Get Great Coffee as a Reward for Helping African Farmers Get Organic Certification.

A donation for as little as $7 can make a difference, and yes, you get a cafe drink as a reward. It really is that easy.

Mocha Joe’s has helped more than 50 farmers get organic certification.(To make the program sustainable they need to certify many more.)

Mocha Joe’s is also helping to set up a fund so that the farmers can avoid taking out loans at rates that are as high as 200%. How? By funding the local credit union. Every dollar we raise, helps create that fund, and help the farmers join the credit union. 

First Area Sugar on Snow Supper This Saturday in Guilford


Broad Brook Grange’s annual Sugar on Snow Supper will be held Saturday, March 1, at the Grange hall in Guilford Center. Always the first sugar supper of the season in Windham County, the meal features ham, baked beans, deviled eggs, cole slaw, potato salad, rolls, pickles, homemade donuts, and Guilford maple sugar on snow.

This is always the first such supper of the sugaring season here in Windham County, with about one per weekend at other venues after this.  

There will be three seatings: at 5:00, 6:00 and 7:00 pm.  At each seating, a half-gallon of Guilford maple syrup will be raffled. Phone in your reservation soon!

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of Feb. 22nd

This week’s listings, arranged in geomorphic layers:

Food Prep for weight Loss
Need haircut
Help Install Interior 2-Way Cat Flap Door
Drip, Drip, Drip! – help dealing with a leaky ceiling and falling plaster
Baked Goods Needed For Fundraising Table at CSA/Gardening Event
Homemade Salad Dressing
Help Shopping for Health Insurance

Train Your Brain!

Where are my keys?  What is that person’s name?  Why did I come into this room?

Sound familiar?  Want to do something about it?

The latest brain research has reached such popular publications as National Geographic and AARP Magazine.  It has scientifically revealed that our mind-body connections can have a positive influence on our memory.  The faculty at Brattleboro-based NEPNI (the Northeast Psycho-Neuro-Immunology Institute) has extensively explored much of this evidence-based brain research and wants to share it with you.

Center for Cardiovascular Health at BMH In Conjunction With Rescue, Inc. To Offer Rapid CPR

To raise awareness among local women that heart disease is their #1 health threat, the at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital, in conjunction with Rescue, Inc. today announces free Rapid CPR training.

. representatives will be onsite in the lobby of the Richards Building at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, February 19 and 26, from 12:00 – 1:00 PM.

Rapid CPR, also known as hands only CPR, skips the “mouth to mouth” breathing, relying on rapid chest compressions instead, which has been proven to be as effective as regular CPR until help arrives. Rescue, Inc. will be onsite with mannequins to provide this training free of charge. No registration is required.

Honey, There’s a Bobcat Stuck in the Window…

I couldn’t resist sharing this-

Leanne Kalabis, who lives in Nelson, British Columbia, was quite surprised to come home and find a bobcat in her basement. The poor, confused animal probably got in because a door was blown open while she was out. Once in, though, it couldn’t find a way to get out again, and became agitated, lunging at a window…”Initially I just saw the front of its face and thought, ‘oh, it’s just someone’s cat,’ but then I saw the rest of it,”

Rest of story here:

Paid Sick Days are a Vermont Value

By David Van Deusen*

We, in each of our towns, and throughout Vermont are, together, a community. As Town Meeting approaches, I trust that all of us, regardless of your particular political persuasion, agree. And as a community we do well to agree that one does well, when one’s neighbor does well. This commitment to our friends, family, and fellow residents is old one. When the Green Mountain Boys evicted New York land surveyors, tax collectors, and sheriffs, I do not doubt that they too were motivated by this notion of self-preservation as inalienably linked to community; Freedom and Unity. More recently, we saw this belief manifest during the crisis following Irene. Such acts of human solidarity will never be forgotten. In essence Vermont has a long and proud history of people reaching out in solidarity when their neighbors could use a hand. We are, in a word, a people who embrace and honor the core value associated with the very notion of community as the foundation upon which rests the prosperity of the individual.

