I Got Booted Out of Facebook and Instagram
Does anyone else have trouble logging into Facebook and/or Instagram?
Living story sections
Does anyone else have trouble logging into Facebook and/or Instagram?
Mar 4 Chicken w/Tomato, Mushroom & Onion Gravy
Mashed Potato
Green Beans
Tropical Fruit
I went out on a date this week, if you can call it that. All it was really was dinner. We knew each other quite well, and both of us had the taste for a certain cuisine from a very popular place. It was bound to be crowded at the dinner hour, we knew it would be. And it was. But nonetheless, we were game.
This establishment has a particular and rigid system in place regarding ordering. One line at a counter. For everything. To pick up take out. To eat in. Get a beverage. Whatever. A single line that delivers customers to the register one at a time like a gum-ball machine. You line up and wait your turn. No wiggle room to the method. There are tables, but no table service. Servers bring the carefully prepared items over to you when ready, but the only way to obtain food is to place and pay for an order when it comes your turn.
This brings me to the point of all this. The other night, on our “date”, I went up to order for us and it’d be fair to say there were half a dozen or so people ahead of me. Suddenly, a guy sidles up to the counter, we could all see it coming, and it wasn’t made any better by the fact he had his AirPods in, but anyway, he leans in- well, first he shut his music, angles in and then says, to all of us, “I placed my order before and got served already but forgot something, would you mind if I just slip in and add a little something?”
The town has waged a legal campaign against BCS for its emergency homeless shelters in RVs for a year now. Their charges are based on rumors and technicalities.
They can win only by their legal power. At our “trial” February 21, 2023 selectwoman Elizabeth McLoughlin objected to the chairperson referring to the housing emergency. She said BCS (Daims) was the only one declaring it that. BTW the housing crisis was already a national issue. The only deniers were on the Brattleboro selectboard. (The selectboard is the health board).
Feb 26 BBQ Pulled Pork
Baked Beans
French Fries
For 50 years our country gave women the right to control their bodies when it came to the decision to terminate a pregnancy. The Supreme Court took that away in June of 2022. The result of their ruling is that states now have the ability to ban abortions and at least 24 states have done so with a variety of time restrictions.
Many voters will still have this issue in mind in November and it is important for all of us to find out where candidates stand on this issue. Some states, like Vermont, quickly passed legislation to give a woman the right to choose and that means that women at least can try to go to states without abortion bans when they need the procedure.
Feb 20 Breaded Chicken Fingers w/Duck Sauce
Home Fries
Green Beans
Mandarin Oranges
Brattleboro, Vermont (February 18, 2024) – The 102nd Harris Hill Ski Jumping competition came to a close this afternoon, with the Fred Harris Memorial Tournament, in Brattleboro, Vermont.
The jumper who wins the Fred Harris Memorial Tournament three times retires the famed Winged Trophy, unique to Harris Hill Ski Jumping. Today’s winner in the Men’s Open class was Uhr Rosar (SLO) with a jump of 98 meters. On the women’s side, the Open class was won by Nejka Zupancic (SLO). Additional winners of the day include Max Fey(USA) for Men’s U16, Jack Kroll (USA) for Men’s U20 and Ole Henning Holt (NOR) for the Masters division.
Brattleboro, Vermont (February 17, 2024) – The first day competition of the 2024 Harris Hill Ski Jump successfully concluded after a roaring crowd came to support 33 male and female ski jumpers from around the world. With temperatures in the low 30s and skies that displayed typical New England weather including puffy clouds, snow squalls and sun, organizers estimated approximately 3,000 fans were in attendance at today’s competition. The weekend officially kicked off last night with Harris Hill’s first ever night Target Jump competition under the lights. This is the 102nd year of ski jumping at Harris Hill.
Have you been cut off of Medicaid?
Are you at risk of losing it?
Is your healthcare unaffordable?
Are you dealing with medical debt?
Are you unable to access the care you need?
Join local members of the Vermont Workers’ Center at a Health Justice Jam from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on Feb. 21 in the Centre Congregational Church parlor. There will be opportunities for people to share their experiences with the healthcare system and to participate in a discussion about how we can work for a system in which everyone is able to enjoy the human right to healthcare. We’ll have information about current legislation that proposes to expand access to Medicaid and Medicare Savings Programs.
