Pot Holes, Mud Ruts

Blow outs. Mire. Oncoming. Cyclists. Many the hazards. Jerk the wheel. A bent rim. Muffler shot. Slalom run. Swerve, sway, swing.  

Mind you these are split second decisions we’re discussing. What Would A Self Driving Car Do?  Here is my workable strategy for negotiating mud- charge the ridges, go, keep going, ride the humps, steer like baby chimp with a rattle. Bit of gas is our friend.  Some bogs better not to enter.

The Culture Wars Escalate

When the composition of the Supreme Court moved to the right religious fundamentalists and all kinds of right wing zealots felt empowered to reshape the world into their image of correctness. Abortion is now more difficult to obtain and all kinds of personal assaults on freedom, mostly on women, are taking place.

It would seem reasonable to think that humans would evolve in a more enlightened direction as time passes. But there is a significant segment of the population that has gained control of the political agenda and figured out how to give an inordinate amount of power to the minority.

One of the more deadly attacks by the right has been on the LGBTQ community. According to an NBC news report, “More than 100 bills targeting LGBTQ rights and queer life — from transgender health care to drag shows — have been filed in 22 states for 2023 so far, leading advocates to expect this year will set a new record for anti-LGBTQ legislation.

Brattleboro Dog and Wolf-Hybrid Licenses Are Due

Brattleboro dog and wolf-hybrid licenses are due on or before April 1 (because April 1 falls on a Saturday, this is extended through April 3, 2023) for animals 6 months of age and older.  For dogs not previously licensed in Brattleboro, a new dog license application form is available on thewww.brattleboro.org website; go to Departments; Town Clerk; on the right-hand side bar is a section on Dogs.  From that page on the right side bar look at Licensing a New Dog.   Licenses being renewed may be processed in the Town Clerk’s office (in-person or by using the drop box in the Municipal Center parking lot), through the mail or paid online at www.brattleboro.org.  

Forum for District 3 Residents on Town Issues Prior to Representative Town Meeting

In an effort to help Brattleboro Representative Town Meeting members better represent their constituents in District 3, there will be a public forum for District 3 residents at 3 pm on Sunday March 19 in the Parlor of the Centre Congregational Church, 193 Main Street. This citizens’ forum is intended to allow people who live in District 3 to express their concerns and to ask questions about Town issues in advance of the RTM meeting on March 25. RTM members from District 3 are being encouraged to attend to hear from their neighbors.

The warning for RTM which lists the articles on which RTM members will vote starts are page 8 of the Town Report which is located on the right side of the brattleboro.org website. Just below that is a link to the Finance Committee’s report on the FY 2024 budget (and in the third paragraph of that report there is a link to the Committee’s guide for understanding how the Town budgets).

Beautiful Jonas Fricke

Beautiful dean Jonas we are all blessed by your love, creativity, friendship, joy of life. We send our love to his family and all. As we celebrate this beautiful noble spirit.

Learn About Native Bees

On Monday, March 13, at 7 PM at Brooks Memorial Library, the Brattleboro Garden Club will host a free presentation given by Aliza Fassler, a graduate researcher at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst, on native bees.

Come to learn about where do bees go in winter; how to distinguish a bee from a wasp or a native bee from a honey bee and which native bee species might be in your yard.  In North America there are approximately 4,000 species of wild bees that are critical for pollinating plants in our forests, gardens and fields. Learn about the diversity of bee species in New England and how to help them in your yards and gardens.

Another Drug Company Hustle

On the surface it looks like an amazing step forward. Eli Lilly, one of the major producers of insulin, (among the three companies that control 90% of the insulin market)1 announced that it is lowering the cost of some of its older insulin products by 70%. It was a shrewd and coldly calculated move to make the company look good in the public eye and fend off the inevitable mandates that the U.S. government is working to implement.

Recently, legislation was passed to cap the price of insulin at $35 a month for people enrolled in the Medicare D program. Democrats tried to get the bill to apply to all Americans but their efforts were stymied by the pharmaceutical lobby that owns more politicians than most other businesses.

Eli Lilly knows that it is just a matter of time before new laws are enacted to lower insulin prices across the board so they made a pre-emptive strike in the insulin wars. According to the New York Times, “Lilly trumpeted its decision as a victory for patients. In reality, though, Lilly’s moves are more limited than they initially appear. Lilly’s existing $35 cap on out-of-pocket payments will be easier for privately insured patients to take advantage of.

Brattleboro and VT COVID-19 Regional Dashboard Summary – March 2023

Here’s the March 2023 dashboard summary. We continue semi-regular COVID-19 dashboard numbers from the Vermont Department of Health, and MA and NH counties that surround Brattleboro, as long as they continue providing them.  Scroll down the new comments for the latest.

VT, NH, and MA all seem to be doing weekly updates now, near the end of the week.

Author Matt Whalan Presenting On Homelessness

For those who were not already aware of it, Brattleboro resident and author Matt Whalan will be among two speakers at an event on homelessness held at Kellogg Hubbard Library in Montpelier this evening at 6:30 PM and aired live by ORCA Media (via YouTube):

COVID Vigilance Needed for Those Over 65

The hypervigilance phase of the COVID pandemic is over but the disease will, most likely, never go away. That’s not earth shattering news but many of us, especially people over 65, should be mindful of the disease and protect ourselves as much as we can. New variants pop up and each one seems to be more communicable than the next.

The fact that a significant number of people have had COVID and have been vaccinated makes casual transmission less likely, but the threat will always be there. Consider these statistics from the CDC.

Every week over 260,000 people contract COVID, over 2000 people die from COVID in the U.S. every week and 3500 people a day are in the hospital because of COVID.

Harris Hill Ski Jump Sunday Results

Good afternoon, the Harris Hill Ski Jump 101st addition has wrapped up, to much success. Today’s Fred Harris memorial tournament results are attached, the winner of the event was Slovenia’s Ozbej Kotnik.

Thank you for your continued interest and support of Harris Hill Ski Jump.

Harris Hill Ski Jump Saturday Results


RESULTS are attached from today’s Pepsi Challenge at Harris Hill Ski Jump, February 18, 2023.

Vermont Governor Phil Scott attended today’s jump and gave welcome remarks to fans and athletes.
The final Target Jump at the end of the day (which is a fun competition) had a three way tie with jumps at 93M each. In the end, Slovenia’s Vid Vrhovnik took home the win.

Medicaid & Health Resource Drop-In Hours

In Dec. 2022, Congress voted to eliminate the extra federal funding and requirement that states keep people on Medicaid. Vermont will be starting Medicaid redeterminations on April 1. According to the Urban Institute’s projections, up to 29,000 Vermont Medicaid recipients could be affected.

The Vermont Workers’ Center is hosting an informational session in the Meeting Room at the Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro on Feb. 22 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. All are welcome to stop in to find out whether they will be affected, what their rights are in this process, and how to be sure that they aren’t cut off for bureaucratic reasons. People who are not on Medicaid and have questions about health care access are also welcome, as there will be other health care resources available. For more information, email windham@workerscenter.org.