in this western Negev city, which included Muslims, Jews, a white-turbaned Sikh, a mixed Israeli family and Mayor Yitzhak Danino, stood mesmerized as the Arabic words of supplication for the Israelis murdered in the massacre were intoned.

Public Forum: Fair & Impartial Policing in Windham County with Discussion of Proposed Changes around Immigration

Join the Windham County Sheriff’s Office and the Windham County No Más Polimigra Campaign for a public discussion about proposed reforms to the Sheriff’s Fair and Impartial Policing Policy (FIPP) related to immigration status. The meeting will take place on September 12 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. via Zoom.

The forum will include brief presentations about the FIPP, the proposed reforms, and the perspectives of the Sheriff’s Office and the No Más Polimigra campaign about these proposals. Following those presentations, residents of Windham County will be invited to participate with questions or comments. Moderators will be Betsy Williams and Debbie Lynangale.

New Program at Youth Services Offers Community Conflict Support for All Ages

Have a conflict with a neighbor? Looking for restorative practices training for your group or business? Youth Services is pleased to announce a new restorative practices program, Circle Up, to provide community conflict support through circle facilitation and training in restorative practices, starting next month.

In 2021, the Brattleboro Community Justice Center merged with Youth Services’ Restorative Justice programs. “Over the years we frequently received requests for these kinds of services, but haven’t had enough staff to respond to most of them,” explained Mel Motel, formerly the  Brattleboro Community Justice Center Executive Director and now co-director of Youth Services’ Restorative Justice programs.

“We’re excited to finally be able to offer this new program, with a seasoned staff member taking on the role, at a time when community members are still navigating the stresses and tensions heightened by the pandemic with fewer resources,” Motel explained.

GunSense Vermont Celebrates First Recipient Of Its Leadership & Courage Award At The Brattleboro Museum & Art Center; Guest Speaker: U.S. Representative Becca Balint

BRATTLEBORO, VT—August 28, 2023— GunSense Vermont, the leading non-profit, non-partisan advocacy organization for common-sense gun safety measures, will host a public reception to award the inaugural “Leadership & Courage Award” to Brattleboro resident and author Ann Braden who founded GunSense Vermont following the Sandy Hook shooting in 2012. The event will take place at the Brattleboro Museum & Art Center on Wednesday, September 6 at 6:00 p.m.

Conor Casey, Executive Director, GunSense Vermont says, “Ann Braden’s dedication has been instrumental in propelling GunSense Vermont’s mission forward and advocating for the safety and well-being of our community. As founder, she has been a driving force in shaping the organization’s mission and fostering its impact on reducing gun violence. There is no one more deserving of GunSense Vermont’s inaugural “Leadership & Courage Award” than Ann.”

McNeill’s Memorial Party

A celebration of Ray McNeill and his brewery will take place a week from today, Saturday December 17th, at the Stone Church, 210 Main St. from 1 to 3 pm. Doors will open at noon.

There will be tributes and relics. There may be some special goods available- a McNeill’s beer brewed for this occasion, and classic tie-dyed McNeill’s T-shirts may appear as well. Bring your stories, songs, laughter. As Eve said, “Let’s make this epic!”

Last Shopping Day at Swap Shop

LAST SHOPPING DAY  at Swap Shop for this season at WSWMD on Old Ferry Road, Brattleboro on Saturday, November 19, 8:30 am to noon. ALL ITEMS ARE FREE.   Come do your Christmas shopping.

Shopping Days- Enter through the back gate, park in the usual parking area, shop and then exit through the main gate

Make the Best Decisions on Saturday Oct. 22, 2022 at 10 PM

I rarely make astrological predictions, but I was looking for a new subject to make a new youtube video, and my brain is stuck. At the moment, Oct. 21, 2022 the moon is in Virgo. Virgo is too analytical, I need to let my mind flow freely.

Good news is that tomorrow, Saturday night Oct. 22, 2022 at (ten) 10 P.M. there are four positions all in Libra, which is rare, and brings a fresh breeze of thought to the mind. But, it only lasts for a moment!

Overturning Roe v. Wade – Some of the Dissent

I did a quick read through of the dissent in today’s decision and they don’t mince words. Here are a few highlights to get you going…


The first problem with the majority’s account comes from JUSTICE THOMAS’s concurrence—which makes clear he is not with the program. In saying that nothing in today’s opinion casts doubt on non-abortion precedents, JUSTICE THOMAS explains, he means only that they are not at issue in this very case. See ante, at 7 (“[T]his case does not pre- sent the opportunity to reject” those precedents). But he lets us know what he wants to do when they are. “[I]n future cases,” he says, “we should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.” Ante, at 3; see also supra, at 25, and n. 6. And when we reconsider them? Then “we have a duty” to “overrul[e] these demonstrably erroneous deci- sions.” Ante, at 3. So at least one Justice is planning to use the ticket of today’s decision again and again and again.

VTrans Issues Traffic Alert For Route 9 Between Brattleboro and Wilmington


Wilmington-Brattleboro VT-9 Resurfacing Project

DATE: Thursday, June 9, 2022 

TRAFFIC IMPACT AND DURATION: Due to heavy rain causing unfavorable roadway conditions, motorists are advised to travel with caution along Vermont Route 9 between Wilmington and Brattleboro. Crews are on site working to minimize impacts to travelers.

Shopping at Swap Shop on May 7th

SHOPPING ONLY DAY at Swap Shop at WSWMD on Old Ferry Road, Brattleboro on Saturday, May 7, 8:30 am to noon. ALL ITEMS ARE FREE.   Photos of some available items are posted on Facebook’s Brattleboro, Vermont group page.

Shopping Days- 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month
Donation Days- 2nd & 4th Saturdays of the month

National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day Vigil

Dec. 21, the Winter Solstice, is National Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day. The Vermont Workers’ Center, in solidarity with the National Union of the Homeless, will be holding a vigil on the Brattleboro Common starting at 4 PM. This is one of a series of vigils being held across the country remembering those we’ve lost in the streets and in the struggle. There will be an opportunity to lift up individuals who participants wish to remember, and also for people to share experiences with homelessness or other ways the housing crisis has affected them and people they care about. We also welcome people to join in support of our community members who are struggling with homelessness and housing precarity.


Useless Trivia Dept.

Nottingham, England (pronounced “Nottingum”) was originally named “Snotingham” in honor of its founder, a Saxon chieftain named Snot. (You can’t make this stuff up).