Luckily, Vermont is mostly protected from the inhumane harm that can be done when for-profit health care entities decide to leave a community because they can’t make enough money. Sadly, there is another story playing out in Massachusetts in a way that may do a lot of harm to a lot of people.
Steward Health Care operates nine hospitals in Massachusetts. Many of them are hospitals that have served their local community for a long time. If they close because of current financial troubles, it would create hardship for thousands of people and leave them scrambling to find health care providers as well as having to drive long distances to get to emergency rooms and doctors’ offices.
This country has embraced the notion that health care should be just another commodity from which profit should be extracted. After all, it would be unamerican for a business not to be able to extract profit while trying to manipulate market forces to its advantage. That is the American way.
WHAT: The Harris Hill Ski Jump, the only Olympic sized ski jump in New England, is celebrating its 102nd year this weekend, February 16-18, 2024 in Brattleboro, Vermont.
On Friday, February 16, Harris Hill Ski Jump will host a Friday night target jump competition featuring athletes from the weekend’s lineup of international competitors. The event is FREE and a thank you to the greater Brattleboro community for its continued support of the annual ski jumping event. Live announcing and some limited hot drinks will be available for sale for Friday.
We often hear advice, ward off dementia by staying mentally active. Learn a language, pick up a new instrument, take up a puzzle routine. Having recently lost a family member to that disease, and now being much more aware of its prevalence, (seemingly more and more-so) I’ve come to question that prescription. Not that mental engagement isn’t worthwhile for many other reasons, but as deterrent to the mysterious disintegration of the mind in these diseases I have my doubts.
Off the top of my head, a quick look at some well known people who were brilliant in life and succumbed to dementia. Saul Bellow- Nobel winning novelist (and part-time Brattleboro resident), Terry Jones- Monty Python director/writer/actor, Gene Wilder- writer of books, Young Frankenstein, and actor in many classic films, Ronald Reagan, Joanne Woodward, Bruce Willis, Rosa Parks, Robin Williams…the list goes on.
Brattleboro Area Hospice will be offering a new program that will help to support people with a recently diagnosed, serious but treatable illness.
This is a wonderful opportunity to work with clients who are learning to live and thrive while they adjust to the changes that a serious illness brings.
We need volunteers in place before we can launch!
Feb 5 Chicken Alfredo
Capri Blend Vegetables
Peas & Carrots
Apple Sauce
Here’s the February 2024 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them. Scroll down the new comments for the latest.
VT, NH and MA do weekly updates, near the end of the week, so we update on Fridays usually. All three have changed their dashboards since the start, so it is now tough to easily compare how things have changed. Variant updates are every two weeks.
blender, I use a cheap Hamilton Beach item I got on amazon for about $25
4 medium sized bananas
1 heaping tablespoon wheat germ (on the lowest shelf @Market32)
1 cup Stonyfield vanilla yogurt
1 cup orange juice
1 cup milk
drizzle with honey
Should we continue to remind people of what an evil, manipulating and dangerous sociopath Donald Trump is? His followers will never accept any form of truth and the rest of us are living in fear of him becoming President again.
I was reminded of the statement by German Lutheran pastor Martin Niemoller. At first he sympathized with many of the ideas in Nazi Germany, but when Hitler came to power he became a critic and ended up in prison. His words are as relevant today as they were in Nazi Germany.
“First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Annual Brattleboro dog and wolf-hybrid licenses are available for the 2024 licensing period. All current dog owners will be mailed a renewal notice in early February. To renew an existing dog license, return your payment and renewal notice with updated rabies vaccine information by April 1, 2024.
The Connecticut River Joint Commissions (CRJC) is pleased to announce that it has received a $35,000 grant through the State of Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Department of Environmental Conservation. This grant funds CRJC’s work program for November 2023 to October 2024. Additional funding is provided by New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services.
These funds will allow the CRJC to continue its emphasis on the grassroots, locally focused work of its five local river subcommittees and the broader implementation of its river management plan. The CRJC focuses on the key issues facing the Connecticut River watershed of Vermont and New Hampshire and plays the vital bi-state role of convening, catalyzing, and leading dialogue on these regional issues.