An Intriguing Way to Encourage Local Spending – Property Tax Credit for Dollars Spent Locally by Residents

With recent discussion here about how to keep local dollars in Brattleboro, I’m hoping someone here in Brattleboro might read about this exciting option and run with it!  Apparently this program incents residents to shop locally at participating businesses who provide % credit for purchases (via a card), which is then applied to the purchaser’s property tax bill (renters receive a yearly rebate check instead.)  The program is a win-win — local businesses get increased patronage, residents are rewarded for shopping locally, and as I understand it, the decrease in town revenue from the property tax credit is directly offset by the increase in taxes paid by healthy, thriving local businesses.

Another Loss for Brattleboro – Adivasi

I was saddened to hear that ADIVASI will be closing it’s beautiful store on Flat Street. It hs always been a favorite place of mine to pick up an unusual gift or a beautiful tablecloth while supporting independent artisans. This is a huge loss for our town. I wish the family well.

Farmers’ Market Seeks New Members

The Brattleboro Area Farmers’ Market is looking for applications from people who grow and/or create their own high-quality products, especially those working with local ingredients/materials, to bring variety to the Market’s offerings.

You must and reside and produce in Windham or Cheshire

The Farmer’s Market is not-for-profit, membership organization located on Route 9  on Saturdays  for 26
consecutive weeks, May through October, 9am – 2pm. The Wednesday Market runs 20 consecutive weeks, June through October, 10am – 2pm.

Grace Cottage Hospital To Lay-Off 10% Of Staff

Just heard this story on the radio. Many Hospitals are “running in the red” due to Medicare reimbursements. I’m concerned about the future of healthcare once Obamacare really kicks in. Could this be another example of unintended consequences?

Brattleboro Area Farmers’ Market Seeks New Members

The Brattleboro Area Farmers’ Market is now accepting applications for new members to vend their products at the Saturday and/or Wednesday Markets. The Farmers’ Market is the region’s largest and oldest open-air Market and supports local agriculture, prepared foods and crafts. The Market features over 50 diverse vendors from the local area and attracts thousands of visitors annually.

The Brattleboro Area Farmers’ Market is a not-for-profit, membership organization and welcomes applications from those who grow and/or create their own high-quality products, especially those working with local ingredients/materials to bring variety to the Market’s offerings.

Small Business Slump Continues

In case you were wondering, the economy really did slow down again last summer.  A spike of business failures in July led to a cooling trend in August, and by September there was a discernible chill in the air.  Nowhere was this so keenly felt as in small business.

Dun & Bradstreet’s Small Business Health Index Report documents this new wave of recession in typically bland terms, but the numbers say what thousands of small business owners cannot — the second half of 2012 (and continuing into the current quarter of 2013) stunk for small business.