Center for Cardiovascular Health at BMH to Host Red Dress Event

To raise awareness among local women that heart disease is their #1 health threat, the Center for Cardiovascular Health at Brattleboro Memorial Hospital announces it will host a Red Dress breakfast with Phaedra McDonough, APRN. The breakfast is free of charge.

The breakfast will occur on Wednesday, February 26, starting at 7:15 AM in the Brew Barry Conference Center. Phaedra will discuss the risk factors for women’s heart disease, symptoms and what women can do to prevent or reduce their risk of a heart attack. There will be time for questions to follow.

Got Tweens & Teens? Free Parenting Teens Wisely Class – March 3rd

Do you want to learn how to problem-solve with your teen, encourage cooperation, how to listen and be heard, and to develop fair and effective discipline skills? On Monday, March 3rd from 6 to 9 PM a FREE
Parenting Teens Wisely
class will be offered by the Brattleboro Area Prevention Coalition at the Marlboro College Graduate Center in Brattleboro.

This free 3-hour workshop teaches parents skills and techniques to help them better understand and deal with their children ages 10 to 19.

Strolling of the Heifers Launches 2014 Culinary Competition: Bread Pudding!

Amateur and professional chefs, tie on your aprons! It’s time to gear up for the Stroll’s annual culinary competition, this year featuring that good old-fashioned comfort food, bread pudding!

Now’s the time to start perfecting your bread pudding recipe, whether it’s a family heirloom handed down from your great-grandmother, or something you dreamed up and perfected yourself, and get it ready to enter in the Strolling of the Heifers Great New England Bread Pudding Bake-Off.

This year’s event will showcase bread pudding as an easy, economical and delicious dessert, and as a healthy alternative to processed commercial desserts. Contest finals will happen at the Stroll’s new home at the Robert H. Gibson River Garden, downtown Brattleboro.

GMCFit is having a Membership Drive during February.

Green Mountain Community Fitness is the perfect place for small group trainings in downtown Brattleboro at 80 Flat St.

Start a new membership during February and your first month is only $75 (a savings of $50).

GMCFit offers a variety of trainings including Boot Camp, Cardio blasting INSANITY, BEAST Boot Camp, P90X, POWER Pilates, and Zumba.

Nutritional Couseling and personal training sessions are also available.

All levels are welcome. Are you ready for a change?!?

Strength • Wellness • Community

Zero Energy Homes Presentation

Interested in home energy efficiency? A net Zero Energy Home is one that generates as much renewable energy as it uses. Existing homes can become Zero Energy Homes with recent innovations in heating systems and cost-competitive renewable energy options. Efficiency Vermont’s Li Ling Young will talk about this year’s pilot program to support Zero Energy Homes. For many homes, investing in radical efficiency and a renewable energy system is the most economical way to operate the home. If you have been waiting for a chance to do something about your home energy use, the time is now. Take advantage of Efficiency Vermont’s expertise to make your home what all homes should be: gracious guests on planet Earth.

Today We Fight Back

You may have noticed a new banner at the bottom of the page. Today, we’re using the site to help protest NSA spying on innocent Americans, weakening of encryption standards, being generally creepy without oversight, and making the internet less fun and less useful. It’s all a part of a day of action to let legislators know that they should work on reforms. You are invited and encouraged to participate.

Brattleboro Time Trade Listings – Week of Feb. 8th

The Brattleboro Time Trade and iBrattleboro are exploring ways to advertise BTT members’ services & goods regularly on the iBratt website. We will start by simply submitting recent offers & requests as a story, and see what other mechanisms unfold or get developed.

Pickup truck for moving or errands
Eco Toilet Tours
One ticket to a VJC concert
Complimentary Adult Lift Ticket to Mount Snow
Graphic Design
Repair Lamps/Appliances
Solar Energy Site Evaluation

Summer Ski Jump?

The advance weather forecasts for the mid-February ski jump look good. More snow, perhaps, comes later in the week.

I was reading minutes of old Selectboard meetings from the 1950’s and noticed a mention of permission being granted for a banner to be hung advertising the Summer Ski Jump.

What was the Summer Ski Jump and why don’t we do it nowadays?